
The Little Lady's Love Advice

One whole year passed - and now, everyone's in their second year in middle school.

Time sure does fly. Many things happened in the blink of an eye.

Right now, though, nothing of importance to the story is happening. In fact, for the past months, nothing did. 

Lady sighs out loud, eyeing the ceiling.

She's playing toss with a stress ball at the moment, watching the tiny sphere defy gravity for a few seconds then catching it with her hand once it free falls. It's a simple, mindless activity for someone who's got nothing in mind.

She's bored. Very bored. 

"I should write," Lady muttered.

Then, she groans at the thought, rolls around her bed, and goes back to staring at the ceiling.  'You should write,' the blankness says to her. She yields to its inexplicable power. 

"Alright. Dear Helplessly in Love..." she announced to no one, reading the email displayed on the screen of her laptop and tossing the stress ball again.

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