
Koro-sensei's What? (1)

Hey, Shun here!

Have you ever had the 'eye-opening experience' of accidentally breaking your gadgets just because you heard some suspicious crackling sounds whenever you shake them? Wanting to fix it, you opened the casing and tweaked things here and there…

After you were done with 'repairing' your device, you put it back together. That's when you realized that things are no longer the same…

Such a heart wrenching story. And you're an idiot from attempting to do that in the first place!


(Third Person's POV)

It was the dawn of the second day that Shun, Tama, Pochi, Mutsuko, Rokuko, and Ritsu transfered in the Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School to become one of the assassins that are going to kill their teacher, Koro-sensei. The makers of Ritsu, also known as the Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery, came to Class 3-E's classroom to check on their creation and to see her gathered data.

However, before they could enter inside to check on Ritsu, the phone of one of the two people who are wearing a white coat suddenly began ringing.

"What happened? Is it Mr. Jensen calling? Or is it Mr. Johansen?" Asked the other person who's wearing a white coat.

The first guy gestures for the other to wait for a second as he answered the phone.

"Yes? Ha… What!? You can't do that!" As the call continued, the guy's face continued to contort even further.

However, his bad day didn't end there as a few more calls came their way. This made the other five who's clueless as to what's happening stand there like idiots, waiting for the guy on the lab coat to break the situation down for them.

It took a few minutes before the calls finally ended. At the end of it all, the first guy on the lab coat's face could no longer be described with words.

His face was so contorted that it beats even the wide range of expressions that a constipated person could make. It's somehow amazing in its own right.

As if he was just made to eat his own sh*t forcefully over and over, that's the face he is making right now, he began to tell everyone the bad news.

"All of our investors called me just now… and…"

"And? Come on, tell us now!"

"And… Our… Ha-haha… Our investors already pulled out their money from our project. They said that someone already made a better technology from us, and with far better functions than ours. They say that it's far beyond ours in terms of technology…"

"What!? I thought they're in this with us!? Wait, let me give them a call."

The second guy took the phone away from the first guy's hands before calling one of the investors.

『Oh? Why did you call again? Didn't I made myself clear already? A person who managed to make a technology with the same concept as yours but with high efficiency, better AI, and it could even fire precisely and accurately while moving.』

"It's me Ja—!" Before the guy could even say anything else, the investor cut him off immediately, not letting him talk.

『Can't you understand where I'm going at? In my opinion, investing at a newly developed, or in development, technology is a risky business. It's high risk, high reward. I'd rather invest into something that's already shown its prowess rather than in a prospect that's only seem to be good on paper. I'm a businessman before I am your friend.』


『I'm sorry but, please look for another interested party… As a friend, let me tell you this, Jack. Consider scrapping down that project of yours. Your competition is light years ahead of you. You don't stand to gain much even if you try. At this point, if you choose to continue, you stand to lose a lot from it…』

*tuut* *tuut*

The guy named Jack tried to call their other investors but they all said the same thing. Not only that but some even ignored his calls.

Eventually, they marched inside to see their creation and to see if they could upgrade some things on her but, in their agitation, instead of upgrading Ritsu, they destroyed her. This was a huge blow to Jack and his heart could no longer handle it.

As a result, he fainted on the spot and had to be carried by the five people who came with him, along with the now destroyed Ritsu.

At a certain corner of the hallway, a yellow bipedal octopus suddenly appeared and spoke.

"Was it really necessary to make a fake Ritsu that's scarily similar to the real thing to make them believe that they lost her, Shirakami-kun? I think they would just demand us for money for destroying it."

"Not really, Koro-sensei. There's already a recording of what they did inside and how they destroyed 'Ritsu' so I don't think they would have much to say about it. I'll submit this to Karasuma-sensei later. Also, they have a more pressing matter to deal with…"

"A more pressing matter, huh. Nyu-huhuhu, you and your friends are really talented even outside of assassination, aren't you Shirakami-kun?"

A boy with wavy black hair came out from the shadows. His sky blue eyes stared at the yellow octopus and said.

"Not really? I was just lucky…"

"Nyu-huhuhu. Even better! Luck is a great skill to have. If you have anything you want to tell sensei, just tell me. Ah, it's about time for the TV show I'm waiting for to air! See you next week, Shirakami-kun."

Along with a strong gust of wind, Shun's teacher, Koro-sensei, left, just like that.

