
Chapter 27: Lords of the North

The months had passed in what seemed like a blink since Will brought the settlers from the Stoney Shore, and Asteria was doing better than Will could have guessed.

Word had spread quickly around the North of his town/small city, and people were coming by the dozens each day.

Will was happy to fill the buildings that were currently constructed, but it was asking a bit much for the people to run the businesses that he had, and it made sense when you understood that they had no experience in such areas.

He had sent off a raven to the Iron Bank, requesting a shipwright or two, a few smiths, and people from a few other professions.

He had got word back that they were on their way, but it would still be a bit longer until they got here.

The population had gone from the measly 746 small folk from the fishing villages, to 3,756, a little over a 500% population increase.

With the increase in people, Will had been busy constructing houses, while at the same time making sure there was no one just sitting on their asses.

The people from the fishing villages were still fishing, though now they had much bigger ships with proper equipment.

Instead of the miniscule amount of fish they had gotten before, they were now getting enough fish to contend with those from the White Harbor, something that hadn't gone unnoticed by the other lords of the North.

The creation of Asteria had its ups and downs for sure, but it seemed like mostly everyone was okay with it. Of course the ones who had a problem didn't really have a leg to stand on, considering Will hadn't done anything to earn their ire, other than with Lord Glover.

When one looked at his actions, it made him out to be a saint. He created a magnificent stronghold for the north, which would allow for easy trade with other settlements on the Western coast of Westeros, he gave proper homes and better jobs for the fisherman from the Stoney Shore, a place often beset upon by the IronBorn, gave homes to people who wished to leave the Dreadfort now that it was without a lord, and his taxes were quite reasonable.

Without the Boltons being alive, the people had jumped at the chance to leave the gods forsaken place!! Apparently anyone who had tried to move away before experienced a series of unfortunate events, most likely caused by Lord Bolton himself, just never proved.

The Boltons had ruled the Dreadfort for centuries, and people feared the place would be cursed to always be ruled by vicious lords, and now that they had a moment of freedom, most people weren't willing to stick around there.

It had become somewhat of a ghost town, having less than a hundred people currently residing there, and the number was dwindling by the day.

Some had gone to White Harbor and Winterfell, but quite a few of them had made their way to Asteria. Word had spread about making a better life for yourself here, and the people from the Dreadfort wanted that more than anything.

Aside from fishing, Will used magic to make use of the fields just south of the Godswood, planting a wide array of Potatoes and a few small patches of other vegetables.

Mostly things that could handle the cold climate, and could be turned into something edible. Thanks to Dorne, Will had the recipes and prints for everything he would need to create his own Vodka and ale.

It wouldn't be enough to sell all over the world, but it would allow him to stock up Asteria, and give him an additional income in the North, which is all he really cared about.

The water-pumps in the houses were a huge success, and people were coming to Asteria just to try them out. Will was more of a fan of the bath-houses, encouraging everyone to use them as frequently as possible.

The smell of the people was about a thousand times better than Kings Landing, and that wasn't even counting the smell of the city itself.

With the sewage system in place, one would be hard-pressed to smell the shit flowing beneath the city, much to the people's relief.

Having a privy in each house was also something people found a little mind boggling, but it was something everyone had loved.

Pissing and Shitting in chamber pots just wouldn't cut it for them anymore after experiencing this, and Will could only envy their ignorance.

If they had the privilege to use modern day amenities from his old life, people might have just cried tears of joy!

People from Deepwood Motte and Bear Island came often to Asteria for trade, as well as to pass along information and gather information for themselves.

Despite not having any real connections here in the North, the people of Asteria were more informed than even Lord Stark himself, and people stopping by would try to gather as much information as they could.

Speaking of Lord Stark, Will had gotten a few ravens from the man, but he really couldn't be bothered to go to Winterfell to see him.

Lord Glover of Deepwood Motte also paid Will a visit, rather than a letter. It was something about being in his territory, regardless of the fact that he was well over a hundred miles away from him.

Of course the land didn't actually belong to House Glover, they were just the closest house to it, and they felt that gave them some sort of claim over it.

However before any fight broke out, Maege Mormont, known as the She-Bear, and the new head of House Mormont and the Lady of Bear Island, stepped in.

It had only been a few months since her nephew, Jorah Mormont fled the North and Ned Stark's wrath for having sold poachers into slavery, and she wasn't about to be mixed up in a pissing contest between Will and Lord Glover.

