
I Would Love To See You Try

Kael's explanation was quite long and it left Ava's head reeling. 

"So you're telling me that I'm the reincarnation of a fairy queen that died eight hundred years ago…that she had three loyal guards who were unable to protect her…and that now the descendants of those guards have to protect me from the husband who killed her and destroyed the fairy realm?" she asked in disbelief. 

The elf nodded. "Yes. I was able to find you because of the blood bond and I assume that demon did the same…but it is surprising that a demon would be a descendant of an ally of the fairies. They do not get along very well with any other races aside from the katzkin."

Katzkin…was that why Zeldris was interested in her cat earlier? Because demons were allied with cats in his world? 

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