
The siege begins to close

Alecs looked at his servant sulkily with an expression of misunderstanding. he didn't know why she was angry. Even if he tried to ask her, Lancer wouldn't say anything. Alecs tried for hours to think about what was bothering Lancer, but nothing came to his mind. He finally gave up sighing and sat down next to Lancer

"Alright! What's bothering you?" Alecs asked taking Lancer's hand with a soft smile "I won't be able to comfort you if you don't tell me what's going on"

"It's nothing master" Lancer's voice was dejected and a weak sigh came out of his mouth "I just think it's a bad idea to team up with another master"

Alecs overcame by getting off the couch and kneeling in front of Lancer. He settled his knee on the floor calmly receiving an odd look from Lancer. but, he didn't mind. Lancer was his precious life mate and her opinion was of great value to him.

Staying for half a year in her company after 2 years of exile with only Jubstacheit's monthly visits was nowhere near a good thing. since the old man was an evil monster that made Alecs get hurt to test how far the Homunculus evolved in his study of magecraft

Lancer was the re-socialization point for Alecs, someone who could make him believe in life again without being pure revenge. Yes, he would still take revenge on the Einzberns no matter what! They wouldn't escape Alecs's hands when he had enough power to destroy them

"Master, what are you doing?"

Lancer's voice caught Alec's attention making him snap back to reality. He took a deep breath, opening his eyes calmly. There was no gain in losing himself in revenge fantasies not when he was close to destroying his real enemy

"Lancer, I'm sorry for deciding without contacting you!" Alecs shook Lancer's hands lowering his head.

"Master, no need to apologize"

"NO! I do! Lancer from now on I will take your opinion for every move I make in the war" He closed his eyes serious as he continued to shake Lancer's hands and lowered his head in front of her "please! Lancer fight to my side, not as a simple servant but as a friend"


Alecs opened his eyes in surprise when Lancer's hand released his grip and she stood up. he opened his eyes slightly to see what she was going to do and was surprised to see Lancer kneeling beside him.

They were almost the same size. Not! Lancer was a little smaller than him. Alecs could see the top of her head a few feet away from her eyes. it wasn't much. Only a few feelings, but it was still possible to see the blue/purple hair on top of her head

"Launch what are you doing?"

"Master… I Lancer swear loyalty to you, not as a simple master I am obligated to serve, but as a good friend," Lancer said taking Alec's hand and smiling gently. She lowered her head and approached Alecs placing her head on his chest "Please take good care of me from now on"

Alecs thought about retorting her words. he wanted their relationship to be one of friendship and not bondage. He wanted Lancer to call him Alecs and not master. unfortunately, he couldn't call her by her real name as enemies would find out about her true identity.

"Yes, My fate is in your hand's Lancer!" Alecs replied stroking Lancer's head "Let's win this war"

"YES MASTER" Lancer yelled in a cheerful voice throwing his fist up "LET'S SHOW EVERYONE THAT WE ARE THE BEST OF THIS WAR"


"That's…" Alecs stopped short as a letter appeared in front of him. "Who's the letter from?"

"Master, what is this" Lancer asked curiously seeing a letter float towards them and taking the letter "Rider's Master Died, And Saber? Something is wrong with Rider, he hasn't disappeared…"

Alecs upon hearing Lancer's words was confused that it was not possible for a servant who had no independent action to remain in the world after his master had died.

This would only be possible if…

"HAHAHAHAHA" Alecs roared with laughter collapsing to his knees and tears falling from his eyes


"Looks like we're going to have an alternate ending to Fuyuki's fight"


"Saber" Darnic Prestone Yggdmillennia yelled angrily when a blond-haired man held a strange spear in his hand.

It moved quickly, disappearing and reappearing in various places. His spear moved with great precision, cutting through the air while dodging the powerful blows of the enemy grass

He had the only problem that his weapon didn't match the class he was summoned to. Saber's physics was not good for a Lancer

He was totally at a disadvantage against his enemy.

All Saber could do was defend himself from the blows of his enemy who was constantly attacking him with strong Katana attacks.

Saber enemy had no mounts which helped the Saber keep the fight balanced. but at the same time, it was weird Rider was too good with a sword to be a Rider and not have amount.

A single blow from Rider made Saber's entire body shudder. he realized it right away. Rider also came with the wrong class. he should be a Sabre-class and not a Rider

Seeing that he was going to be killed if he was pushed any further. Sabre jumped back and decided to use his noble ghost to kill Rider at once. He didn't have time to play cat and mouse with Rider, especially when he was in the era class against an enemy with powers equivalent to him in the right class.

"LET'S END IT" Saber yelled pointing his spear at the Rider and a large water-shaped mana mace gathered at the tip of the spear "Mac a Luin: Invicta Violet Prunella"

"This is bad!" Rider quickly jumped back and cut his arm.

El let out a cry of pain, but it had to be done or he would die. His arm fell to the side and a black hole formed in front of Rider

At the same moment, a large beam of energy came out of the tip of Saber's spear and exploded all around him and hit the black hole directly. The energy that exited the spear was quickly devoured by the black hole causing Saber's jaw to drop.

"What---" Saber yelled in surprise, taking a step back in shock. It couldn't be happening his noble Phantom shouldn't be stopped so easily

Something was wrong, who was this servant. What he was. How was it possible for a normal minion to stop Saber's blow so easily. For the first time in a long while, Saber felt scared. he despaired.

Not! It couldn't go on like this. Even in the age class he was still powerful and feared Celtic knight, he would never let himself be defeated by an unknown servant.

"▂▂▃▃▅▅" Saber roared with all his might, driving the fear away and readying his spear to release his second Noble Phantom

But, it was too late, Rider was already in front of him swinging his sword cutting Saber in half. all Saber could do was instinctively swing his spear and rip Rider's other arm off.


The sound of a gunshot was heard at the same time Saber dropped to the ground and Rider dropped to his knees beside him.

He no longer had the strength to continue fighting, his arm had been destroyed by an attack from Saber. indeed Saber was a very powerful warrior. The rider would have had a lot more difficulty fighting him if he had less mana.

His master was a mana-making plant. That's why he can use all his power without worry. has increased his power many times to compare to Saber who only could use his power to a certain extent so as not to overwhelm his master.

Even so, he would die. The rider had reached his limit and lost the fight morally. He only won because he managed to unbalance Saber's mentality and even so he managed to be hit by Saber

Hmm, how ironic… Rider chuckled feeling his command disappearing from his body and his connection to his master fading… wait, the connection to his master was fading! No, that couldn't happen. God forbid that to happen

Rider before falling to the ground and dying felt something different in him a slight voice spoke in his ear (Do you want to save your master?)

"Yes!" Rider replied without thinking twice as his vision darkened

(Then accept my proposal and become the ruler of this war)


At that moment something happened to Rider that his body changed, his skin turned dark and his hair white in an instant. The most visible thing that changed about him was his wounds that quickly healed and his body became brand new.

"Teacher!" Rider/Ruler got up and ran towards his master, but it was too late! The real master of Einzbern had just died, shot by Darnic who fled through the forest towards the church.

He lost his servant, but he didn't give up on the war, he and he would have the holy grail even if he had to steal it

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