
Chapter 85: Tartarus

The sea of ​​people was talking, shouting, insulting, threatening. Sometimes there were group conversations, and these sounds made a loud and raspy sound, like thousands of swords slamming into the ground.

Blake's raven-black eyes turned icy as he stared at the people in front of him. However, he did not act.

Even with so many people gathered here, he had a lot of ways to deal with them. But these methods collided with other things.

For example, the cops. This was his property. He did not know whether there was a private property law in Japan, as in the United States. Still, as long as the police called here, they should have been able to drive every single one of them away up to a certain distance.

At least he could have fired them off his private property.

Ah, however, the police were here. There were policemen here and there, in various parts of the crowd. Some were commissioners, some were chiefs, some were ordinary policemen, yet they did nothing, but rather participated in the provocations.

He could also inform the heroes. The heroes who ensured the safety of the public and intervened firsthand in major actions would certainly not ignore a clamor of this magnitude and would have stopped it.

Ah, how lucky, a few heroes were in the crowd. Someone was even holding a banner with the inscription [I Should Have Been The One With The Harem].

"What did I do?" Blake said with a mocking smile. Despite his words and the crowd, he wasn't worried at all.

The girls giggled involuntarily. The main target of such a large crowd of people did not know what he was doing.

"You have killed a popular hero, who is known as a popular hero and is on the rise. You are one of the main criminals who stole important historical artifacts from the Edo period and various periods. Also, you are the main culprit in stealing all the confidential information of a few key people in the government, down to what underwear you wear in the evening, and...''

Teka looked at the crowd indifferently. She folded her hands under her two great mountains and began to explain. Each word was more shocking than the last.

"Hou… am I such a bad guy?" Blake shook his head and tossed his hair. His movements were like those of a man who had just realized how perfect he was.

"Hehe…" The girls chuckled again. Blake's ability to joke despite the army in front of them had somewhat eased the pressure on them, and they didn't feel as pressured as before.

Blake stopped pretending because he had achieved his goal.

"Now…" He studied the people around him. Their protests had grown exponentially as soon as they emerged, and they might have even swooped on them if the hospital's safety and a few doctors hadn't stopped them.

How should he deal with them? He couldn't hurt the crowd so that the girls wouldn't be traumatized, and he had no such intention unless they went to extremes.

"Teka-san, I'm going to bother you to arrange a vehicle. I'll entertain this crowd in the meantime." His gaze wandered over the sea of ​​people as Blake pleaded without looking at Teka.

Teka watched the human sea for a while before speaking. Her beautiful blue eyes narrowed slightly, one corner of her lip curling up into a charismatic smile. One hand was wrapped around her waist under her chest, with her free hand she picked up her phone.

"Sure." She didn't look back as her fingers moved at a high speed. She wondered what Blake would do.

Blake waved to the girls and walked forward. The footsteps were getting louder. Each step was more violent than the next, and by the fifteenth step, the ground was shaking now.

All eyes on the meeting. Blake's cold, emotionless gaze was met with hundreds of angry, furious, but also frightened looks. His figure looked like an ant staring at a huge black sea.

However, this did not apply to the girls and Teka. The momentum Blake mustered and the air of indifference he exuded was greater than the eerie pressure gathered by hundreds of others. He wasn't a little ant, Blake was a Dragon waiting to break through the human sea.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet. Those who met his gaze turned their heads the other way as Blake looked around. It was terrifying to look into those raven-black eyes that lacked any emotion.

"Who is your representative?" Blake continued to turn his head from side to side and survey the crowd. His ponytail swung from both sides, his figure that had taken the whole world in front of him did not look small at all.

The crowd of people was thrown into a small mess. That's right, they should have had a representative. That way, when the time came, he could speak for them and present their wishes. However, they had not decided on such a person.

Someone quickly stood out from the crowd. All eyes turned to him. When Blake looked at the man, he saw that he was the governor of this state.

Blake was even protested by the government.