She hadn't met Will personally, but based on everything she had seen of his accomplishments, and the things he was doing for the North, she decided he was best left alone and went and had a talk with Lord Glover.

Will was rather curious what transpired in their discussion, because Lord Glover had come to apologize with a black eye and a busted lip, as well as walking with a serious limp on his right leg.

Will had made sure to thank Lady Maege by sending a few barrels of Vodka, 3 dozen swords, clothes, 3 spy glasses, and 1000 gold Dragons, all stashed aboard a fine ship he had gifted her as well.

He knew from a few accounts that House Mormont was not in very good shape right now, thanks to Jorah squandering what little wealth they had, and this was just to help them as well as thank them for their service.

It still wasn't enough to completely dig them out of the hole they were in, but it sure did give them a boost from where they were before.

Will's generosity wasn't completely without reason, and he was trying to make sure he had at least some allies here, rather than be alienated from the rest of the north, and he figured he was on the right path with this.

His next step would need to be meeting Lord Stark, but he wasn't really looking forward to that. I mean what was he supposed to say? 'Hey, Lord Stark, I claimed a portion of your lands for myself! Also, don't expect any taxes from me, cause you aren't going to get them!!'

Yeah, it wasn't going to go well. Especially not after the state he left some of Ned's bannerman in. A small contingent of soldiers had come to 'request' Will go with them to Winterfell a few weeks back, and when he declined they had tried using force, at least that's what they had tried to do anyway.

Will had beaten them all black and blue single-handedly, without even having to use magic, except to heal his knuckles once he was done with them.

None of them had received any permanent injury, and once they were well enough to ride, Will put them back on their horses before sending them away, telling them that if Lord Stark wanted a meeting, he knew where to find him.

I mean, why the hell would he let himself be summoned like some underling? He didn't serve Lord Stark, and it's not like he relied on him for anything.

As for keeping the lands in order, Will was doing more than he should have. He had built a road down to Torrhen's Square, and it was done better than any road the north had ever seen.

He also built a road to Deepwood Motte, then continued on towards Winterfell through the Wolfswood, only stopping when he breached the tree-line to the fields of Winterfell.

He had to build a few stone bridges along the way, widened the road a bit more, and cleared out quite a bit of brush, and the end result would allow for much easier travel, and a boost in trade.

The fisherman of Asteria frequented the route often, selling their daily haul where they could get the most money for it, and the people of the North appreciated it as well.

If anything, Lord Stark should be paying him for being here, rather than be mad about it, but Will didn't think Ned would see it that way.

Though he couldn't be sure considering he had never met the man, but that wouldn't be too much longer if his information was correct.

A fisherman had told him that Lord Stark was preparing to set out towards Asteria in two days' time, with a small number of guards.

'Maybe I should request Maege to meet him along the way and talk in my place... If she can do what she did with Lord Glover, it might be worth all the trouble.' Will thought, laughing at the idea of an old woman kicking the crap out of the Warden of the North.

Knowing he would need to prepare for Ned's arrival, Will made sure to spread the word around town, and that everyone should just keep acting just as they always had.

No fuss was needed, and everyone didn't need to stop what they were doing to bow to him. People took the news better than he thought, and to his amusement, rather than fearing for their lives, the people requested that he not kill Lord Stark.

He said he would do his best to have their meeting not end in bloodshed, then left them to do their own thing.

There was of course a small number of people who were geared up in armor, and were decked out in swords and knives, but they were mostly to keep the peace among the people than handle disputes between Lords. They might have looked like knights, but they didn't know shit about fighting.

Will preferred it this way, and he hoped they would all keep to their own and let him handle Ned



Two days had passed in what seemed like a blink of an eye. Rather than be nervous about what might transpire, the people of Asteria were actually preparing a feast in the park, a small area of grass and trees in the middle of town, which also had a small pond.

Will had fenced around it, and cleared out most of the brush around it, and placed a few tables in a small clearing so people could eat here.

The people didn't really know why their new Lord had done something like this, but they weren't about to argue with a man who could bend the world to do his bidding.

Will hadn't been against the picnic gathering, but he wasn't sure how this meeting with Ned would go, or if the people Ned brought would even be up for a picnic. Worst case scenario, the people could eat and drink while they watched Will kick the crap out of Ned.

Before long, a young boy came running up to Will, looking quite excited. "M'Lord!! Riders approaching the Eastern gate!!" The boy shouted, gathering the attention of the people around him, who were already enjoying the park.

A few men were drinking ale and playing cards, some women were knitting, while others were serving food, and the children were running around playing.

