
Nord Politics

Elsewhere :

High King Torygg sits at his throne with his wife, Elisif the Fair standing demurely at his side, her hand resting anxiously on his own. The doors of the Blue Palace open to reveal many richly decorated Imperial soldiers that march in and create a path for General Tullius to walk through.

"High King, I am Tullis, General of the Imperial Legion. I've been sent by Emperor Titus Mede II to help quell the fires of rebellion that have started." he starts but pauses when he notices the conflict present on Torygg's face, "You did receive word of this, correct?"

Torygg nods and tosses a letter at Tullius' feet, "I did, but it seems you did not receive my own. I asked the Emperor to give us more time to deal with this, I rule Skyrim, so it is my duty to solve the problems that ail it." he states, decidedly annoyed at the Empire for interfering in this.

It wasn't only his pride that had him upset at the audacity of the Empire. It was the fact that Tullius' mere presence here could be viewed as his own cowardice, seeking aid to solve a problem at his own doorstep. No different from a child running to its parents after scraping a knee.

Those he ruled over would view it as weakness, both politically due to his inability to bring Ulfric to heel, as well as militarily, his men barely stopping the Stormcloaks from blockading the mid and eastern side of Skyrim during the battle at the crossroads west of Whiterun.

Most of the Jarls were true blood Nords, so tradition was still incredibly important... Even those who didn't subscribe to tradition had to listen to their people, who did.

Tullius furrows his brows as he has one of his men scoop up the letter and hand it to him, not willing to lower himself in front of the High King, despite the disparity in their positions. "I was not made aware of this, but I'm sure the Emperor considered your concerns carefully. You know as well as I, that the Empire cannot handle the loss of another Province.

We cannot waste time and strength dealing with a rebellion when there are other things that require our concern." the General states, locking eyes meaningfully with Torygg. They both knew what he meant, but to say it out loud, even in a supposedly 'private' conversation could risk harsh consequences for everyone involved.

Torygg growls under his breath and slams his hand on the armrest of his throne, "I damn well know that, General! I asked the Emperor to stay away for a reason! Ulfric needs to be reasoned with! He wants a fight! Your presence here just lends credence to his cause, can't you see that!?"

Tullius frowns, "I'm unaware of this land's traditions, but I only move by the will of the Emperor. Ulfric will be caught, captured, and suffer the consequences of his actions."

Torygg shakes his head and lets out a breath, "You misunderstand, General. I'm not just airing my grievences. I'm telling you why you will be leaving Skyrim this instant."


Torygg's Thanes and servants feel the hairs on the back of their necks raise at the sudden tension of the situation, Tullius' soldiers also shuffling uncomfortably in response. Some could call his words just now treasonous, going against the Emperor's will, even as the High King, was not something done normally...

"Is that a fact, High King?" Tullis grouses with a stiff back and folded arms.

Torygg nods, "I've allowed the Empire enough already. Allowing the Thalmor into my lands, allowing you to outlaw Talos, allowing you to draw troops for the Great War... I have half a mind to declare independence as it is, General. Do. Not. Test me. Or losing another Province will be the least of yours, and the Emperor's concerns."

Tullis stares back at Torygg and quickly realises how real his threats were. The Nord's loyalty towards the Empire was hanging on by a thread, and if pushed, he'd do exactly as he said. The loss of Skyrim would be catastrophic and would be the death knell for the Empire.

Tullius' pride and loyalty prevented him from immediately making a decision however. He might even be disgraced if he left Skyrim without a proper agreement... He didn't trust anyone else to lead properly in his position, as far as he was concerned, they were all corrupt, greedy, stupid scum that you'd be remiss to wipe from the bottom of your boots.

"How about this then, High King. I will agree to withdraw for now, but you will allow my men to begin making preparations for our occupation of the Castle Dour. I will relay your words to the Emperor and await further orders... But, if you cannot put down this rebellion in under five years, I will return."


Torygg grits his teeth, "You are in no position to make demands, General. But so be it. I agree, now go back to the Emperor and relay my words to him. Skyrim will deal with its own affairs, just as Cyrodil fumbles with its own."

Tullis gives a firm nod before turning and leaving, his men following after, leaving the Great Hall of the Blue Palace empty for now.

"Torygg... Was that truly wise?" Elisif asks, finding her husband's sudden antagonistic attitude towards the General both strange and unthought out.

Torygg shakes his head, waving his hand at the nearby servants and Thanes which causes them to leave, afterwards turning to his wife, "No, that was the best I could have done in this situation... Word will get out of this, word of my resistance to the Empire's attempt at interference and wish to resolve the rebellion myself, hopefully peacefully."

"Was possibly angering the Emperor worth the potential rumour?" she presses.

He nods, "You know as well as I do how honour is valued and coveted in Skyrim. I might even be able to negotiate with Ulfric once he gets word of this..."

Elisif frowns, "Like that brute would be willing to listen to anything you have to say, my love. All he desires is your throne, he cares little for Skyrim and its people, only the people he could gain."

"You don't know Ulfric as I do, Elisif. Don't base your opinions on what your handmaids say and the rumours the Bards spout." Torygg says as he stands from his throne, "Come, let's find some time to ourselves before our Thanes decide that something requires our attention." he japes while walking to their room.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Faruk Ereng

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