
Precursor Slayer (2)

"At least one of you has something in their biological penthouse," Vulcan said while pointing at Aegis, "While you were busy acting like the overconfident jerk that you are, he practically dragged me here."

Vulcan took a few steps toward Ashton before facing Phantom. Although he said he would fix Ashton up, the forge master did not have any ability to fulfil his words. However, he wasn't backing down either. 

What he had was knowledge, which he had promptly shared with Aegis. It was a skill scroll, the last artefact he had kept from when his father had abandoned the art of smithy to become a tamer. 

The scroll worked just like the ability pages worked back on earth. The scrolls held power to grant someone the ability stored within them. Similar to the skill pages, the scrolls could only be used on creatures of mythical origins, not anyone else. 

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