
Strange Dreams (8)

Esme felt a shiver run down her spine after seeing the ruby ring. The ruby ring that Gabriel gave her before she fell asleep. Was she crazy for thinking this dream was actually real? That these scenes that were so real and more like memories were her actual memories? No, she wasn't some goddess.

'mea dea'

That was just coincidental. The ring.. it was.. she saw it before sleep, so that was probably why she was dreaming about it now. But something about this was telling her it was all real. 

Was she really Nyx, goddess of night, daughter of Khaos? Or well.. Nyx in a past life? But if that was true, why did Gabriel act like the first time they met was at ONYX? From how he was looking at her, or Nyx in the dream, he was besotted by her. There were only minor distinguishing features between her present self and the goddess: the black hair, golden freckles, and of course, the powers. 

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