Not everyone who lived in Asteria was here in the park, as some had important duties that couldn't be ignored, while some people just didn't care, choosing to keep working to earn more coin than sit around.

After the news of approaching riders, Will waited towards the entrance of the park, wondering how this would play out.

Soon enough, he could see a large group of people riding from the eastern gate, a man looking very similar to his tv show counterpart, though he had a bit more hair on his face, sporting a cool beard out front.

Will was sitting on a chair, and he waited until everyone was only a few yards away from him before he got to his feet.

"Hello there! I take it you're Eddard Stark?!" Will said, looking the man dead in the eyes, not showing a hint of fear or worry.

"Aye! And you must be Castian! I've heard a lot about you. You're younger than I was told." Ned said, his eyes showing curiosity as he studied Will.

"No point in sitting on your horses all day. My people have prepared a picnic, and they would welcome you and your men to sit with them!" Will said, earning a quizzical look from Ned.

He had been told more than a few stories about the young man sitting in front of him, and he had been warned by over a dozen people to listen to his words carefully, and don't do anything stupid.

Based on the words Will said, a few things had caught his attention. Will had claimed the people as his. The people wanted them to feast, but not Will himself, at least it didn't sound that way. Still, there was no reason to reject the offer.

"Aye, that would be most appreciated!" Ned said, nodding to the men around him as he got off his horse. No sooner had Ned and the men with him dismounted, than a bunch of young boys ran over and took the reins to their horses before taking them to the stables.

Before Will or Ned could really say anything else, a giant of a man walked over towards them, a wide hungry smile on his face.

"I LOVE A FEAST!! THE LAD KNOWS HOW TO WELCOME HIS GUESTS!!" The big man shouted, slapping Ned on the back and almost sending him face first into the dirt.

The big man gave Will a glance, then walked past him into the park, the grin only growing as a young lady brought him a mug of Vodka, with a jug to fill it.

The big man took the jug instead, drinking it down in one breath. "You'll have to forgive Lord Umber. The GreatJon does love a feast!" Said a man who came to step beside Ned.

"As long as he doesn't eat someone, everything should be fine." Will said, turning his attention back to the GreatJon. Will was around 6 feet 2 inches tall, but The GreatJon was easily a foot taller, making Will seem tiny.

The man might not have been as tall as the Mountain, but he was built wider than a horse and moved like a shadowcat.

Will wasn't sure if he always moved like that, or if it was just for the feast, but either way, this guy wasn't someone to fuck around with. Between this guy and the Mountain, he would probably put his money on this guy.

As the men walked past him and into the park, Ned introduced them, each of them giving Will a nod before going along their way, save for the man who had spoken earlier beside Ned. His name was Jory Cassel, Ned's Guard Captain, and loyal confidant.

It was only when Ned himself moved into the park, that Jory moved as well. Will wasn't too surprised, knowing the man probably didn't trust Will with the safety of his lord.

One of the people who had arrived with Ned, was Lady Maege herself. When she was introduced to him, she had given him a once over before smiling at him.

He wasn't sure what the smile was for, but it seemed like she had her own agenda for coming here, one Will wasn't sure he wanted to know.

Lord Glover was also in attendance, but he didn't seem too thrilled at meeting Will again, even going so far as to keep his distance when he walked by.

'I wonder what Maege said to him to make him so scared of me...?' Will thought, thinking he would have to ask the old woman later if given the chance.

It didn't take long for everyone to find a table and start eating and making noise, The GreatJon being the loudest.

Ned and most of the men who came with him studied the people and the surroundings, their gazes often drifting towards Will, who looked as though he didn't have a care in the world as he wrote down a few things in a small book.

What Ned didn't know was that Will was writing out all the information on these people he could glean from watching them, their appearances, mannerisms, and their weapons.

He did remember The GreatJon from the earlier seasons of the show, but he looked completely different than what Will was expecting. Most of the lords looked somewhat like their TV show counterparts, but some looked different.

He couldn't remember Maege at all, or if it even showed her in the show, but he got her information nonetheless. The woman looked old, but Will also suspected that she was one of the more feared people here in attendance.

She also seemed to be drinking everyone but The GreatJon under the table, much to Will's surprise and enjoyment, though no one else really seemed all that phased at the sight.

'No drinking contests with Maege or The GreatJon!' Will thought as he wrote that down beside each of their descriptions.

