
Chapter 124: Explanation, Dream

Blake began to explain everything to the girls.

First, he explained to them his death and the cause of death. She explained what she wanted to do that day and how she died before she could do it.

Then he told about the lightning bolts he saw in his death and what he experienced after his death. He began to describe the first things he saw and lived through in the Golden World. The words were pouring out one by one.

The girls were all very smart, but what happened to him was fantastic, and every detail he didn't tell them could have left a huge void in their minds. So he told them everything he saw and experienced.

He explained his journey through the Golden World, the selection phase, his first meeting with Lilith, and what happened next.

He paused here for a second and explained everything down to the smallest detail. This was the most important and striking part of the subject for the girls, and it was the part that Blake feared most. If they misrepresented their situation to them, they could go into an existential crisis and fall into a deep depression.

He explained to them in detail that they were not just anime characters. He said that they were real living creatures, as Lilith said, and that they were only seen as "anime characters" in their world.

The situation of the girls was similar to that of the main character in The Truman Show. They were living, breathing creatures, and their lives were projected onto the Earth's screens with the help of Lilith. He made sure to explain it to them in a way that left no doubt in their minds.

Then he told about his coming to this world and what happened to him. It took him several hours to explain everything to the girls. He was the only one who spoke, the girls listening in silence. Blake watched each of their confused expressions with a wry smile, but he didn't take his eyes off them.

The girls had complex expressions. What Blake said was so fanciful, but with what they saw today and what they went through with Blake, they had no choice but to believe it.

But believing is one thing, accepting is another. What Blake had said was not something they could easily accept.

Still, they weren't in such a bad mood. Blake's detailed explanation worked. Knowing that they weren't just a drawing or a fictional character appearing on the screen calmed their somewhat strained feelings.

"T-that's a hard bite to swallow... But I want to ask you something." Fuyumi hung her head and muttered softly. She had her hands folded in front of her stomach, constantly turning her thumbs.

"B-Blake… our relationship with you… was it planned?" Her voice came out like a bird chirping, her head was bowed, and her gaze was impossible to see because of the hair covering her eyes.

Fuyumi was the person most surprised by Blake's words. Unlike the other girls, she was new to heroism or even fighting villains, even Nemuri, who was close to mediocrity like her, was more used to such events than she was.

Still, she knew she had to get used to it. She had to protect her family, they had to get through tough times together as a family even if they didn't need it at all, and as a member of them, she couldn't be a wimp.

However, she was still shocked by Blake's words. The existence of another world aside, being seen as a drawing character in that world was not good for her little mind.

But there was something more important to her. That's her relationship with Blake.

Fuyumi had always highly valued her relationship with Blake. She valued him not only because he had captured her heart, but also because she loved him enough to force her into a harem-like relationship.

She loved not only their relationship but the way they started their relationship. Blake was her first love, she fell in love with him at first sight, and got into a relationship with her first love in a way most people couldn't.

For her, her relationship with Blake was like a princess fairy tale. The two people fell in love with each other at first sight and overcame many difficulties and strengthened their relationship. It was like a fairy tale, too good to be true, and it was all hers.

However, she had learned from what she had just heard that this relationship might not have been a coincidence of fate at all. For her it was love at first sight, for Blake it was capturing a character he loved. He knew everything she loved, knew her interests and way of thinking. It was nothing more than a gift box waiting for him to receive it.

And that prospect frightened her. If this were true, her heart would be shattered.

Blake looked at Fuyumi. Other girls also had pessimistic expressions and were afraid to make eye contact with him. Blake chuckled lightly with a wry smile.

"Haha... well, I don't know if you would believe me but I haven't seen any of you in my previous life."

The girls raised their heads and looked at Blake. Blake had a wry smile. He met the gaze of each of them leaning against the chair. His gaze was clear, not running away or alarmed when he met their gaze.

Each of them understood that he was telling the truth. It was only natural to understand this with their relationship. They could trust Blake blindly for the rest of their lives.

'Don't you know any of us? Even me?" Nejire sat on the edge of the sofa and leaned forward slightly. Her eyes were wide open, pure surprise hanging on her face.

Her reaction was quite natural. Blake had always treated her with special attention, always had a special place in his heart for her, and it was a little strange. In the middle of the conversation, the girls thought Nejire was Blake's favorite character.

However, it turned out that this was not the case. Maybe Nejire and Blake were made for each other.

"Yes, I don't know any of you. I only know about Momo." At Blake's words, Momo's gaze widened. She pointed to herself.

"Me!!?" Momo's lips parted slightly. She understood better now why Blake had been so sympathetic to her when they first met. She had met Blake in a previous life, as she had tough long before.

''Yes. As far as I've watched, I only know enough about you. There's also Nemuri, but she didn't show up very often." Blake explained with a small smile.

