
Chapter 95- Zita – Preparations (VOLUME 3)


I was often with Princess Addie now. The others, specifically Sir Hunter and Sir Orson, wanted to make sure that Princess Addie always had a female guard with her. If there were times that she went into a place where men were not able to accompany her, it was my job, or that of Niala and Polina, to go with her.

There was not a moment of the day that Princess Addie wasn't under strict guard. Even when she was with Magus Nolan, in his office, she was being guarded. Yes, the 'guards' were standing outside of the office, but Magus Nolan was guarding her inside the office. He was her fiancé, but he was also one of the strongest men in our nation.

I will admit, he was the main reason that I had applied to be one of Princess Addie's guards. I knew that he was unattainable, but I still wanted to be closer to him. I admired him and wanted to be like him in every way possible. Well, almost every way.

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