
Lasso 42

When I went to the training I was so happy not even the rude guards could beat me out of it. They still didn't get the fact that I was very much like them or they knew but pretended they don't. However, my face was glowing because I got my friend back. But when I thought of Lucien I didn't feel that happy anymore. It still hurt that he hasn't come to see me or tried to talk to me. Ever since the training stunt, it seems he is making a conscious effort to see me. The few times I went to court I didn't see him there. When I asked around they said it was not a new thing he would spend his time mostly training or fighting. On those rare occasions he is at home he preferred to sleep in his room then sit in the courtroom and listen to praises.

Igor on the other hand thrived on them. He often removed the honest ones from the court and placed them with scoundrels like them. Lucien was special I knew on these few days I knew him. He has never indicated that he was anything but a gentleman. I missed his sleeping form his face relaxed and he sometimes smiled during his sleep almost like a child.

"Hey! Stop daydreaming Mara", called Amir. I glanced at him guiltily. I was sitting with my arrow and drawing L on the ground. I inconspicuously tried to hide it. But Amir noticed it immediately I blushed like a bride.

" Looks like you are not in a mood for training today", he told me. I stood up and vehemently denied it.

"Let me ask you something, Mara. Do you care for Lucien?", he asked me out of blue. But I couldn't say anything I felt afraid like never before. To have this feeling was fine but to admit it out loud sounds scary.

" I don't know", I said flippantly. He just sighed.

"I know things are different in the human world. I have heard that girls are really shy and the courting goes on for days. But in our world, it's not like that. We rarely love but we are not savages. We too have heart maybe it's buried deep inside but it's still there. I liked a girl she was my first. I waited for our wedding. I wanted to join our military and make everybody proud. But time never stops for someone. She waited for me. After each war, my glory rose to the sky. She begged me to take a break and be with her and marry her. But I was too far possessed by myself that I could hardly hear anyone. She married someone else. My Cathy was the love of my life and I lost her because I was a selfish asshole. You may know her as Lucien's mother and queen" he said.

"Is Lucien your?", I hesitated to say the words out loud.

" No, he is not my son. I quit my battle as soon as the marriage was over. I was called a fool and coward to leave it when I was being promoted as general. I have never regretted it to this day. What I do regret is that I never it before Cathy's marriage life is too short Mara. Blink and miss it your moment will be gone", he said.

"I don't know why you are saying me this. There will be no future for us. We are both different his family will never accept me", I told him trying to sound indifferent.

" I know Igor doesn't care about his son. He is not a loving father figure. He is far too selfish for that. He is not like Igor he is kind-hearted and loving. He will lay the world on your feet. Don't repeat my mistake, Mara. Love him, be with him", he said.

"Stop begging in front of her Amir", said a cold voice. I immediately turned away to find Lucien looking furious. But Amir didn't look regretted.

" I have to say this Lucien you are running yourself training all day and fighting in the border rest of the time. Anyone can guess you are hiding from her. Be brave confess to her", told Amir.

One moment he was staying beside me then he was on top of Amir. I saw them both shift simultaneously. I knew they never shifted while practising because that part of training is conducted elsewhere. They were too close to that form from birth. But it's this form that is challenging for them. We are also in court where Igor like to dress up as humans though he says he hates them.

In a few seconds, the fight was over. Lucien a black wolf and Amir were brown shaded Wolf both tearing each other. But now they calmed down. I took a huge breath but their dress lay in tatters before them. I turned on my back while they got dressed. Being an only woman here was sometimes embarrassing. But I admired Lucien's fine ass before turning. But at least none caught me.

"You showed her your beastly nature, Lucien. Can't blame if she leaves you", said Amir.

" Well, the prince showed her his beast as well", someone from the viewers commented. I turned a lovely shade of tomato while everyone laughed. I don't know how they got the courage to talk like that but I knew it was because Amir was here. He may protect the trainee or he was confident that he is going to.

"I have to go. I have come to say goodbye. I have to go for the final battle of Lassa. Father doesn't want anything left standing before us", he said.

I have heard about Lasso it was the only place standing our final resistance. It was only our last hope. But the majority says it was only a few people and they aid refugees. They also have children in them. I think they doubt that they think Lasso is behind HLA. Lucien will destroy it and with people onsite it's going to be a disaster.

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