"Then why did you help me when we first met…" Momo asked curiously. Despite knowing Blake's interest in her in a previous life, she wanted to know the reason behind helping her.

As in Blake's world, their world had manga and various anime, and she knew that a person could love more than one character. But Blake had come to her, ignoring the other characters. Even if she liked it, she wanted to know.

"Oh, well, unlike the other characters, I liked your diligent effort. You reminded me of myself in my previous life, and I saw myself in you. But since you weren't the main character, you would always be behind the main character in the future and I didn't want that to happen. That's why I helped you."

''Main character? Midoriya, right?" Momo didn't need to guess who the main character was. Whether it's the move, the demeanor, or being chosen by All Might, the main character could be none other than Midoriya.

''That's right. I cannot allow you to fall behind like this, who has worked hard since the moment you were able to stand up, did your best to improve, and sacrificed your childhood for this cause. I supported you as All Might did."

Momo looked at Blake in surprise. It was hard to believe he supported her to the fullest for a reason as simple as this, but when she think about Blake's selfish personality, it felt so natural.

She grasped her chest. Her heart was so warm, for a moment she thought her heart was going to melt. It was nice to have her long labors noticed by someone outside her family, especially Blake. Moreover, it made her happy to know that not only she was struggling, but that the man she had decided to share her life with was also striving for her dreams and goals.

She just felt that what she did with it was worth it.

"Blake…" Nemuri stood up. She couldn't look into Blake's eyes, her head was bowed and her chin was trembling. For her, who was as ordinary as Fuyumi, what had just been told was too much.

"I-I want some time alone. Don't get me wrong, I won't be thinking about my relationship with you. It's just… what you just said is too much for me." Her voice was trembling, taking a slight step back. She wanted to shut herself up in her room and think about it.

Blake reached for her with a warm smile and took her hand. He spoke while caressing the inside of her palm with his thumb.

''Take your time. Think all you want."

Head bowed, Nemuri nodded slightly. She bit her lower lip and turned away. She went to her room to think. The girls looked at each other, saying goodbye to Blake before following her.

Blake watched them go. He glanced at the girls at the end of the stairs. Nejire waved her hand at him with a sweet pout before going upstairs.

Blake quietly got up and made his way to the kitchen. He wanted to cook. Sometimes he did not cook to feed the girls but to calm himself or relax.

He started to cook without caring about the person near him.

There were several halls in the part of the hall. Some of the halls were in the kitchen and the blind part of the hall.

Teka was standing in one of these blind areas, leaning against the wall. She poked her head over the edge of the wall and looked at Blake, who was cooking quietly. She organized what she had just heard in her mind and got out of the way.

Unlike the other girls, she was aware of what she could do because she had too much contact with Lilith. No matter how hard she searched for her, she couldn't find any information. Despite not spending any money, she had made a name for herself as the richest in the world.

And no one could attack her. Everyone knew her as the "strongest", but there was no concrete evidence or proof that she was powerful. She didn't fight anyone, didn't even reveal her strength.

She hadn't thought about it before. Even when she was thinking about it, her focus quickly faded and she devoted herself to her work.

Now that she thought about it, she realized that she had used her power to write them into their minds. She could do that as the Universe Presentative

She took a deep breath. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't impressed. She had a lot of questions in her mind and was wondering if she was a character in the anime and if so what kind of person she was.

But now was not the time for that. She must be with someone right now.

She came out of the hallway and looked at Blake's back. Blake was cooking quietly, nodding and chopping, boiling, or preparing the ingredients one after the other. His demeanor was preparing dinner as if the conversation that had just happened had never happened.

However, Teka was able to see his mood in one glance. And it was very complex. Considering what he had just said, it was clear that he was considering the possibility of breaking up with his girlfriends.

This situation was kind of like her. Her resemblance to Blake made her feel an emotion she didn't know. However, she quickly got over that feeling and walked over to him.

Footsteps could be heard clearly in the quiet room even if she wasn't wearing heels. Her innate arrogance and stern personality made the room feel strange. Blake continued to cook as if he hadn't noticed the air she was emitting.

Teka came over to Blake. She watched his side profile for a brief moment.

Blake had a slight smile on his face. He didn't seem to care that she was watching him. He was casually preparing the food.

Teka turned her head away. She looked around with a mute expression, her hands searching for something to work with. It wasn't like her to just stand there, her workaholic personality was so great that she felt empty if she didn't do anything.

With a small smile, Blake pushed some vegetables in front of her with the edge of his knife and set the knife he was using in front of her. He reached into the drawer, opened it, and got himself a new knife.

Teka looked at Blake. She nodded slightly and took the knife. She could feel the heat of Blake's remnant on the hilt of the knife. The warmth that remained on the blade tickled her newly acquired complex emotions.