The governor stepped forward with ragged steps. He had a hunched back, scruffy beard, and black eye circles that indicated he hadn't slept in days. His slender build stood out, even more, when he stood before Blake.

''W-what? W-Why did you call me?" He tried his best to sound stern, but involuntarily stammered when he met Blake's gaze. He frowned as he scratched the back of his head.

His gesture made him look like a subordinate reporting to his boss. His hunched and shrinking figure was pitiful compared to Blake.

"I just wanted to express my admiration for you. All of you." Blake tilted his head slightly so he could look at the man. He smiled amicably, but his eyes were not smiling.

"W-What do you mean?" The governor tilted his head. He couldn't make sense of Blake's words. They openly protested him here and showed him abandoned by the people, the government, the heroes, and the cops. Why did he admire them?

Blake studied his surroundings carefully before answering the man. His mocking smile grew larger, his eyes curled into two crescents. The crowd involuntarily took a step back.

"Intrusion of private property, destruction of private and public property." Blake glanced at a certain place. When the man followed his gaze, he saw damaged benches, iron fences, trees, and signs.

"Making too much noise and disturbing the peace of people who need to rest, especially by doing it outside the hospital, a large hospital that houses the seriously injured."

A man was shouting to the fullest. Hearing Blake's words, he froze with his mouth open. His mouth closed with each passing second, shrinking his body to blend in with the crowd.

"Blocking people and curtailing their fundamental right to freedom of movement."

"To close a busy street in the heart of the city without permission and occupy the streets."

"A protest this big requires a permit. And I see no permission in you."

"As cops and heroes, the most basic duty they have to do is to intervene in this situation, but they didn't even do that."

"And…" Blake continued to count a lot. Each item made a person's face turn pale and make their body smaller, making them want to disappear from view.

But all this is still tolerable. The matter Blake listed could have been circumvented by clinging to something, but the final words made the crowd tremble with fear.


"Since you've done all these things, if someone were to file a complaint against you, you would have to spend at least 15 years, at most 30 years in prison. You're sacrificing 30 years just to protest me and suppress a villain like me. I admire you so much." Blake clapped his hands loudly. His bright smile gleamed in the sun.

The governor wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. But the next second he sweated even more. His hunched figure had shrunk slightly, not daring to look into Blake's eyes. He turned around for support.

"HA!?" But he couldn't find anyone behind him. The human sea, which had reached thousands, had disappeared as if it had not existed from the beginning. There weren't even banners hanging around. If it weren't for a few minor injuries in the surrounding area, it could even be questioned that someone was there.

He ignored Blake to look around. He was looking for someone to hold on to, but the people around him had disappeared without a trace. Cops, heroes, doctors, and humans all disappeared in an instant.

He was the only one left, apart from the cameraman and the reporters, who were watching them from afar. Now he was alone with this man, the man he had protested and brutally insulted all along.

He didn't turn his back. It was time. He could feel the man's cold gaze on his back. It was as if his back had been pierced by thousands of arrows. His lungs began to work faster with a sense of panic. He closed his eyes, waiting for the next attack.

Information that Blake had attacked those who opposed him had spread to the Internet. Bakugo, Tiger, and a few examples were surfing the web. Blake became known for being ruthless with those who opposed his will.

However, as expected, an attack or something similar did not occur. He hesitantly opened his tightly closed eyes and sneaked a glance back.

He saw that Blake wasn't looking at him. Nejire, Nemuri, Momo, and Teka were waiting for a car on the side of the street, and the group was talking excitedly to each other without giving him a single glance.

"Kya~~ You were so manly. You were like a hero going up against the gigantic ocean. I'm getting wet~~" Nemuri placed her hands on both cheeks and flirted with Blake as she screamed. She had a fake blush on her face.

"Are you sure it's not sweat from fear?" Blake flicked Momo's spiky hair. Momo puffed up her cheeks, slapped his hand, but Blake didn't stop, continuing to tease her with a mocking smile.

