

It took longer than he imagined to find the one he is looking for. 

Kyrell spent hours skimming through the forest on the outskirts of the beast city but he was not able to find that bastard. 

As a last resort, he ordered his men to look for that merman. Kyrell was more relieved than he thought after he found tracks of Gregory inside the beast city. He was sure that he would not be able to face his beloved if something happend to those cubs.

He realized that it was his mistake for believing in a stranger and following his suggestion in the past. His impulsive act of kidnapping Lyra brought harm to both her and her babies. 

Sometimes he had more severe thoughts running through his mind. 'What if that deadly poison stayed in her body?' If she was not pregnant at that time, then the poison wouldn't have shifted to the cubs, and that in turn.....Kyrell stopped thinking further than that. 

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