
Facility raid (6)

Leo picked up the combative armor that he dropped onto the floor earlier.

He inspected it first before putting it on.

It looked quite a lot like a normal swat outfit, except that it was a bit more modern.

On the back was a basic integrated oxygen filtering system to purify any contaminated air that would be close by.

He took a look on the side of the arm but was quickly disappointed.

He secretly hoped to find an MTF insignia, but there was nothing.

That meant that Leo just killed a normal guard and not an elite one.

Leo put on the armor and started heading for the exit of the facility.

However, when Leo got close to the exit of the facility he was stopped by a guard.

"Halt, access card, please." spoke the guard.

Leo sighed and started feeling around his pockets just to have a miniature heart attack.

He had discarded of the access card because he thought he would need it anymore, and giving the guard the access card of Liam obviously was not a smart option.

"Listen man, the only reason I am here is because I forgot my access card outside, can you please just let me go look for it?" spoke Leo.

He knew that backing out of the situation would only make it worse, so he fully committed.

The guard spoke again, but this time with an annoyed tone.

"Access card now, or I will have to take you to the assistant director." spoke the guard.

Leo sighed and pretended to be looking for his ID, but secretly he was gripping his gun tightly.

Just as he was about to start shooting, another voice spoke.

"Let him through, it's fine." spoke the other guard.

Leo recognized the voice as one of the guards that let him enter the facility and ungripped his gun.

It was the guard that checked his access card when he entered the facility, Leo had already hypothesized that the guard was a friend of the other operative he killed outside, so he just played along.

The guard that wanted to send Leo away spoke.

"I am fine with it, just know that you will be taking the blame from HR if anything happens."

"It's fine, Wendigo won't do anything and he will be back in a second."

Leo had to hold his laugh in because the guard was absolutely wrong.

He would be demoted for sure, and if he is unlucky he would meet the same fate as Leo: Doomed to become a class disposable.

Leo nodded towards the guard that just practically saved him and headed outside.

The moment he went outside he pretended to look for his clearance card for a while but was secretly counting down the time.

"Four more minutes..." thought Leo.

He was incredibly tense at the current moment, he was quite scared that he would mess up the mission in the final act of it.

The minutes kept crawling by slower and slower, and Leo got more and more paranoid.

After waiting for what felt like an eternity, he made sure that no one was watching him before dashing into the forest.

He sneaked the first hundred meters before upping the ante and going into a full sprint to the location he was dropped off.

After running for a while he tripped and bruised his knee.

Leo arrived at the rendezvous point but was met with utter surprise.

There was no vehicle, or anything for that matter.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me, did they dump me?" thought Leo.

He turned on the flashlight that was attached to his armor and scanned it over the forest, making sure to not point it back towards the site.

Leo was about to curse his bad luck when he felt the world spinning around him.

In the next second, he hit the cold forest soil with a soft thud before feeling a knife being pressed against his neck.

"Guess he got caught, oh well." heard Leo.

Leo recognized the voice instantly and spoke out quickly.

"Relax Alyona! It's me!"

Leo's assailant seemed to hesitate for a while before speaking again.

"Prove it."

He did not hesitate and quickly transformed into his shapeshifter form, resulting in the armor getting ruptured.

Leo's assailant got off him and he got up.

To no one's surprise, it was Alyona.

Even though Leo just shapeshifted into his actual form she still did not show any kind of reaction.

She simply spoke two words.

"Follow me."


lazylizardcreators' thoughts
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