''You!! Grrrr…" Nemuri could only grit her teeth at the brutal response. The urge to bite Blake to death was growing stronger.

Why didn't he treat her the way he treated the others? She knew that if Momo or Nejire did the same, he would flirt with them. It shouldn't be that hard to do the same with her.

'Hmm! He must have seen me weak for being nice to him. I'll show him when we get home." Nemuri started to think of a mischievous plan. Her goal today was to see Blake blush. Afterward, she would make fun of him for months.

"Hey, let's go."

"This opportunity will never be seized again. Hurry up! We should be the first to get the interview."


Blake and the girls stopped what they were doing. Their eyes turned to the direction of the voice.

Many reporters were coming towards them. They were shouting or tugging at the cameramen to run faster. Some cameras had already been activated, and the reporters had begun to speak towards the camera and present the news.

But oddly enough, Blake wasn't their target. None of the reporters were talking about Blake.

"Teka-sama, why did you come here?"

"Teka-sama, aren't you afraid that your actions here will have a bad effect on you and your companies?"



The messengers surrounded Teka in an instant. Flashes were going off, fighting with the others to keep their microphones in front of Teka's mouth. The cameramen did their best to get a better view.

Teka Todoroki is the most senior figure of the Todoroki Family and the head of world-renowned companies. She was also the owner of the richest company in the world. It would be fair to say that she is the queen who sits on top of the world and rules the world.

They couldn't always find the opportunity to interview someone like that. Moreover, this person defended a villain who came to the fore as a disgrace to Japan.

On a side note, few people know that Dabi is Teka's lost grandson, except in the upper reaches.

If the messengers could get even a word from her, it would be much easier for them to be promoted. If she could answer one of their questions, their reputation would rise. This was an opportunity not to be missed.

Teka was suddenly isolated by the messengers and left the group. But the girls and Blake had no problem with that. While they were waiting for the vehicle to come by the side of the road, they decided to watch what Teka would do.

Teka stood alone amid the messengers, like a proud swan. Her brows were furrowed and her usual stern expression was unwavering. Despite all the questions directed at her, several tens of microphones and cameras, she remained sternly silent.

Teka's eyebrow raised, her crystal blue eyes watching. Despite the strobe lights flashing in her face, she wasn't bothered. She was used to this long ago.

Teka's silence was accompanied by questions from the messengers. They were fighting each other just to get a single word from her.

A few minutes passed. The vehicle the group has been waiting for has arrived. It was a long limousine. It couldn't be compared to the limousines of the two men that arrived that day. Its pure black color shimmered in the sun. It was 10 meters long and looked quite luxurious.

Teka started walking, ignoring the messengers around her. The messengers who came before her instantly gave way to the woman.

What a joke, they wouldn't dare to intercept Teka Todoroki. It was safer to wrestle naked in front of a bear.

As Teka walked proudly through the group, a woman passed in front of her.

The woman was wearing a business suit. Even looking at Teka's face, she wore a bold and professional expression. She wrote "WNA" on the microphone in her hand.

"Miss Teka, I am from the World News Agency. Why do you side with a traitor who appears to be a disgrace to Japan? What is your relationship with him? Do you mean to say that with these actions you will defend him no matter what?"

Silence has never been so loud. The reporters' legs were trembling, their faces were expressions of sheer shock. A few even dropped their microphones, but they didn't notice it.

Even though they said similar words, their aim was not to make a big question but to get a small answer. None of them intended to ask such daring questions, nor did they have the courage to do so.

The last person to do this was beaten to death on the spot, and when he woke up the next day, his entire career was over. Moreover, he did not even dare to claim his right, if he did so, he would be the wrongdoer and he would be imprisoned.

But this daring woman had done just that. Was she a fool or was she too brave?

Screams came from the daring woman's earphones. Her superior, who had given her orders, was shouting at her, swearing, and saying that she was going to fire her as if she had murdered her mother. There was even the sound of crying.

