
God-World Troubles

The battle was over as soon as Michael cast [Thundergod's Wrath], not just the battle occurring at Winterhold's walls, but almost every battle everywhere. Thundergod's Wrath struck ever single person Michael mentally classified as an enemy, and since that included a huge variety of groups and people, Tamriel's population had almost instantly dropped by a quarter.

Every Thalmor who was outside when the spell was cast had been obliterated, including every Psijic Monk, every bandit, and even every creature Michael regarded as 'monsters' who provided no real substance to the foodchains.

Despite the huge amount of death, the destruction caused was relatively little, the lightning bolts, while extremely dangerous to their targets, did almost nothing to their surroundings. This event mere days after became known as the 'Reckoning'.

Winterhold had barely any casualties, indeed, the only people who were actually injured were those who'd had an accident... Rolling their ankles while walking down the stairs, scraping their wrist after accidentally loosing the bowstring, or one unlucky fellow who'd drunk an expired health potion and had the shits ever since...

The subsequent celebration in Winterhold was a sight to be seen, so massive, with so many riches and luxuries used that one would assume that everyone there was a noble of the highest degree. The reason for this was simple... Everyone was trying to get on the good side of Tamriel's new God.

Michael, unlike the Divines was actually there, actually present, and terribly powerful. He was undeniably the owner of Nirn, and no one could rightfully dispute it without trying to challenge him, something even a child knew was folly.

This was the god who'd punched Azura back into her own realm before annihilating it completely, all within a matter of minutes. Winterhold's army, as powerful as it was, wasn't actually necessary considering the power Michael possessed. To most, it was just Michael attempting to include his 'servants' in his victory.


Michael had his feet kicked up on a table beside Tiffania and Saeko, Ymir had sat on the latter's lap after failing to find a place on Michael's... They were in the inn, listening to some bard sing a song of Michael's sole victory over the Evil Dragonborn who'd been charmed by the tyrannical god of beauty, Azura.


Tiffania looks over at the groan, resting her goblet of wine on the table, "Something wrong? I thought you liked hearing songs about yourself...?"

He sighs and squeezes his temples, "Only to laugh at everything they get wrong. Besides, that's not it." he points an accusatory finger at the crowds around them. "It's those bastards!" he exclaims, causing them to fearfully lower their heads.

"What did 'they' do?" she questions, concerned since they'd literally been doing nothing so far.

"I can hear them praying to me! I mean, I'm right here! They don't need to invade my mind to ask for shit! And no! I'm not resurrecting your cat you stupid cunt!" he shouts, causing a young boy to tear up and run away. "Ah, I thought it was the woman..."

"Hehe, enough to drive you mad, isn't it!" a voice draws the attention of not only the trio, but everyone else nearby... Sheogorath, lying across the table like a reclining Venus.

"What do you want...?" Michael questioned with his guard instantly up. This was a god they were dealing with after all, not to mention the most powerful Daedric Prince.

Sheo prods at his own temple, "The voices, can't you hear them!? All of us do! Bal hears the cries of women along with their rapist, Peryite hears the sick, Vaermina hears their dreams.... And me..." his grin spreads maniacally across his face.

"You hear the voices of the insane... Huh..." Michael drawls, "No wonder you're such a basketcase."

"Haha! Basketcase! Never heard that one before! I might use it too! Oh! How about 'Basketcase of Cheese'!?"

"Again, what do you want?"

Sheogorath vanishes from the table and appears next to Michael, resting an elbow on the back of his chair, "I came because I could hear your voice too... That's not good! Not good at all!" he grabs Michael's shoulders and leans in, "That means you're going MAD!"

Michael just shakes his head and brushes the madman away, "No, you're mistaken."

"Nu-uh! I've seen this before! Regular mortals aren't meant to be Gods! Not because of some silly rule, but because you're simply not designed for it! That squishy brain of yours is gonna melt sooner or later! Melt into a gooey mess! Like melted cheese!"

Michael shrugs, "And? Not like I can die anyway, madness isn't really something that can affect me either." he states, knowing that he could dull his emotions any time he wished.

"Don't you know, lad? Even death can't escape madness! You ever wonder why undead as such drab folks!? Can't hold a conversation at all, trust me! I've tried!"


"Why do you care anyway? Wouldn't it be better for you if I went mad?"

"Who wants their new Nephew to go mad!? Or was it brother? I can't rightly tell anymore!" Sheogorath shakes his head, "But don't worry, Uncle Sheo'll help!" he swipes his hand at the air and a portal opens up in the middle of the room, one that cuts the unfortunate bard in half... Butterflies flutter out of it and land on some of the horrified watchers, only to regret staying still when they get bitten and turn to dust...

Screams ensue and the whole place is vacated, leaving Michael, Tiffania, Saeko, and Ymir as the only ones left.

"Come on! I need to teach you the ways of madness!... Or was it sanity? Eh, it's a fine line, and a circle, and a triangle! My mind's doing flips just thinking about it!"


Michael lets out a sigh and stands, glancing over his shoulder at the others, "You guys enjoy the rest of the celebration... I've got some things to discuss with my 'uncle'."

With that, he and Sheo depart, leaving the confused trio just sitting in the empty tavern.


Tiffania and Saeko look over and grimace at Ymir trying to eat one of the apple-shaped rubies they'd been gifted with... She just innocently tilts her head at them and smiles, showing the glass-like shards sticking painfully between her teeth...

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts
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