
A Knights tale

Tom turned his gaze back to Fred who was forced on his knees by Alfred.

"You haven't explained how you know of me or my origin. You didn't think your little mumbling would have gone unnoticed, did you?" Tom asked with a slight grin.

"Well, I didn't expect you to be such a monster, to begin with. who would have thought that the Pendragon family, thought to have disappeared or were simply ghosts would have one of their members arrive at this school?

As for how, it wasn't hard. As your probably know, I noticed you have the dragon of chaos and the dragon of light. But that is what's been puzzling me. the dragon of light was said to have died fighting the dragon of chaos. But you clearly wield his power. How is that possible?" Fred asked, clearly confused by this.

Tom laughed slightly before standing up and waving his arm causing two stone statues to appear out of thin air. But what was interesting was that they perfectly resembled a miniature version of Drak and Achlys who were identical. Meaning, that there were two identical stone statues beside Tom.

Before Fred could open his mouth the statues came to life with a burst of light.

The one on the left shone with a bright golden white light radiating off a tremendous sense of oppression, yet it also inspired awe from Fred.

Then there was the statue on the right, it exploded out with a terrifying Black aura that threatened to exterminate everything. As if a ravenous demon was about to be let loose on the world.

It had pitch-black eyes and a thick black aura emanating from its body.

Tom raise his arms pointing at both statues.

"These are Drak, the aspiring Dragon of light and Achlys the dragon of chaos." He announced.

Fred's eyes widened as his gaze shifted repeatedly between the two dragons. but then he froze and frowned before looking at Drak.

"Aspiring?" he asked.

Drak smiled slightly showing his stone teeth causing a chill to run down Fred's back.

[Relax kiddo, if you're going to be afraid of someone it shouldn't be me. As for that story…] Drak explained his history shocking Fred countless times.

It took about half an hour to give the abbreviated version since there were things he didn't need to know.

"So you inherited the power of light from your father and your alter ego slash split personality was separated, becoming a completely new being. Thus maintaining the balance between both forces. The previous dragon of light must have seen that coming and played the cards dealt to him masterfully." Fred said slowly.

Drak nodded slightly, [I guess you could say that.]

Fred raised his previously bowed head and stared at Tom.

"That explains why you have two dragons inside of you. You are the first pendragon to do such a thing." Fred said with an amazed expression.

"How do you know that?" Tom asked.

Fred nodded slightly, "my family… well more precisely, we were given this ability to shift into a human-bear hybrid thanks to the dragon of chaos thousands of years ago. Sure, the world was in utter chaos, but our family benefited from it all in the end. We built an empire deep in the woods away from any other civilisation.

Even to this day, we prosper in the American wilderness far far away from the eyes of no-maj's and wizards alike. Those bigfoots these hillbillies keep yapping on about are actually our sentries, pushing people away by leading them in the opposite direction from our city. We are aware of what happened to our werewolf kin which further prompted our need for secrecy. To protect our families. So, a tournament is invoked every 30 years to test the new generation.

The winner is allowed to leave the confines of our land and learn from wizard kind. We must then bring it back to the city and become the next head and teach what he has learnt. It was my turn to do so and that is why I am here.

As for how I know about you…" he paused and turned to Achlys.

"We have worshipped the god of chaos for thousands of years for bringing the prosperity we have now. It is because of him that we live marvellous, comfortable lives. Being in hiding has not hindered us in the least, nor do we mind it." He explained.

Achlys smiled smugly while nodding contently before turning to Drak.

{Did you hear that, I'm worshipped. I don't seem to recall anyone worshipping you. Seems I'm superior to you.} Achlys gloated excitedly.

"Oh, there are naturally people who worship the dragon of light all over the world. Even if they know that he died, they know of his deeds and what he stood for. The house-elfs are strong believes in the Dragon of light." Fred said.

Drak instantly burst into a peal of satisfied laughter. Achlys's smile died down slightly as he grumbled in displeasure. Soon they began to bicker about who's worshipers were better.

Fred looked at Tom who was massaging his forehead.

Tom could only smile stiffly in helplessness when he noticed Fred's gaze.

"They are always like this. fire and water I say."

Fred chuckled slightly.

"So, what is your position relating to the Pendragon family?" Tom said seriously. Instantly, the two dragons stopped bickering at turned their heads towards Fred.

This caused the latter to flinch, but he was quick to respond.

"I don't have anything against them. They were actually wronged from the beginning. They shouldn't have had to suffer for so many millennia for their kind disposition.

As I said, my family worships the dragon of chaos for the gifts he bestowed and respects the dragon of light for what he stood for. We believe in balance. And since you embody that balance, and are part of that same family, my entire family would never go against you as long as the two dragons don't." he responded seriously.

"Thank you," Tom said with an honest smile.

Fred froze as his mouth moved but no words came out.

"H-How do you know I'm not lying?" he asked with a look of disbelief.

Tom rested his head on his hand lazily before pointing at Achlys with his other hand.

"He can read your mind. So, he naturally knows if you are lying, keeping secrets from me or if you hold any trace of malice towards me." Tom revealed to Fred's shock.

"I-if you had access to that, then why did you make me answer?" Fred asked in confusion.

Tom smiled, "because I wanted to see if you would be honest with me. If you had lied, I would have cut ties with you and never helped you again. if you withheld information, I would have known and depending on what was hidden, the same thing applied. And if you held malice towards me, I would have killed you instantly.

No hard feelings, I just don't need more enemies than I already seem to have. But since none of that is the case, you are safe. I have big plans, Fred. And I am happy to say that you have a rather important role to play in them. I need strength like yours.

Do you want to join me?

naturally, I don't expect you to work for no reward. You will have my full attention and co-operation with your training and acquiring of new spells. I will tinker with my herculean strength spell before giving it to you as a gift. What do you say?"

Fred was stunned speechless, "I-I don't know what to say. I don't really mind your way of doing things, I would have done the same thing in your position as for your invitation, I would love to join you. If I could have a fraction of the strength you have, my family would have nothing to worry about ever again whilst I live. They would be overjoyed to know that I have joined the dragons of light and chaos. I also appreciate your sincerity and honesty." Fred said seriously.

Tom gave a genuine smile before standing up and lifting Fred off the ground.

"I appreciate a man who prioritises his family..." he paused and looked at him with more warmth.

"You will achieve levels of power you would have never before thought possible.

Welcome aboard Fred Rassmussen, my very first Knight."

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