The girls were already in the car and Blake was about to get in when the woman asked questions. He stopped at her words, stuck his head out of the limo, and looked at Teka.

"..." Teka did not answer the woman. Her sharp gaze was fixed on her. She tapped her forearm, with her finger quickly crossed. After a moment of silence, she said a single word.

"Yes." She walked past her without another word.

"Aren't you coming in?" When she got in front of Blake, she looked at her confused face and asked.

Blake snapped out of her surprise. He nodded with a warm smile and went inside. A small laugh burst out of his mouth. As if what he had heard was enough to brighten his day.

Teka smiled bitterly before stepping inside. She closed her eyes, rubbing her eyelids with her fingers. Even for a few seconds, there was a great confusion of emotions in her eyes. She sighed, revealing for a second before getting into the limo.

The limousine's departure was swift but quiet. The sound of the engine was not heard, the sound of the wheels rubbing against the ground was minimal. It left the street with the little stone-crushing sound.

The interior of the limo was furnished with luxurious white leather seats. There was a red carpet on the floor. The carpet was clean and fluffy, stepping on it felt like stepping on clouds. An oversized television was mounted behind the driver's seat. On the floor next to a person's hands was a small mini-fridge.

It might look dazzling, but it was simple and comforting. Rather than a luxury limousine, it was a place to rest, perhaps even sleep, when you got in the car.

"Wow, so a limo is like that… I'll take a picture of it." Nejire studied the surroundings for a while. Her phone appeared in her hand, feet close to her chest, and as she leaned against Blake, she began taking pictures of the inside of the limo.

She was giggling involuntarily after every photo of her. Although it was a simple photograph, she seemed to have a lot of fun doing it. Blake couldn't help stroking her head.

"Hm... So it's a limousine. There are some of these at home, but I never had a chance to ride. Oh, why does a limo have handwashing gel?" Momo was studying the surroundings like Nejire. Although her family was wealthy, she did not have time to live in wealth, and the vehicle she drove to school was not a limousine. This could be said to be her first.

As she looked around, she saw an inverted J-shaped tube. To her, the tube looked like a tube dispensing a hand wash gel. Her hand had been dry for a while, so she reached down to get some.

A bubble of transparent liquid poured into her hand. It was quite cold, she shivered involuntarily. She rubbed the liquid with her other hand and spread it all over her hand. After quickly finishing her work, she turned to the others.

"Hm?" Teka and Blake were giving her a confused look. As she was going to ask them what happened, Blake grabbed a glass from her side and aligned it to the bottom of the tube.

The bubbled clear liquid quickly filled the glass. Blake specifically passed it in front of Momo's little nose, placed it on his lips, and took a large sip of the bubblegum.

Momo's eyes widened, her mouth wide open as she stared at Blake. Her face was painted in deep shades of red with every passing second.

"Oh… well… I… sono… Etto…" She struggled to explain herself. She was waving her hands wildly, forcing herself to form a sensible sentence. Unfortunately, she couldn't.


Blake opened his eyes slightly and gave her a sideways glance. His eyes shone with a mocking glint. His lips, hidden behind the glass, were trembling as if he could hardly stop himself from laughing.


This was the last straw. With a small "puff" sound, Momo turned red. Smoke was coming out of her head. Blake could say she wanted to dig a hole in her shame right now and bury herself in it.

"I... didn't know it was a soda fountain." Nemuri chuckled as she handed her a napkin. Without raising her head, Momo quickly took the napkin and wiped her hand.

The journey continued pleasantly. Teka found time to rest for a while. She had worked all night without stopping, and then she had come to visit Rumi. A few minutes of sleep would give her relief.

Blake and the girls were having a great time. They noticed that Teka was asleep. In order not to disturb her sleep, they continued to chat in low voices and examine the surroundings.


Tartarus was one of the most secure prisons not only in Japan but perhaps in the world. The Tartarus prison housed extremely dangerous villains for its construction purpose. Japan in particular had done its best to make this prison the safest prison possible and built it away from civilization to avoid any problems.

