
Off To See The Magus

"That will be the king and his steward or attendant. Let me get that for you, Miss Addie." Nithi said with a smile as he hurried over to the door. If I didn't know any better, I would think that he was an excited parent, specifically a mom, that was opening the door for their daughter's first date. He seemed to be a little overly enthusiastic as he went over to the door and opened it for the king and his attendant.

At least, we all assumed that he would have his attendant with him. However, the door was opened to just the king. The king who had just knocked on my door by himself. For some reason, I thought that actions like that were going to be 'beneath' him and only meant for 'lowly people'. Perhaps I had misjudged the king when I first met him. I was basing him off of most of the evil tyrants in the books I read as Adelaide. Not to mention after all the warnings I had gotten about the various wolves in this world. I guess it was enough to skew my way of thinking.

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