However, she did not feel uncomfortable. The calm moment was beautiful, she didn't want it to be spoiled.

Two proud and arrogant people were preparing dinner in silence. They were enjoying their moments like a newlywed couple who had shut themselves down.

"Did you like… my gift?" After ten minutes, Blake spoke. He put the chopped tomatoes in a box and placed them in the closet. He grabbed a few new plates from the top drawer and began slicing the cabbages.

Teka stopped what she was doing. She didn't look at Blake. She gripped the blade harder, shook her head, and said a single word.


''Good. I'm glad it's achieved its goal." His little smile grew bigger. In a good mood, he finished the vegetables in one fell swoop and began slicing, peeling, or dicing the fruit.

With a small slashing sound, the knife cut the vegetable in half. Teka glanced at Blake. She stared into his face for a moment before quietly continuing her work. Her sparkling blue eyes were shining with mysterious emotions.

The two continued to prepare the food without another word. The ingredients were being prepared in order, they had even prepared a few dishes.

Time passed and it was night. But the girls had not come down for dinner. Blake glanced at the dining table filled with steaming food. Blake sighed, set the plates of food on the trays, and carried them upstairs.

Teka followed behind Blake. She too was holding trays in both hands, with mouth-watering hot dishes on them.

The two came to the front of the room, and Blake tapped the door with the toe of his foot. He patiently waited for an answer from inside, after a few seconds the door opened. It was Rumi who opened the door.

Rumi looked at Blake and Teka behind him, then at the trays of hot food in their hands. She smiled warmly. After carrying the trays in the hands of the two, she went out and kissed Blake on the lips.

"Don't get us wrong. We're just confused that's all. Eventually, we'll be back in our place in your arms." She bit Blake's lower lip and pulled it away with a force that didn't hurt.

"Take your time and think all you want." Blake gripped her hips. He increased his strength a little, his fingers digging into the soft flesh.

Rumi grinned in delight as she bit Blake's tongue. She didn't care if Blake was targeting her on purpose, she was determined to birth a lot of bunnies for Blake, and she didn't want to lose those touches.

After sucking Blake's tongue, she let go of him and entered the room shaking her hips.

Blake licked his lip and went downstairs with Teka. As he seemed unable to enter the room tonight, he bought himself a book and sat down on the armchair. He crossed one leg over the other and began to read the book.

Time passed when he was reading a book, and the time came when the girls were sleeping. Blake knew they weren't sleeping so he left them as they were and continued reading the book.

It took a few hours to get to the last page. He got up from the sofa to get a new book.

"Would you like a drink?" Blake said as he walked into the kitchen. While he was reading a book, Teka bought a book for herself and began to read. It didn't seem to have anything to do with him, but Blake, who was the same as her, was able to understand Teka's intentions.

Teka turned the page with her art-like finger. There was a slight rustling. She continues to read the book, parting her lips.


"Okay." Blake smiled and headed to the kitchen to make coffee. Teka unconsciously smiled, happily turning the page.

Teka's actions today might not fit her character. A devoted and headstrong woman like her shouldn't have made these moves that gave Blake hope.

But she was doing it because she was trying what Blake wrote the note. She was trying to find her happiness.

And she was going to start by making things up with Blake, whom she could call her ex-best friend. Her friendship with Blake was the best friendship she had ever had, and she didn't want to lose it. Just look at what they had just experienced, they had spent quality moments in silence and peace by mutual agreement, and these moments seemed to bring back the peace that she had forgotten and so desperately sought.

She also hoped that if she and Blake could reconcile and be friends again, she would be able to suppress and perhaps even destroy the feelings that were blooming in her heart.

However, unbeknownst to Teka, the new feelings she had for Blake were constantly growing and growing. In her heart, which was under Yoshino's control, it was advancing and spreading inexorably. If Yoshino didn't do something soon, Blake would have captured her heart.

Blake arrived with two coffees in hand. After putting one in front of Teka and the other in front of himself, he began to pass his time with a new book.

The night passed quickly for them. All they did was read a book in silence. When their drink was finished, sometimes Blake would make a new one, and sometimes Teka would make coffee.

While the duo was having quality time, the girls were having an awkward night.

Nejire had a bird's eye view of herself in the dream. She was friends with the big four Mirio and Tamaki, but their names were "Big Three" instead of "Big Four". The strongest was Mirio, not Blake.

Throughout her dream she looked around, frantically searching for Blake, but could not find Blake anywhere. No one spoke about him or knew him as if he had never existed.

Blake's absence hit her delicate heart hard. She sought Blake's warmth but could not find it, there was no Blake in this world, and it scared her more and more.

