
Chapter 101: The Iron Strings.


His eyes widened.

In an instant, all the fingers in his hand had twisted from within the glove.

It wasn't just the finger which had begun twisting, but also his arms.

They twisted in such a frightening way that the sound of crunching sent a chill down even Violet's spine.

She hated using this move, but it was the only one which would get her out of this situation.

Just as she expected, the strings loosened after his arm had twisted beyond repair. Despite that however, not a single groan of pain had come out of him.

With the aid of her telekinesis she was able to undo the string completely.

But now that she was free what would she do?

She couldn't just fly up and out like last time. The thins were almost naked to the human eye.

Not to mention it was dark in the store as it was night outside.

What now? There was only one option in her eyes.

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