After an hour of everyone having a good time, Will thought it was about time he finally dealt with Ned. Getting to his feet, he began to walk towards the man, though someone else met him half-way, much to Will's horror.

"THEY TELL ME YOU'RE A TOUGH LAD!! HOWS ABOUT WE SEE HOW TOUGH YOU REALLY ARE!!" The GreatJon bellowed, gathering all attention on Will and himself.

The other northern Lords looked on in curiosity, wanting to see Will's strength for themselves first hand. The people of Asteria looked a bit worried, though it was clear they weren't worried about Will himself, but rather The GreatJon.

"I'm your huckleberry!" Will said with a mocking smirk on his face, a little sad that no one would get the Doc Holiday reference.

The GreatJon took that as approval, and charged towards Will, hoping to take him down with a vicious right hook, only to meet nothing but air.

Will ducked beneath the swing, moving to the side and punching twice in quick succession, only to feel like he just punched a steel wall.

Not being deterred, Will maneuvered out of The GreatJon's reach, then got into a fighting stance, then waited.

As soon as The GreatJon moved towards him, Will grabbed hold of The GreatJon's right arm as it came barreling at him, then jumped up and wrapped his legs around the GreatJon's neck, twisting as he did so, forcing the GreatJon to fall face first to the ground.

Normally Will would have tried to break the arm or put the man into a position where he would have to give in, but he could tell from his first two punches that he didn't stand a chance in hell at restraining this man.

Leaping to his feet, Will took advantage of the GreatJon's prone position to run over and kick him in the head as hard as he could, forcing the man to roll over twice, but contrary to his hopes, the GreatJon used the momentum of his roll to get back up to his feet.

Though he did look a little delirious, he was a long ways away from being down for the count. Once again Will was beset by the half-giant, and Will could only use his much greater agility to dodge as he looked for an opening.

As he was moving about, all of the sudden some light reflected off something, blinding Will momentarily, which was all The GreatJon needed to slam his fist into Will's face, knocking him onto his ass a few feet away.

The strike felt like he was just run over by a tank, and it took a great deal of effort to get back to his feet, trying to stop the world from spinning.

Will expected the GreatJon to keep up the onslaught, but it would seem that was not the case. When he looked over, Will saw the GreatJon holding one of the men who had come here with Ned by the throat 2 feet off the ground, while 3 other men were trying to restrain him.

Apparently the GreatJon had seen Will being blinded, but he was already in full swing by the time he realized it, and had struck Will hard.

The GreatJon loved a good fight more than anything, but he didn't like people interfering in his fight, especially by blinding his opponent.

When the GreatJon finally released the man from his hold, he walked over to Will with a frown on his face.

"Sorry about that, Lad!! Didn't see the light on your eyes until it was too late!! Ya get one free one, then it's back at it!!" The GreatJon said, smiling broadly as he waited for Will to hit him.

Will really didn't want to keep fighting this guy barehanded, but he wasn't about to give in to him either. If he relied on his magic for everything, he would become something he couldn't be proud of.

From the show, he hated Daenerys at the end of the show, not because she went mad, but because she mentioned her three dragons in every fucking breath, and without them, she was absolutely nothing!

Without his magic, he might not be able to topple armies single-handedly, but he could still dominate any one-on-one battle.

Smiling back at the GreatJon, Will said, "You mean that love tap? I can do this all day!" His words puzzled everyone around him, The GreatJon as well, though he only looked puzzled for a few seconds before he smiled joyfully.

"HAHAHA!!! LET'S DO IT!!" The GreatJon roared, charging at Will once more.

For nearly 20 minutes, Will was jumping around the GreatJon, striking and kicking when he could, though it seemed like The GreatJon was picking up on some of his tactics, and had landed a few blows himself towards the end of the 20 minutes.

Will might not have been able to hit the man hard enough to knock him out, but it seemed like The GreatJon was at the end of his ropes.

Both men were breathing heavily, blood pouring from their noses, mouths, and the GreatJon's right eye. Will definitely looked to be the better of the two, but he still looked like shit.

"You... got steel, Lad!! You... win. This time!" The GreatJon said, panting pretty hard between words. "About....!! Fucking....!! TIME!!" Will shouted, completely out of breath as he pointed his right hand towards the pond.

Everyone watched as a small portion of the pond began to rise up into the air and rocket towards Will, encompassing him completely before the water began to glow.

It was the most shocking and beautiful thing anyone of the Northern Lords had ever seen, and they could only gape as they watched on, their eyes getting even wider when the water parted and Will came out, looking like he had before the fight with the GreatJon.

