
From Detached to Sincere

Ever since the time Lady was officially introduced to the Mireille family, Benedict and Penelope would always give this particular reminder to Maximilian – 

"Raising a child is tougher than you think. For one, you can never fully understand them. There'll be many instances when you can't tell what they're about to do or why they did what they did. Still, at the very least, you can always try to meet them halfway." 

It was probably the first advice that they gave him on parenthood.

At the time, he admits he just pretended that he understood. He always had to appear perfect in front of them, so he acted like he knew everything. In reality, however, he could not understand why he had to go through all that trouble of meeting his child in the middle.

Then again, he had the right and power to order her around, make her obey his rules, teach her how to be as flawless as him, and have her develop her character the way he wanted it to be.  

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