
Skipping stones

I got dressed in a floral shirt which was way too different from the dark colours I would usually wear. But what surprised me the most was that I actually liked it, with my black shorts and slide ons I stepped out the door to see Luke and Diana in similarly bright outfits. Luke had something on that was similar to me and Diana was in a pretty white summer dress.

I really wanted to have one good day with them, so we decided to have a walk along the beach. I lagged behind to not ruin the two's romantic mood I felt brewing. I even saw Luke's thankful look. It seemed that not all was ok with the two. Marital issues sometimes happen, not everyone was perfect. Sometimes all that was needed was a change of scenery.

I simply picked up some stones and attempted to make them skip across the water's surface. Stupid of me to try since you needed semi still water. It's hard when you throw it at what seems to be a still patch of water only for a wave to surge out of nowhere, effectively swallowing your stone whole.

After a few attempts to no avail, I simply threw all the stones into the water in anger and stormed off. Who needs to be good at stone skipping? But just a few steps ahead of me, a 7-year-old was doing it effortlessly. He was like a machinegun. One after the other, the stones continued to skip at least 5 times before sinking. As if that didn't piss me off enough, the kid turned my way and smiled arrogantly before continuing.

I secretly cast the confundus charm which made him overswing hitting his dad who was nearby. I laughed to myself while walking past him.

[Tch, so petty, what are you, five?] asked Drak mockingly.

'What would you know, your stuck inside all day, I bet you can't do it either!' I said, not giving in.

[Pfft! Sure-sure, I definitely can't] he said before I suddenly felt disconnected from my body. Drak actually took over my body. As I looked at his actions, I saw what it was like where Drak dwelled all the time. Dark and empty, there was nothing here. Except, a couch? I was shocked, but before I could think further, I heard a loud victorious laugh echoing inside the space. I quickly looked over to see Drak skipping the stone at least 20 times. I couldn't believe it, was that even possible?

[no shit it's possible, I'm doing it right now. Jealous yet?] he asked with a smirk.

'Tch, it's just skipping stones on water, no big deal,' I said with annoyance, yet there was a part of me that was jealous. Disadvantage of always being the best at everything. It's hard to take a loss.

[whatever,] he said before sitting down. I wondered what he was doing when a small dragon appeared and sat on the couch comfortably. I stared at it in shock. Why was it so… cute! It was adorable, big round eyes, small wings, it was like a cute toy. Drak who was waiting silently suddenly realised an issue, he looked over in my direction and jumped up instantly.

The cute dragon was no more, and a towering giant stood in it's place seething with smoke and flame.

[you-did-not-see-ANYTHING!] he said with extreme anger. That would have completely scared me before, but now, I couldn't stop laughing. Tears were threatening to slide down my cheeks. It was too funny, big bad dragon was actually a small lizard.

Before long I found myself laughing in my body again. I don't know when it happened, but everyone was staring at me weirdly as I laughed to myself.

[forget you saw anything,] he said angrily.

'How can I forget? That is stuck in there forever,' I said with a laugh before catching up to the now lovey dovey duo. Drak sighed slightly before staying quiet. I just picture a small dragon comfortably sitting on a couch eating some chips while watching what I did or going over the memories of my past life. Let's just say I watched a huge number of movies.


Drak who was sitting on the couch with a bag of chips shuddered slightly before realising what Tom said. He looked at what he was doing and then at what he was watching. He was watching Home alone 2. He only shook his head before immersing himself in the movie. Kevin was throwing a brick down on Marv. Drak laughed out loud.


I suddenly felt like I was missing something fun, but I couldn't quite grasp what. I could only shake my head and go about my day. It went pretty fast after that. We went to the garden for a stroll, watched a movie at a nearby movie theatre and had dinner in a roofless restaurant. The food was delicious and eating under the stars gave it a magical feeling. I don't know why but I was a sucker for the stars.

Afterwards, I spent some time in Luke and Diana's room talking about trivial stuff.

"I'll be gone for two weeks, remember to have fun. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine," I reassured them. They were slightly worried, but that was what parents were for, so it was mostly unnecessary. Sure, there was a risk of dying or being severely injured, but if I think I'll get injured, most likely, I will. Words had power after all.

An: Tomorrow there will be a 5 chapter release. look forward to it. thank you for reading thus far. hope you're enjoying it.

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