
The Trending TNW And The Dream Girl

In real world

-- Ganeium Corporation --

"Dr. Kyouma there are already three players successfully obtained legendary skills and there are also three players on going for a legendary skills too. " One of the scientist said.

"What skills they have obtained including those three players who still on the quest?" Dr. Kyouma causally ask.

"The first player obtain a passive skills named multicast. It's hard to train but it's too overpowered if he master it early on.

The second player obtain the Flash skill. A super movement skill.

This retard player is the latest one. He obtained the Eye of Foresight. One of the five legendary eye skills.".

*Pointing the dancing Arthur in the screen*

"Hahaha this fellow is quite good at dancing. He's from our country too... Nice." Dr. Kyouma reacts.

One of the scientist continue his speech "For the three on going quest.

One of them is going for the Aegis skill.

The other one is aiming for Hercules Strength skill.

And the last one is the Darkness skill." The scientist finished his speech.

"Haha that skills are really OP but... There's always a but. They can't use it early on because the mana consumption of legendary skills are high and the more high tier skills the more complexity will it become.

Am I right Terra?".

The AI Terra replies "You're right Dr. Kyouma and this events are within my predictions and calculations.".

"See nothing to worry about. By the way who's your favorite within the six players?" Dr. Kyouma ask the scientists.

He didn't wait for the answers of the scientists and he answer his own question "I like dancing boy... Arthur hah... ".

-- Returning to Arthur --

"Huu!.. That was refreshing." Arthur finished his dancing time.

"I should logout now. I had accumulated three days of TNW time for that quest... But still I didn't regret it after helping those children." Arthur reminiscing about his quest and the children he played with.

"Brother? Hello can you hear me in there? It's dinner time. Mom said she will shutdown your capsule if you don't stop playing." Rose calls him inside the game using a mic on the capsule.

"Ok ok one minute". Arthur quickly response to Rose.

"It is even dinner time. All are according to plan HUWAHAHAHA!


-- Yearwood's House --

Arthur leave the capsule and do some light stretch to reduce soreness of his body. He goes to dinning area and eat with family.

While eating dinner they also watch TV news and the topic about TNW shows up

*News Alert!*

Karen D: "Good Evening citizens! My name is Karen D."

Noli DC: "And I'm Noli DC."

Both Karen D and Noli DC: "And this is News Alert!."

Karen D: "Our topic for this evening is the new and trending VRMMORPG: The New World!

Oh my gosh Noli. This topic excites me so much. Just so you know I just played this game earlier and It's soooooo magnificent! I can't wait to login again and play."

Noli DC: "Hahaha you tell me Karen. Me too I just played the game this morning until this evening I didn't even want to come here just to play the game."

Karen D: "That's right Noli but for this news, we interviews some people who play TNW. Let's see their comments about this game."

Noli DC: "And now where going to see Brother Kim... Brother Kim can you hear me? What's the news out there?"

Kim A: "Good evening Noli, I can hear you... I have been interviewing people who play TNW everywhere. Here is the footage."


Kim A: "Good evening young man. Do you play TNW?"

Interviewee One: Yes sir I played it earlier. It's so good... No one can replace TNW forever.

Kim A: "Wow that's one hell of a positive review."


*Next Interviewee*

Kim A: "You looks like a player of TNW. How was it in game?"

Interviewee Two: "Dude! It is awesome!.. There are already three players who obtained legendary skills. So epic!"

Kim A: "Haha that's right. I'm already there when world announcement showed up."

Interviewee Two: "That's right dude! We even have one here in our country. I wonder who is that dude? Coooooool!.."


Kim A: "As you can see Noli and Karen. All people I had interviewed are all hyped about this game. Even me I want to login immediately."

Noli DC: "Hahaha even you brother Kim."

Both Karen D and Noli DC: "Reporting in ABC-GMA. Good bye citizen."

-- Yearwood's House --

'Hohoho maybe I should stay as a mysterious man. I like it this way. Cool and mysterious man HUWAHAHAHAHA.' Arthur thinks while watching the news.


Later that evening Arthur is already at bed lying down. Think about his class to be and the hint from his dreams "Hmm... My master taught me almost everything about weapons and martial arts. Maybe there is a class that allow me to use any weapons I want.

Ohh! and the hint in my dreams... Wait is that even a dream?..

Nah nevermind. It's still a dream. What is it again?".

Arthur keeps recalling for his dream fragments related to his class until he falls asleep and return to his dream space.

He even named it dream space. Naming sense of otaku are so high.

"Yes I'm here again at my dream space! Please let me see and hear it again. The distorted scene or what you called that think is..."

Arthur keeps talking to nothingness until the scene he want shows up.

"... Balance stats."

That's the only two words he remember.

The unknown force throw him out immediately and he wakes up early in the morning.

Arthur quickly wash himself up and do his routine. The Saitama routing with additional.

While jogging on the park Arthur sees a limousine parked with it's window open and a girl looking randomly at the people walking in the park with her sad expression.

Arthur immediately return to the place where he can see the girl while still jogging. 'Whoa... What a gorgeous lady... That's my dream girl!... But why her face looks so sad?'

While Arthur is lose in his thought the limousine closes it's windows and leave the place.

Arthur stop his jog and stare at the limousine leaving 'Maybe someday we will meet again.'

He slaps his both cheeks with his both hands to fix his feelings and start to jog again.

On their home Arthur quickly eats his breakfast and enter his capsule "My five idiots friends are waiting for me in TNW I wonder what they want to say."

Arthur closes his eyes and enter the game "Sync on."

Sorry for the delay. I'll try to release two chapters today to make up for yesterday.

ThrOnE0612creators' thoughts
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