
Chapter 42

Tommy's attention is fully locked on the sandbag hanging in front of him. He rolls his shoulders, stretching his arms as the sandbag gently sways in front of him. The room seems to quiet down as Tommy takes his stance, feet firmly planted, his eyes narrowing with focus.

Suddenly, with a burst of energy, Tommy launches into a series of swift punches, his fists flying with precision. Each punch connects solidly with the sandbag, causing it to swing wildly. But Tommy doesn't miss a beat.

He flows seamlessly into a combination of *high kicks and spinning back fists*, his movements a perfect blend of strength and agility. The sandbag absorbs each blow, its chains rattling as it sways violently from side to side.

With a smirk, Tommy steps back, then leaps into the air with a flying side kick, his foot slamming into the sandbag with enough force to send it swinging high. He lands lightly, his body balanced and ready for more.

Tommy finishes the routine with a spinning roundhouse kick, the impact of which leaves the sandbag spinning on its chain, nearly wrapping around itself. He steps back, breathing steadily, his eyes still focused and intense.

High above the bustling gym, GOLDAR stands in the shadows, his golden armor glinting faintly in the sunlight. His eyes, narrow and filled with disdain, are locked onto Tommy Oliver as he practices below.

From his vantage point, Goldar watches Tommy's every move—the precise strikes, the powerful kicks. The Green Ranger's skill is undeniable, but to Goldar, he's just another mortal.

Goldar Muttering to himself."So, this is the mortal Mistress chose?"

His voice drips with skepticism, his lip curling in contempt. In his clawed hand, he holds the Green Power Coin, its emerald glow pulsating gently. He turns it over, feeling its energy, but doubts linger in his mind.

Goldar grumbling."Rita's faith in him is... questionable. But orders are orders."

He glances back down at Tommy, who finishes his routine with a final, powerful kick, sending the sandbag swinging wildly. The sight stirs something in Goldar—a mix of envy and anger. Yet, he knows his place, and defiance is not an option.

Goldar smirks, his sharp teeth glinting as he grips the coin tighter and smiling darkly."He won't even see it coming."

With a final glance at the unsuspecting Tommy. Goldar's body begins to shimmer, the golden armor that once clanked with each movement now melting into a fluid state.

He whispered to himself"The Green Ranger won't know what hit him."

His form liquefies, the solid gold of his body turning into a molten, glistening substance. Slowly, the liquid gold flows toward the edge of the rooftop, seeping effortlessly into the cracks and crevices.

The room is filled with a soft, ambient glow, the kind that emanates from advanced technology not of this world. Alexander Zaxk carefully guide Zack's mother, who is deep in sleep, towards the medical bed. The sleek, white surface of the bed contrasts with the metallic surroundings, its minimalist design exuding an almost serene calm.

The bed features an overhead arching mechanism, smooth and silent as it adjusts to accommodate Zack's mother. It's a piece of technology far beyond anything Earth has to offer—more like something out of a dream, yet it holds a promise of hope.

Alexander's fingers dance across the touch screen, his face composed, yet focused. Beside him, Zack stands, his nerves evident in the way he fidgets with his hands. His friends—Billy, Trini, Kimberly, and Jason —stand close by, offering him silent support. Kimberly gently places a hand on Zack's shoulder, while Jason gives him a reassuring nod.

Alexander looking at Zack, calm and reassuring tone."Don't worry, Zack. Nothing will happen. She's in good hands."

Zack, swallowing his anxiety, forces a small smile and nods."Yeah, I believe you."

With a steady hand, Alexander taps the screen, initiating the process. The arching mechanism closes around Zack's mother with a gentle hum, enclosing her in the bed's protective shell. A flash of light illuminates the room, as the machine activates, scanning her body with an advanced laser.

The laser moves up and down, its precise beam emitting a soft hum as it thoroughly scans her. The computer monitor beside them lights up with a stream of data, analyzing every aspect of her health.

Zack watches intently, holding his breath as the diagnosis appears on the screen: Trace amounts of Cancer and Heart problems. Certain smaller ailments. His heart skips a beat, fear gripping him for a moment.

But then, the laser changes color, now glowing with a warm, reassuring hue. The words RE-ATOMIZING flash across the screen. The advanced technology goes to work, a quiet yet powerful hum filling the room as the ailments are systematically erased.

After what seems like only seconds, the machine beeps—BEEP. Health check COMPLETED. 100% CLEAR.

Alexander smiles, turning to Zack with a look of quiet triumph."It's done."

Zack blinks, his eyes wide with disbelief. The relief is overwhelming, almost too much to process and muttering in amazement "So fast..."

Alexander taps through the screen again, bringing up a detailed scan. It shows her health is now at full capacity, every trace of sickness gone. Zack stares at the screen, his fear and anxiety replaced by a growing sense of awe.

Alexander softly said."She's going to be just fine."

Zack's small smile grows, his heart swelling with gratitude and disbelief. He looks at his friends, who are smiling back at him, their relief as palpable as his own. They come in closer, wrapping him in a group hug, the weight of the past few hours lifting.

Zack turns back to the screen, his eyes lingering on the words 100% CLEAR, and for the first time in a long while, he allows himself to truly believe that everything is going to be okay.

Suddenly, Alexander's voice breaks through his thoughts, pulling him back to the present gently, yet serious said."But Zack, you have to take her to a hospital for a check-up. She needs to believe that she's completely okay. Tell her the Crystal that Ranger's where protecting might have influenced her recovery—it's the only thing that will make sense."

Zack blinks, snapping out of his reverie. He turns to Alexander, processing his words. The plan makes sense; after all, how else could they explain such a miraculous recovery? He nods, understanding the importance of keeping their secret safe while also reassuring his motherm."Yeah, I got it. Thanks, Alexander."

Overcome with emotion, Zack pulls Alexander into a hug, a gesture of deep appreciation and trust. Alexander returns the hug with a warm smile, patting Zack on the back.

Before long, the others—Billy, Trini, Kimberly, and Jason—join in, wrapping their arms around their friend. The group huddle tightens, a circle of support.