No matter how frightened she was, the dream continued. Met Class 1-A, Mirio fought them and easily defeated them. Then they rescued Eri and more. She was helping class 1-A in good faith. She even fought a man who was emitting blue flames and her hair was burned. Hm, now that she looked at it she needed to use this hairstyle, she was sure Blake would love it.

In short, she had neither life nor anything else. She couldn't go where 1-A wasn't visible. She didn't have a life of her own, and even if she had tastes and aspirations, it wasn't as diverse as her current life.

She was like a supporting character who was supposed to help Class 1-A.

Rumi had seen something just as similar but different. In her dream, she was in 6th the hero ranking. As time passed and All Might landed from #1, she had moved up to the fifth place.

But that's it. She couldn't go any further. Like she had done in her life with Blake, her potential would never reach the top three and never invent the Sky Fall.

And as if that wasn't enough, an arm and a leg were cut off, prosthetics were added, and the tip of her right ear was cut off. She had a curved prosthetic leg that could help her jump and a strange weapon on her left arm.

She had no problem with it. She might have lived like this if Blake hadn't helped her regain her limbs. But Blake, who loved every part of her, especially her soft ears and tail, wasn't going to like it at all.

But Blake couldn't show his unhappiness. Like Nejire, Blake was absent in the life she saw.

Fuyumi's life was a little different. All she saw were her desperate efforts to unite her family. As before, no one in her family was trying to reunite their destroyed family, but she was struggling desperately.

Her family was finally reunited, but it was like a sand castle set by the ocean. A single wave was all it took for it to collapse, it was full of cracks.

Fuyumi was once again satisfied with the decision she made at the time. If she had continued to helplessly unite her family, she would only have been able to unite when her father came face to face with death, but even that couldn't compete with the family reunion she now has.

Once again, Blake was absent.

Unlike the others, Nemuri seemed to have had a nightmare.

Her life, as before, was full of licentiousness and love of "youth". She was flirting and making fun of 1-A, and sometimes training them. She consistently maintained her flirtatious demeanor.

Everything was pretty normal but at the end of the dream...

She was dead.

Yes, Nemuri was dead. And at this very moment, she was dead. She stepped forward to stop the powerful villains from attacking the city and was killed by the number two member of Dabi's regiment.

Even when she died, she was thinking about how well she taught her students. But she never questioned why she died. Or that she didn't have a loved one to grieve for her after her death, so she wasn't grieving or indulging in a selfish "I don't want to die" thought.

How terrible was that? She couldn't be selfish even in her last moment, she didn't want to hold on to life. She was happy to sacrifice herself for the main characters of the world and humanity.

For the current selfish Nemuri, this was unbearable. As a hero, he should have been happy to do that, but like any normal human being, she too was greedy for life and didn't want to die.

And once again there was no Blake.

Momo had dreamed longer than the others. The length of her dream was due to her being one of the main characters. She had had a very long dream as a member of Class 1-A.

Her dream was too long so she couldn't put it into words, but she could quickly guess that if she didn't have Blake in her life, she would live such a life.

Unlike the others, she had no problem living such a life. The only problem was that she would always be behind someone and eventually her lady dignity and arrogance would crumble, acting as a side character alongside the few who would always be ahead of her.

Once again, Blake was absent.

None of them dreamed of Blake, and that made them realize in their hearts that it was all a dream. They were probably seeing the events that happened in the head of their characters in the anime Blake was talking about.

It was morning, each strangely getting up at the same time. There was no sign of sleep in their eyes. They looked at each other, after confirming that everyone saw the same thing, they went outside and went down the stairs.

Their dreams had lasted a few hours, maybe a few seconds. Some studies have said that dreams last as short as seven seconds. However, long days passed for them, perhaps years, and they went downstairs to see the person they had not seen for "years".

Their steps followed each other. Their pajamas and hair were flying, and each of them, especially Nejire, was descending three or four steps down the stairs. They were running to see the person they hadn't seen all night.

If the girls weren't sisters, they could run forward pushing each other. Rumi was struggling not to kick the ground and leap forward; Nejire, on the other hand, was holding back so she wouldn't use her Quirk, and each one running forward faster.

It was as if they were desperately trying to escape from the chains that held them.


Between their thoughts, they bumped into something. Because they couldn't control their momentum as well as Blake, they couldn't avoid the collision. Even Rumi couldn't help herself because of her mood.

Five girls collided with Blake. The saucers in Blake's hands slipped from her hands. At the sight of the girls, the tea splashed into the air, and the glass was falling in a completely different place.

Blake suddenly moved. The girls could see the movement of her hand this time. A tan silhouette appeared, and the next moment the teas appeared in Blake's hand as if nothing had happened.

"What's up girls?" Blake looked at the girls with the teacups in his hands. He had a natural expression as if what had just happened had never happened.

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