
Something Different, Something Dark

Y/N panted, her body way too tired after the training. After completing their mission of safely escorting the man back to his home, Kakashi needed some rest. After that, however, he gave Team 7 the task of climbing a tree without using hands - that is, chakra control. Focusing their chakra on their feet, they'll be able to climb a tree. Sakura did it without any problem but the other three were finding some difficulties. But it wasn't long when Y/N finally focused on it properly and was able to climb it.

With all honestly, she was finding it a bit hard to concentrate because of the events that followed after Kakashi got released. He attacked the enemy with multiple water techniques copied from Zabuza using his Sharingan, which made Zabuza agitated as his own techniques were used against him. But before Kakashi could deliver the finishing blow, Zabuza was 'seemingly' killed by a young tracker ninja from Kirigakure. The tracker left with Zabuza's body, and Kakashi collapsed from exhaustion due to the overuse of his Sharingan.

But that was not as worrying as the fact that there was no sure proof that Zabuza was dead. No, they didn't check it themselves.

Halfway through the training, she decided to leave the worries for the future and just focus on what she was doing. And that's when she was able to do it. A lot of scratches covered her body and it stung. Her mind was too tired from all the thinking.

If only she knew it would get harder in the future.


When dinner was done, and they were served with some tea, Sakura stood in front of the family picture of the household and said, "Excuse me, this picture is torn. Is there any reason for that? Inari you kept glancing throughout dinner."

It should be obvious why a picture torn is hung on the wall like that. Y/N couldn't understand if Sakura was too dumb to realize. It wasn't an accident that the picture ended up that way. Of course, there was only one person missing from the family - Inari's father.

"It's my husband," the woman said.

"They used to call him a hero in this land," Tazuna said. It must've been a sort of trigger for the little boy since he left the room as soon as he heard it.

When Tazuna explained the whole story, Y/N came to realize why a boy of the age of Inari held so much hatred over the word "hero". It must've been a shock to watch his own father get killed in front of all the villagers, who stood by and did nothing to save him. Not one of them stood up for the person who was their ray of hope. It somewhat...reminded her of the villagers in Konoha. So heavily reliant on a hero figure that if the time ever came, they would run instead of helping the hero they're relied on.

It was very disappointing.

Naruto immediately got up after the little talk. Oh, he was fired up and Y/N was sure he was gonna train all night. She was about to follow him but Kakashi stopped her.

"You are not like Naruto. He's a knucklehead but he can handle himself. You need to rest and save your energy," he said.

"I won't be training though," Y/N explained, "I'll just look if he's doing alright."

"Like I said," Kakashi said with his eyes squinted, indicating his smile hidden under his mask, "he can handle himself. Don't make him rely on you."

Y/N sighed and agreed. Maybe she was being too protective over Naruto. She couldn't exactly stop herself after watching all the circumstances he was living in. But, she believed in him.

If there's one thing she was sure of, that was the fact that he would definitely be able to control his chakra by morning.


Y/N knew it was gonna happen sometime but didn't realize the time would come too soon. She watched as the workers on the bridge groaned lying on the ground. Clearly, they were under attack. And the mist that slowly came to surround only meant one thing - it was Zabuza.

"I see you've still got those brats with you," Zabuza said.

They were surrounded by water clones of Zabuza. Of course, after that little training and their little encounter before with him, that would be the only possible answer. Sasuke was the one who took every one of them out.

"The brat's improving," Zabuza said, "Looks like you've got a rival, Haku."

The boy who stepped out made Y/N gasp. Oh, it was as she suspected. It was the tracker that took Zabuza away.

As Sasuke continued fighting the boy, Y/N felt confident in his strength and how much he had improved. But when Haku used his move of Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals, she couldn't just watch Sasuke getting cut all over by the needles coming from the mirrors.

One thing that the enemy was unaware of, was her strength by water bodies. It was her chakra nature and training with Kakashi has proved it to be useful. But what would she even be able to do with water, when it was a strength to Haku too. The only thing that was in her mind when she ran to help him was to give him enough time.

Sasuke and Sakura were both smarter than Y/N. And she had no doubt in the fact that if given enough time, he would come up with something. She threw her kunai at a mirror, which Haku was quick to catch and immediately dived in, trying to bring him out of it.

Oh, she was so stupid.

She underestimated Haku. He had speed, enough for him to appear just in front of the direction she was heading to and she could see needles coming towards her.

"You are not as smart as you think," he said, "Your trick won't work twice."

And in the next moment, she observed the mirror break in front of her.

It was fast, whatever happened, and she knew she didn't have the time to dwell over it. But when she was almost near the exit, she felt everything turning blurry.


Y/N fell down on the ground. For a moment, everyone stared at her. They didn't know what kind of power it was, but it was only for a second and strong enough to break a mirror. Sasuke stared at her limp body and thought of the actions that took place.

When the needles were coming towards her, she kicked her right foot towards the left, probably trying to get the needles to stop using her chakra nature. Something like Sasuke did in the beginning. But instead of just a little bit, the power of her hit was so hard that they could see the ground break beneath her feet.

That would be believable as something like she used up all her chakra at once.

But no, that wasn't the feeling. Sasuke could remember feeling the same back in the class when she was defending Naruto against the girls.

It was nothing like chakra. It made the air feel heavy and hard to breathe like some sort of suppressed anger desperate to come out. Something like Naruto has.

But hers...felt way too dark. If one thing was clear to Team 7 that day, it was that chakra wasn't the only thing inside her.

A girl, seemingly out of nowhere, whose family doesn't exist in all of the places that she has mentioned, entered their village. A simple, innocent little girl and they were naive enough to believe it. If anything, she could be a ticking time bomb to the village.

It not only explains the way she disliked the villagers but also why she was protective over Naruto.

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