The maximum-security prison was located on a huge walled island about five kilometers from the mainland. The only access to the prison is a long bridge connected to a city, which is guarded by two or more guards who control every vehicle entering the entrance. The gate that stood in front of the mainland side of the bridge was known as the "Bronze Gate".

Anyone who entered here was kept under strict surveillance. Rumor has it that each wore straitjackets to restrict their movements, was fitted with various heart rate and body control devices to restrict their Quirks and was targeted by guns to restrict their freedom.

[EN: I'm going to change the Tartarus a little bit.]

On the road to Tartarus, there would be no one but a few on the month. The most common vehicle to be seen throughout the year was a vehicle made of solid metals carrying notorious criminals. The vehicle was accompanied by a police convoy and a pro-hero convoy.

Once the vehicle arrived in front of Tartarus, this group's authority to further advance was removed. They were now escorted by a group of bodyguards, each with powerful Quirks. Once inside, they were going through a lot of complex security.

Anyone who entered Tartarus, whether a vicious villain or a visitor, had to go through tight security and be checked over and over again.

However, at the moment, only one vehicle passing over the bridge was comfortably crossing the bridge with no guards or escorts. It was as if it wasn't going to a high-security prison, but was crossing a normal bridge.

After a glance at the vehicle, the guards continued to do their job, with their expressions unchanged.

The limousine arrived in front of Tartarus. It looked like a small black stone in front of the Tartarus Prison with black-dark blue metal outer coverings.

The driver of the limo got out. He came to the door with quick steps and opened the door.

A beautiful leg came out the door. At the tip of her feet was a black heel that made her clean skin shine. It was only one leg, but it stunned the surrounding well-trained professionals for a few seconds.

Feet on the ground, a well-trained long leg followed by a perfectly proportioned, one-of-a-kind woman.

The most striking feature of the woman was her hair made of lava.

The woman got out of the vehicle. She revealed her beauty that outshines even the sun in the sky. She put her hand on her hip and surveyed the surroundings. Her eyes, blue as the sea below them, were cold and distant. There was a frown on her face as if it was glued there, but it didn't make her look bad, it added an image of unapproachable beauty.

After her, a woman of her stature came out, though not as much as her. She was beautiful and flirty, wearing a hero costume that stuck to her body. She didn't seem to mind emphasizing her figure.

Then another came out. This girl, who was more cute than beautiful, had stars in her eyes as she looked around. She scrutinized the surroundings, even approaching a bodyguard and showering her with questions. The irrelevance and seriality of the questions caused even the professional man to sweat internally.

Moreover, none of these questions were malicious. The sheer curiosity on the girl's face made even a tough guy like him soften.

The person who came down after the question machine was a dark-haired girl you might call a lady, with a meek and good temperament. Her two great mounts were quite large for her age, and she wore a tanned red outfit.

"Nejire, come here." A manly voice came from inside the car. Nejire brushed aside the questions, clasped her hands between her waist and hair, and walked towards the vehicle.

Blake got out of the vehicle. When Nejire arrived, he led the girls to the prison.

He stopped at the entrance to the prison. His eyes were closed by his bangs, he lifted his head and looked at the huge prison. The atmosphere suddenly turned serious, the girls waiting for Blake to speak.

"Teka-san, I'm in a bit of an awkward situation right now. I want you to do something for me." Blake was doing his best to suppress the anger that was burning in his heart. However, as he thought of the man behind these massive irons, his anger was threatening to burst out of his body.

In order not to show his anger to the girls, he swallowed all his anger and spoke in a gentle tone. He concealed his anger so well that this time even Teka did not notice.

"..." She looked into Blake's eyes before shaking his head. She couldn't see anger, killing intent, or bloodlust in his eyes, which were hidden by his bangs. There was absolute calm.

She agreed and phoned someone. She continued to stare at Blake during the conversation.

