

On the full moon night, the entire city of beasts was in turmoil. Beastmen were terrified after discovering poison in females' food. Beast kings of respective tribes were gathered in the meeting room of the wolf king's castle. The peacock king slammed his hand on the table "How could something like this transpire? The eagle tribe were the ones handling the food provided for females, we should hear thier explanation"

The eagle king narrowed his eyes "Do you mean to say that we were the ones who caused this?"

Peacock king snickered "I'm just asking for an explanation, why are you getting all worked up if you didn't commit any mistake?"

"You!" eagle king said clenching his teeth

The lion king glanced at both and tsked "Our females are in life or death situation and you both are fighting? We should first find the antidote for the poison"

The wolf king nodded his head "Leo is right, we should focus on what is important, finding the culprit can be done later" then turned to the doctor "Did you find something about the poison or antidote?"

The doctor bowed his head and informed "The food that females consumed was mixed with pokeweed, it is a poisonous weed grown in the faraway cliffs which cause nausea, vomiting, and stomach ache. Fortunately, the amount mixed was small or thier were chances of deaths. But it is very harmful to pregnant females, they have half a day at most to survive, we should find the antidote as soon as possible"

Wolf king frowned "How did it even get mixed in the food?"

The doctor glanced at the fox king and received a nod from him "Your majesty, it can travel through the air sometimes or get mixed with other herbs, I don't think someone mixed it purposely"

Still, in doubt, the wolf king squinted his eyes "Are you sure about this?"

The doctor nodded his head and clenched his fist behind his back. The lion king looked at the doctor "Do you know how to make the antidote?"

He shook his head "I cannot make the antidote for pokeweed" he hesitated a little but continued "I have heard that scorpion beastmen know about various poisons and antidotes, I think we should try to ask them"

The fox king smirked, but soon concealed his expression into a worried one "But scorpion beastmen don't communicate well with outsiders"

The wolf king sighed and replied "We should try our best to get the antidote from them, no matter what the price we have to pay in exchange"

Jacob nodded his head "That's right, we should put our female's safety first"

After discussing, the wolf king and lion king traveled to the scorpion tribe. The place where the scorpions lived was very warm compared to others, it almost reminded someone of the desert with few plants. When they reached the entrance, some scorpion beastmen escorted them inside the tribe.

In a stone castle, the scorpion king was waiting for the arrival of his guests, he was priorly informed about their visit by the fox king. The lion king and the wolf king reached the room and sat on the opposite seats.

The scorpion king observed both of them and started talking "To what do I owe the visit of two kings?"

The lion king glanced at him "We are here to ask for your help in making an antidote for pokeweed"

The wolf king continued "Our city's females have somehow come into contact with it and we heard that your tribe know about the antidote"

The scorpion king maintained his calm face and replied "I do know about the antidote but what will I gain from helping your city?"

The lion king straightforwardly asked, "What do you want in exchange to help us?"

"It's simple, grant permission for my tribe to stay in the city of beasts" he replied nonchalantly

Both the kings widened their eyes and glanced at each other, the wolf king was the first to reply "It is not possible, we can't let the savage beats enter the city, it will be chaos if that happens"

The lion king also nodded his head "It is true, females and other beastmen are wary of your tribe"

The scorpion king squinted his eyes "Then forget about getting antidote, this is the only exchange I'm willing to accept"

The wolf king sighed "Why do you even want to enter the city in the first place?"

"I want my tribesmen to have a normal life like all other beastmen, we are tired of snatching females to only get abandoned later" he replied sadly "And I promise to keep my tribesmen in check to maintain peace in the city" he added

The lion king blinked his eyes "Is that even possible? Aren't you guys very possessive about your females?"

The scorpion king chuckled "Indeed we are, but that doesn't mean that we can't change, give us a chance"

Both friends glanced at each other and turned to the scorpion king, the lion king smiled faintly "Okay, we will allow you to enter the city but keeping your tribesmen in control is your responsibility"

The scorpion king nodded his head "I will take care of that" he then called one of his subordinates "Go and hand over the antidote to the city of beasts"

The wolf king got up "We will take it with us"

The scorpion king shook his head "No, how can I allow the guests to leave without eating anything? you must stay here for dinner"

The wolf king raised his brows and looked at his friend, both were thinking of the same thing, 'From when did scorpion beastmen become so polite?' at last, they stayed back in the scorpion tribe.

The scorpion king led them into his dining room "Have a seat" he gestured them to the stone table

As they sat down on their stone chairs they heard a cold voice "Am I also allowed to eat with your visitors, father?"

Everyone turned towards the voice and saw, long dark brown-haired male with glowing golden eyes, his body was both muscular and lean with golden tanned skin. The man swept his eyes around the room and repeated his question "Can I also join you father?"

The scorpion king smiled "Of course son" he then turned to wolf king and lion king and introduced his son "This is my son Demir, he is an immortal beastman"

Both kings revealed a surprised look, wolf king smiled faintly "You are outstanding to attain such a feat at a young age"

Demir grinned "Well, it was fun killing beastmen who crossed me to become stronger"

Two kings eyed each other and sat back on their chairs awkwardly, to say that killing was fun? It was a rule in the beast world to hunt for survival but killing fellow beastmen? they were rethinking letting such vicious beings inside the city.

The scorpion king broke the awkward silence "Come and have a seat son"

Demir sat on the nearest chair to his father and started eating his food. His father glanced at him and started talking "Son, I negotiated our entry into the city of beasts for an antidote, Our tribe must move into the city as soon as possible"

Demir glanced at his father "Why are you so adamant about going into the city father?"

His father sighed "You know the reason very well"

Demir narrowed his eyes "If it is for me, then forget it. I don't want to become mate with those heartless females"

"Not everyone is like your mother Demir, at least try to go outside from this castle, it hurts for me to see you so isolated" his father grumbled

Demir ignored his father's words and continued eating his food. The scorpion king sighed tiredly, this son of his was the most stubborn beastman he has ever seen.

Then he glanced at the wolf king and lion king "What about your sons? Do they have mates?" his eyes was filled with curiosity

The wolf king was the first to answer "Of course, Lucas has a very beautiful female as his mate"

The lion king chuckled at his friend's smug tone and replied "My son Noah is also in love with Lucas's mate, but I heard that they have not yet become mates"

Demir snickered "What a calculative female, seducing princes of powerful tribes"

The wolf king suddenly went defensive "She didn't, I was informed that It was my stupid son who pestered her into making him her mate. Moreover, she already has a snake king as her first mate, why would she scheme into taking my three-star marked son as a mate?"

Lion King started laughing loudly "Did you just mock your son Helio? Lucas will be very happy if he gets to know you supporting his female instead of your son" he sarcastically added

But something else caught Demir's attention he raised his eyebrows and spoke "Snake king got himself a mate?"

Wolf king lifted his head "You know him?"

Demir smirked "How can I forget him? I fought with him while I was training to become an immortal beastman" he paused and chuckled "To think that crazy fellow got himself a mate, does he even know how to communicate with the females?"

"He is far better than you, I heard that he already have offsprings, and is currently incubating the eggs" the wolf king deadpanned

Demir's expression cracked "Of-offsprings? that damn snake has children?"

Both lion king and wolf king nodded their head. Demir closed his eyes and frowned, he never imagined for that snake to have a mate, much less offspring. He always thought that Blake was someone like him, cold and distant, ruthless to foe, extremely possessive of something that they have. To think that he shared his female with others, he couldn't fathom the situation, Now he was intrigued to meet his fighting partner's female.

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