"Hold still." Will said softly, his gaze locked onto the GreatJon. Once again everyone watched as the pillar of water shot towards the GreatJon, glowing as it began to spin around him like a typhoon.

After a few seconds, the water rose higher into the air, shooting off back to the pond, leaving a disgruntled, but completely healed Lord Umber standing with wide eyes.

"WHAT THE-?!!" The GreatJon shouted, looking down at himself as he patted himself all over, not finding anything wrong or out of place.

All eyes suddenly locked onto Will, who was smirking towards the GreatJon. "Consider it a gift for the fun!!" Will said, letting out a laugh at the expression the GreatJon was making.

"So you do have magic!!" One of the knights standing beside Ned shouted, stirring the people up a bit. Will brushed off everyone else around him, his eyes still locked onto the GreatJon, the man seemingly asking something with his stare alone.

"I didn't use magic in our fight!" Will said, answering the unasked question. "Why?" The GreatJon asked, voicing the question this time with narrowed eyes.

"You can't test a man's mettle if he can't stand his ground with his own two fists!! Plus what fun is it to use magic for everything?!!" Will said, smiling widely at the GreatJon, who in turn was now mimicking Will's smile.

"I couldn't have said it better myself!!" The GreatJon roared, grabbing two mugs of Vodka and bringing one over to Will. Both of them downed their drinks, then started laughing.

The GreatJon smacked Will on the back, almost killing him, then walked back towards Ned. "HE'S A GOOD LAD, NED!! GOT THE NORTH IN HIM!!" The GreatJon roared, sounding as though he was declaring it for all the world to hear.

After that, things seemed to settle down quite a bit, and Will figured he could finally deal with Ned.

Walking towards the man in question, Will sat at the nearest table, gesturing for Ned to take a seat next to him.

As soon as Ned sat down, everyone with him seemed to take it as a signal and either sit beside him or stand behind him on his side of the table.

As for Will, he sat alone, looking as though he was outnumbered, but looked to be holding all of the cards.

"Alright, Lord Stark. Let me hear why you had to come all of the way here!" Will said seriously, his eyes cold now compared to the jovial spirit they held only moments ago. It unnerved a few people, but it wasn't something anyone would voice.

"I'll get right to it! You've built this place without being sanctioned by the crown, without talking to me, the Warden of the North, and without talking to the Lords nearest to the territory! This land could have been set aside for some other purpose, yet you come in and claim it like it's yours. What do you have to say for yourself?" Ned said, his eyes locked firmly onto Will.

"First of all, why should a fat drunk sitting on a stolen chair 1000 Leagues away, have any say in where I build my home? Why should you have any say in where I build my home?

As for the nearest Lords, House Glover is over a hundred miles east of here, and they are barely able to take advantage of the land they already have in use. Their walls are sticks, and they don't have the manpower to move this far west.

As for House Mormont, Bear Island is 100 miles northeast from here! They're a small house, not even capable of using a tenth of their island! Should they ever want to expand, the land to the east is closer, and better defendable from attackers. There is nothing the Lords of the North could use this land for, save for showing the other lords how big their unusable land was.

I saw it for what it could be, and I used my power to shape this place to what you see. I put in my blood sweat and tears into this land! I gathered people who came here willingly, and together we are thriving, while at the same time helping other places thrive." Will said, his words looking as though they surprised a few people, Ned especially.

"Robert Baratheon is King of the Seven Kingdoms!" Ned stated, a little angry at the way Will had described his best friend.

"He's not my king." Was all Will had to say to Ned's little outburst.

"You are in his kingdom!" Ned stated, his voice getting a little heated.

"The land belongs to whoever can hold it, and right now I hold this land! As for Robert Baratheon, the only thing he's king of, is whoring and drinking wine!" Will stated, his tone getting more serious the louder he got.

No one said anything for a few seconds, both parties just staring at one another until Will let out a long deep sigh.

"I don't want a war with you Stark, but I'm not about to bow to you or the fat cunt on the throne. I'll not pay taxes to a man who won't do anything to better the people who bled to work for it. I'll not bow to you or anyone else in this world, and there is nothing you can do or say to change that!" Will said, pausing his words for a moment as he thought over what he wanted to say next.

"However, I want nothing more than peace for the people here. I will not break faith with the north, so long as the north does not break faith with me! If enemies come that threaten your lives as well as ours, we will stand with you, but we will not fight for someone we have never met, and for a cause that does not affect us! I'll not send these people to their deaths for some fat bastard who wants others to bow to him!" Will said, listing a few more things he would or wouldn't do.