''I got it. You can do anything you want. As long as you don't cause too much trouble or destroy Tartarus, no one will interfere with you." Her willow-branch-like red eyebrow rose for approval and looked at the man beside her.

The man had taken orders from his superior before the woman spoke. Shaking his head wildly, he leaned towards the group.

"We're not going to touch you. But please don't destroy Tartarus, cause chaos or release notorious criminals."

Blake nodded in understanding. He began to roll up his sleeves as he walked to the entrance to Tartarus. His steps were quiet, but the momentum gathering around his body was no joke.

A thread-like red aura was emerging from his body. He slipped into the entrance to the already opened Tartarus and left a few words behind before disappearing from the girls' view.

'Don't come after me. I want to relax a little. You can watch from the cameras.''


Tap! Tap! Tap!

The only sound that could be heard in the hallway was the succession of footsteps. The footsteps were as clear and loud as lightning on a black night.

The lights of Tartarus were never turned off. This is because; The goal was to reduce all blind spots as much as possible and not give him a chance to escape.

For some reason, however, the corridor leading to the courtyard of Tartarus's relatively weak villains was pitch black. High-volt bulbs lined the corridors, yet the corridor was dark as the stomach of a monster.


There was the raspy sound of the forcibly shattering of iron. The corridor filled with the smell of blood. However, this smell of blood was relatively weak. The real issue was the chilling terror that the smell of blood and the irritating noise brought behind it.

A pair of eyes appeared in the darkroom. Its pupils were vertical like a lizard's, its crimson pupils gleaming like stars in the dark corridor, with great killing intent behind it.

The iron continued to crumble. However, even this sound was not enough to suppress the footsteps. The footsteps were neither loud nor low, but they permeated those who heard.

As the footsteps approached the exit, the pair of pupils behind it approached it. After a short walk, the owner of the erect pupils was revealed.

The word monster could describe this thing. It had a long snake-like body, but its body was neither covered with scales nor skin. It wasn't feathered. It was made of pure red air.

It had a long jaw, and the sharp teeth inside its mouth gleamed with an eerie light. 3/2 of its head was covered with mane-like hairs. It had bone-like protrusions that started at its arms and ended on the top of its head and ended under its mane.

The man, who was right under the monster, looked very small and harmless compared to the monster. However, upon closer inspection, this man was more frightening than the beast.

Because the red gas that created the monster was coming out of this man's body.

The beast's progress followed the man's footsteps. The lights in the area he passed through remained in deep darkness and could not function. Footsteps pierced the eerie silence, followed by the sound of iron shattering.

The monster raised its claw and clung to the wall to support itself. The wall was made of various solid irons, yet the beast's claw effortlessly pierced the iron as if cutting through a piece of hot oil.

Sparks appeared like patches of sun in the dark. They fell to the ground like a red rain and were swallowed by the darkness.

It took the man a few moments to reach the end of the corridor. But he did not enter the courtyard. He paused as he surveyed his surroundings.

The monster extended its claw and grabbed the edge of the entrance. It grabbed the wall to the man's right with its other hand. It twisted its snake-like body and clawed at the ceiling with its claws.

Inside the courtyard-like place were many guards, and they were patrolling the area in various ways. Each of them felt a chill, their gaze instinctively turning to where the man was.

But when they did, they froze in place. Their hearts began to beat faster, their lungs working faster for them to escape. Without fainting with fear, they witnessed something they had never seen in their lives.

The snake-like beast in black and red darkness was studying the surroundings with eyes burning with great anger and cold killing intent as if accompanying the man's anger. İts tall body stretched out into the darkness. Its mouth was open, showing that as long as the man gave orders, it would swallow them.

Although they are experienced veterans who have been through battles many times and are strong people who can handle various situations, it was their first time meeting a monster. Regardless of Nomu or High-End Nomu, it was like a child before this beast.

But that wasn't the main reason they fainted. Even if this thing was terrifying, it would stun them at most. The reason they fainted was due to the cold and sharp killing intent that charged at them when they met eye to eye with that monster. When they couldn't take it any longer, they passed out.

