

Dropping the corpse of another sayian I had a good sense of how strong an elite warrior was supposed to be. I was half way to Namek and I had killed 19 sayians and another 15 varying aliens. Sayians were the difficult ones, they new how to fight and a few turned into a large ape. The other aliens were about as strong as the weaker low class sayians.

However as I blazed through killing all theses warriors I had hit another road block. Killing the middle class warriors was taking longer and more and more were around as I got closer to Namek. What this meant for killing the elite warriors that were stationed at namek wasn't great. Since I had yet to meet a high class warrior.

How many more stations were there? How many more people would I have to kill? I frowned, my anger at my family being threaten and the lose of my best friend and teacher was being curbed more and more. The deeper I got into space the more information I got.

Earth was doomed in the since of scale. This Frieza Empire was expanding more and more North. While Frieza was further in the center of the this galaxy. Originally the galaxy was pretty split based on the Frieza's territory being split up with his family. However after he achieved immortality it was different. The northern sectors were the last to not be met with destruction or enslavement.

Earth would be hunted over and over again if I didn't do something. Except From my understanding and the general strength of earthlings? The chances of saving earth were slim. I marched my way back into the ship.

I still had at least at least 3 more levels of graivty I could increase my trai- I twisted at the sound of a twig cracking behind me.

My gaze met a alien that was similar to that of a goat was rather short, but had pure white fur that was painted green to blend into the trees. Feeling its ki I raised my hand ready to get rid of him.

"W-Wait! My name is Pacho!" He looked around at the dead corpses of the sayians and hairy aliens they killed.

He looked up and smiled, "I would say thank you for trying to save these refugees, but I doubt you came here for that yes?"

I stared straight into him and sighed. It was a heavy sigh that I had been holding in. This goat gnome guy Pacho was clearly not a threat. So long I had been holding in a breath because of the danger of varying people noticing me.

"No I am going to a planet called namek. If you want my help i am sorry, but I won't provide it."

He shook his hands, "Gods no, I believe I can help you though. I saw your fight with these guys, if it wasn't for them looking down on you." He shuddered, "I don't think the fight would've been as twisted as it was."

I shook my head, he was right if they paid a little more attention and ganged up on me earlier I would've struggled more in a tie.

The Goat man looked down and begun sifting through the pockets of each person. With an eyebrow raised he answered me before I asked. "I live alone here, plenty of people hide here. However I am the only real resident. So I take any chance I can get to increase my stock pile of free stuff." He smiled as I frowned.

When Pacho was done he motioned, "Come follow me, I can brew some tea while you eat something."

My eyes narrowed slightly I was running out of food actually. I had been taking the rations and meals of the people I killed at this point. After all its been a month now since I left earth and the ship was only stocked for half of one. Sighing I begun following the Goat man.

Pacho spoke as we walked, "I don't see many fighting their way through Freiza's forces."

"They killed my family and are a threat to my home."

Pacho nodded, "Many have done the same you are no different from them. Even Frieza's brother once tried to end his brother. The clash between them however left Cooler mortally wounded and disappearing from his own empire. Not long after it got swallowed by Frieza."

I looked at Pacho, "How strong is cooler?"

He looked at me before sighing, "The last time I heard his power level was something in the 100 millions. That was when he conquered Namek after that when he gained his immortality who knows how much stronger he has gotten."

I frowned the millions? I don't know how strong I got after training, but I was likely only scratching the surface of 10 thousand. Pacho opened the door to a small shack built into the trees. Following in he begun walking to his kitchen and making tea.

Looking at the living area I sat down at a chair. "So then who else fight back?"

He motioned, "You saw them, natives of the galaxy, the Sayians, and even the once mighty galactic patrol. Half the species you see under Freiza has fought back. Even my own people... when they were still alive."

"If so many were enslaved why not fight back they can't kill everyone."

He nodded, "Fear, Lack of power, and many elites willingly working for Frieza. The Sayian King once rebelled however he was killed by his own Son. Many sayians disappeared after that including the Sayian Queen. Though maybe, just maybe they are still fighting."

I raised an eyebrow, "You think some are fighting?"

Pacho shrugged, "No, Maybe, I honestly don't know. However unlike my people, I hope you take a second and wait before you kill. Don't go down the same path of those before you. Many elites of Frieza once tried for revenge, but only ever became one of the ranks of Frieza."

Wait before I kill? That was... I sighed, with my anger dying and my sense of duty to protect earth I knew what he meant. Not everyone in the Freiza empire was working with bad intentions some juust wanted to live their lives. Perhaps those on that station were like that.

"Thank you for the wise words, Pacho."

He smiled and placed some tea and biscuits on the table. I spoke, "So then Pacho? How do I defeat Frieza?"

He shrugged, "Freiza used the dragon balls to become immortal and from rumors of the refugees that hide on this planet sometimes. The rumors were that Frieza made other wishes that prevent his immortality from being taken away and that others cannot wish for immortality."

Hm, so one can't kill him. That was annoying, thanking about it though if he would still live no matter what. One could dismember him and just leave the pieces. So if I was strong enough to beat Frieza I could just figure it out. The problem was my power...

Pacho gave a snort and I turned to look at him. "For someone who unlocked their life span to use as ki I am surprised you don't know how you can get stronger."

His words gave me a shock. However he just continued talking alleviating my worry. "I have seen a few who have that ability naturally so no need to worry it is common enough for me to see before, but rare enough for it to never been seen as well-known."

I relaxed and spoke, "Then what is that I must do to get stronger?"

Pacho waved, "Increase your life-span! Live a long life, and as you exceed the limits of your body this will also extend your life-span making you live longer. In fact the tea you are drinking right now extends one Life-span by a year. Though it only works once."

I stared into the tea and nodded, "Then I thank you."

Pacho shrugged, "You can repay me by never mentioning me. I prefer my life here and I am no hero."

I nodded it made sense. Much like how Roshi lived on kame house most of his life until is untimely demise with the evil containment wave. "I don't suppose you can spare some store-able food I don't have much left on my ship."

Pacho smiled, "Behind my house is a barrel you can take it along with you."

I nodded and got up after finishing my tea and just before I left his home he spoke once more. "Good luck on your mission young Einstein."

The door closed behind me before I could say something else and I realized the old goat man was a species that could use magic. I laughed, Pacho was similar to that of Kame using magic to use telepathy and other more mystical abilities.

I'll grab the barrel and do just as he asked. After all I had things to do, leaving the planet was a must for me to continue my journey.

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