All in all, it sounded like Will had the best interest for the North and the northerners who resided here with him, and the Lords that had come to Asteria with Ned couldn't help but completely agree with Will's words.

When Will said that all taxes that should have gone to Robert would go into the North itself, it only seemed to cement how the other Lords felt, The GreatJon being the loudest to voice his agreement with Will, though he did still hold his loyalty to Ned.

After seeing and hearing Will's arguments about the Asteria, Ned didn't really have a leg to stand on in his arguments. Especially not after he and his bannermen got a grand tour, looking at the harbor, the homes, the bath-houses, the taverns, and of course the pumps.

There were some other big buildings under construction, but Will wasn't even close to finishing up with those places, nor did he even have the people to occupy them.

"It's quite late, Lord Stark. Why don't you and your men stay the night? There are a few small things I think you and I need to discuss privately." Will said after giving the tour.

Every one of Ned's bannermen looked eager to spend the night. It had been a long ride for most of them, and they really didn't want to ride through the night or camp in the Wolfswood.

"Very well. We'll get settled for the night, then you and I can talk." Ned said, actually wanting to talk with Will himself.

It had been quite some time since the day Jon had received the satchel from the stranger, who was also named Will, at least that's what Ned thought based on the letter, and the timing for when Will got here was just too good.

Sure enough, a little over an hour later Ned was standing outside the large stone gate to get into the mansion grounds that were no doubt Will's residents.

The mansion was pretty huge, and looked like something from a dream, crafted out of the mountain itself.

If Ned knew that this was just the tip of the iceberg, and that Will's real home was the whole mountain itself, he might shit himself in surprise.

Will had been waiting for Ned, so when he saw him approach the stone gate, Will was pretty quick to let him in.

"No guards, Lord Stark?" Will asked teasingly, mostly because he wasn't sure if Ned trusted him after everything he had said today.

However the fact that he showed up without at least Jory Cassel showed that whatever he wanted to talk about, was more than the knight captain should be allowed to know.

"Wouldn't make a difference if I did. After all, your reputation is proof enough." Ned answered, then stopped as he thought about something.

"How much of the stories about you are true?" Ned couldn't help but ask, hoping to get the answer from the man himself.

"Well, I'm not sure what stories you've heard, but I imagine that many of them are over exaggerated. All I did was take over the Stepstones, kill a few thousand Dothraki, ally myself with the Iron Bank, and run wild beyond the Wall. Nothing super exciting." Will answered, making Ned almost want to strangle him.

If those feats weren't worth mentioning, then nothing was!! "What do you mean you went wild beyond the Wall?" Ned asked, catching something that hadn't been in the stories.

"Well, I wanted to go see if giants were real a few years ago, so I traveled to Hardhome and beat a bunch of the Freefolk, then traveled a bit further north until I found them. Bigger than 3 of the GreatJon stacked atop each other, and about 4 times as wide!" Will said, pausing in his story to take a drink of water.

"Anyway, after spending some time with the giants, I went back to Hardhome where a bunch of Freefolk wanted to go with me into the wilderness on a hunting expedition. Got quite a number of creepy things, then went back to Hardhome again. After that, they sort of formed the Northswords, while I went back south to see my family."

Needless to say, Ned was a little more than flabbergasted. He couldn't believe such a ridiculous tale, but it was still easier to believe than some of Will's other feats.

There probably wasn't a Lord in Westeros who hadn't heard of the Northswords by now, their ruthlessness becoming something that parents would use to haunt their children.

Knowing now how they were all Wildlings, it made a bit more sense to Ned. Still, he couldn't let himself get sidetracked from what he originally came to talk about.

Once they were both seated in what Will called the 'living room', a room with 3 extremely big and soft looking armchairs, a long bed-like thing he called a couch, a small drink table (Coffee table) a fireplace, and a small bookshelf, they got down to discussion.

Will asked the first question, something both he and Ned would need to discuss soon anyway. "So, about your sister's son, Jon."

Hey guys!! Yes I know I'm quite late, but shit has been pretty busy for me. Been working late and my weekends, and it's really slowing me down. Just want you to know I have no intention of dropping any story, and will do my best to finish it, though with my work schedule, I have no idea when that will be. Gonna try for another one next week, but no promises. Anyway, enjoy!!

GrimsReapercreators' thoughts
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