
The Attack In Dark

To see people tied up there, Tahari turned his head away from the sight and move away.

"Just wait a little more Tahari." I thought, "We'll try our best to save them."

We sat, ate when the time came and checked all our weapons again , but even in the busy atmosphere, an air of fright and fear roamed. The people were worried to the bone but they were brave enough to still move forward.

We waited and waited. The sun doesn't seemed to move quick, I was out of patience to sit there but also my survival instinct told me not to go, this weird dilemma of my body just had to be shut down for now.

When the sun was in his outskirts to set, we made our move and started to go down from the rocky mountain. The night fell and we observed the village from a distance covered by forest trees and vines.

People equipped with bow and arrows mounted a tree and others took cover in a big rock. Frequently we took a look at the people that were roaming freely in the village.

The people looked barbaric with animal bones pierced through their noses and wild hair. Their skin was smeared with mud and blood, and had a muscular frame to them.

We couldn't just keep an eye on just one person, there were so much in number that our hearts sank in disappointment. In that despairing moment we held our patience and waited, waited until night arrived and we'll start our operation.

Slowly the sun set down and a cover of dark blanket laid over the forest. Everything felt silent except for the buzz of crickets and the sound of leaves brushing over each other with breeze.

We moved out of that are and walked towards the place where the hostages are kept all while we were covered in the forest.

After we reached the area, we didn't saw any other people other than them. I signaled them to wait and took few steps in the open and saw around the area, there wasn't any threat, thank God.

I called them to come forward and so did they follow. The tied up people's eye lit up when they saw their tribe people coming out the bushes of the forest and a smile of hope spread throughout their face.

We started to untie the people which were hard. The knot wasn't something which would come easy. We tried several times but it didn't had affect in it.

"Listen to me.." while they didn't understood me they still looked at me. I took out the stone knife from my pocket and showed it to them. They came near and so did the moonlight which came pure after the clouds moved out of its way. We were at a risk now.

I started to cut the rope and everyone got it to their own work. I was growing scared. My heart beating became faster and sweat precipitated from my forehead.

Somehow I completed cutting a person's rope and senses came back to me. I released five people from my side and other were doing their job well too, better than me if I must say.

Then my heart came to my head when I heard heavy footsteps approaching me, I turned but it was too dark to make out now.

It felt like I was going to die today. I took the knife up defensively, footsteps now sounded more clearer.

Then I saw him, his hideous face was enough to scare me off and push me into unconscious state. His face had several scars and one of the one was completely white. In his hand he had a humongous staff.

He raised his hand instantly after seeing me and opened his mouth to scream while he hit me. I closed my eyes waiting for his staff to knock me out, but it never happened. I however heard a sound, too hard to make out what it was.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw and arrow had passed through his throat. The archers who stood at the tree were still able to see in this darkness, the savior of my life started to set another arrow in his bow.

Blood was gushing out the barbarian's throat and the cut was affecting him severely.

Tahari walked past me and faced the big barbarian and slammed a fist in his face. Instead when I looked later it was a hammer. He gave another three hits before stopping.

We managed to untie everyone. Some of them were unconscious and others were conscious but unable to walk properly. Somehow we managed to go back to the forest.

First we fed them some food and tried to make some wake up by spraying water over their face. In between all this, a horrible sound of horn broke out in the village.

"They knew!" My mind shouted this statement after hearing it. We then made a move again but we knew we may face some enemies who were searching for us.

We wandered into the forest for a long time and decided to hide. We would make our next move during daylight.

We had a lot of people then now have started observing. I took a stroll between them to see their conditions. While I was observing them all Tahari came to me and pulled me in a isolated place not far from the group.

He then took a stick and drew some people figure and an arrow that pointed towards their people. But then he drew another figure and an arrow but his time the arrow was in different direction.

I was confused at first but then the it hit me. We have lost a member. I now had the same tense face be had.

"We had to go and check for the member." I wanted to tell but people were already busy taking care of others. Instead I pointed towards Tahari and me and then pointed straight towards the forest.

Tahari nodded, which was enough for me to know that he understood.

We equipped a knife and a bow if things turn out bad.

We wandered into the forest for a good amount of time before stopping at one point. That's when we heard something. A scream? Whatever we heard, what that a scream?

We walked towards that scream with caution, not to alert others that we were here. We separated our ways to get a look after we got the feel that she is nearby.

After separating ways with Tahari I wished I wouldn't find out the origin of the scream but rather he should do it. I have already experienced all the fear I had to experience and saw no benefit in experiencing it again.

While thinking all about it, I heard a clash, like someone was fighting. I sprinted in that direction to find that a huge man was picking a fight with Tahari, what caught my eye was a girl laying unconscious.

Tahari swiped the knife again and again but the swiftness the barbarian moved, dodged it every time. He gave a hard kick to Tahari, after which Tahari crashed into the ground. The barbarian picked up his staff and walked slowly towards the girl.

"I should save them." My will spoke but my legs just couldn't move with fear. No! I had to, I had to save them, it was me who decided for them to take revenge and save the hostages.

I took a ran when his lifted his staff to hit the girl. I jumped just in time to cover the girl and to take the hit. Breath escaped my lungs when the staff crashed into my back and it almost felt like I died.

He hit me again but this time it was harder, I somehow withstand the hit and looked at the girl's face.

She wasn't completely unconscious, her eyes were half open as if she'd just woken up after afternoon slumber. The skin was smooth and the beauty that it had had made pushed my attention away from the pain to her beauty.

Maybe if I wasn't so pathetic, I would have a girlfriend like this in my age. I have no expectation that I will be alive. After Tahari got knocked my chances of winning were already thin but now it was none.

I looked at her again, our lips just bare centimeters away from each other. The way she looked at me, it was just purely had taken away my other senses.

However when he hit came harder than usual I was back to my senses. I suspected that I broke some bones, and strength was enough in my body to endure no more than 5 hits.

All this time I heard the sound of the staff on my back but this time a thud returned and I felt no sense of pain in my back. Maybe I already lost my sensation.

When I turned, I saw Tahari with the hammer and the big barbarian on the ground with a big wound in his head. I had been saved twice in a night. If this wasn't miracle I didn't knew what it was.

Tahari wasn't completely back to his senses. The kick was hard enough to knock anyone. It's already a feat to endure it but he certainly won't have any strength left now.

I picked up the girl from the ground and started to walk back to our group. Thankfully, no other incidents occurred that night and after resting for quite sometime we were walking back to my shelter.

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