Red-black smoke emerged from the body of the man standing at the end of the corridor and spread across the courtyard. The man stepped inside.

The monster clutched at the ceiling with its claws. Its sharp claws pierced the iron effortlessly. The ceiling was bent inward and shattered by the force behind its claws.

The monster took its body out of the corridor. Clinging to the flat wall with its claws, it lifted itself and walked along the flat wall.

In the areas it passed, the rest of its body swayed, its hind paws clinging to the bars of the balcony in front of the prisons, which were high above the ground.


A small piece of red came out of its body and fell on the balconies it had passed. The little red pieces wiggled slightly, forming in a matter of seconds to be the same as the beast. They were even the same size.

The newborn monsters wandered along the corridor, even though no one said anything. They didn't forget to look at the bad guys in the places they passed. They looked like they were looking for something.

Or someone.

The main beast reached the top balcony. This time, the red piece did not fall from its body, it twisted its body and started to wander on the top balcony by itself.

The top balcony was where the most dangerous villains in this courtyard stayed. Every villain who stayed here was watched not by humans but by a dozen guns. If they did anything, the guns would pierce them.

A man with what could be seen as a mass of muscles, with a coarse beard and large cuts to both eyes, was lying comfortably with both hands clasped behind his head. He had a collar around his neck, and that collar was restrictive, which restrained his Quirk.

The man had crossed one leg over the other and was shaking his leg. His brows furrowed slightly, and he slapped the wall with his hand before shouting.

"WHERE IS THE MEAL-Ugh…" The man's shout was cut short. His face turned white as he slowly shrunk his body. He turned his back. He aligned his feet in front of his chest and spoke wildly.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... please don't eat me... I won't yell... I won't shout..." There was a small white strand in her black hair as he shook his head.

The object of his yelling and being so frightened was a vertical eye in the pitch black. After the eye looked at him, it didn't bother with him any longer, and continued to walk along the corridor.

When the main beast reached the center of the top balcony, it stopped. It let out a small groan.

In the middle of the corridor, the body of the man at the center of all these monsters was covered in a red cloud. The air coming out of his body was now black. His white figure in black looked both impressive and terrifying.

The man turned his head slightly. His raven-black eyes burned with killing intent. His body swayed slightly, his figure blending into the air. The next second he appeared next to the monster.

The monster pointed to the room in front of him with the tip of its nose. Then it let out a small groan again. The monsters scattered across the courtyard and corridors came towards them. When they reached the man and the beast, they began to surround the glass that showed the inside of the room.

Blake cast a glance at the man inside. All that could be seen on his emotionless face were his raven-black eyes, burning with killing intent.

On the other side of the glass was a man sitting in the middle of various weapons. He was in a straitjacket, his back to the glass, and he was babbling a few things while staring at the wall.

The interior of the room was clean white. There was no furniture or a place to sleep in the room, the man was surrounded by four white walls. It contrasted greatly with the darkness outside the glass.

The white-haired man in the darkness, as bad man as the darkness in the white, the image was quite ironic.

The room was like a flutter of white light fluttering in the darkness. The man was muttering a few words and sometimes swearing loudly, not knowing what was on the other side of the glass. As the white light was gradually swallowed up by the darkness, the perimeter of the glass was covered with various red monsters. Each monster was staring at him as if they wanted to swallow the man alive.

The man in the room was unaware of all this, continuing what he was doing.

Excitement flashed in Blake's eyes, but his face remained expressionless. He put his hand on the glass. His hand twitched.


A small crack appeared on the glass. This was quite surprising, because these glasses were made with various materials to make them even stronger than bulletproof glass, and it was a huge feat to be able to do it even with a small shard.

Even more surprising, the fracture was getting bigger with each passing second. The fracture widened as Blake's hand continued to twitch. The man inside continued to whine in the white room, unaware that death was approaching him.

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