"Well, I guess everything went quite well. The only things I need to do is tie all the loose ends during the weekend and then help Mutsuko-san. Ritsu, tell Mutsuko-san that I'll be late to come home. We still have to deal with some things while we make a new body for you, after all…"

『Yes~! But still, I feel bad. For the first time, I'm disobeying my parent's orders. Does this mean that I'm in my rebellious phase now? Am I a bad girl now?』

"Not really. I think this just means that you have grown and you now have your own free will."

『Then, can I investigate this thing called 'internet' so that I could add more knowledge into my database?』

"Eh, for now, I think you should postpone that. There's lots of things that you stand to learn as you experience them by yourself. They say that experience is the best teacher, after all."

While he was saying that, inside Shun's mind, he was thinking, 'Who knows what she'll learn from the internet if she goes in there in her current state. I don't know how to judge an AI's mental age and if they have such a thing at all but, until further observations aren't done, I don't think it's wise to let her go out there and gather data from the internet at large.'


(Shun's POV)

"Oh~… Sexy guy~… It's a miracle!"

"What!? Really!?" Currently, we're inside our classroom and our English teacher, Irina Jelavić, is speaking these words in a pretty thought provoking manner.

I could understand why some boys are really into her. She have some serious sex appeal.

"Everyday conversations or chitchat is actually quite simple. I'm sure we all know that one person who's lines in a conversation is only comprised of 'maji great' or 'maji bad!'" Raising her index finger, Irina-sensei continued.

"The 'maji' here could be expressed by the old standby, 'really'." After saying that, Irina-sensei's eyes roamed around the classroom. Then, her eyes landed on a beaming Pochi.

It's what? Day three of us attending classes at Kunugigaoka Junior High School's Class 3-E and she and Tama is yet to be called for a recitation. She's actually been looking forward for this time to come, as well as Tama.

Their excitement whenever a teacher is looking for someone to do the recitation couldn't be described. Their twinkling eyes and excited smile is really quite infectious.

A few seconds later, Irina-sensei finally decided to choose Pochi first.

"Kanami, you try."

Pochi practically jumped out of her seat as she raised her hand in the air in her excitement. As an aside, the only people that Irina-sensei calls in a first name basis is Pochi, Tama, and Rokuko.

"Yes~! Irina-sensei~!"

After a brief pause, without even fumbling, Pochi said, "Really, nanodesu!"

Upon hearing Pochi pronounce 'really' in English language correctly, Irina-sensei was quick to praise Pochi.

"Yes, that's good! But you don't needed to add 'nanodesu' at the end of your speech, you know?"

"Really nodesu?" Pochi asked, still speaking in English.

"That's right. Really." Irina-sensei replied.

"Pochi understands, nanodesu!"

Irina-sensei couldn't help but facepalm when she heard Pochi say that. Eventually, she decided to move on and look for another one to do what Pochi just did.

This time, she decided to call the other person who's really excited to do some recitation.

"Alright. It's your turn Sorashi. Remember, no need to be so fancy about it. Just say, 'really'."

"Yeees~! Then, here I go~… Reaaally~?" At this very moment, Irina-sensei probably doesn't even know where to begin.

I mean, this is how they speak, so I guess the only thing we could do here is get behind it and move on. Which is what she did.

"As you can see, aside from their obvious preferred verbal intonations and verbal ticks, Kanami and Sorashi did a really good job at pronouncing 'L' and 'R' correctly. The pronunciation of 'L' and 'R' doesn't jibe well with Japanese people and that's mostly because of your language."

Irina-sensei began looking around as she continues to speak.

"I could understand what you're trying to say but it just feel so wrong to me. Don't run from the difficulty but try to master them! I'll be checking your pronunciations regularly from now on. If you mess up the pronunciation of 'L' and 'R'…"

Irina-sensei paused for a moment and, while squinting her eyes slightly, she said, "I'll be punishing you with a french kiss on public…"

Hmm… Isn't that a reward instead? For the boys and boys at heart that is… Okajima-san, for one, would probably enjoy that kind of punishment.

"Ah, but Kanami, Sorashi, and Rokuko are already exempted from this punishment since they are, so far, very fluent when it comes to speaking in English. They could converse with me at length using English, after all." Ah, I think that's because of the system's initial rewards to us when we joined, Irina-sensei.

Should I tell her that? Nah, forget it. I'll just teach Pochi, Tama, and Rokuko about English when I have the time, along with Mutsuko-san.

As the class continued, I heard Nagisa-san and Kayano-san talk to each other while looking at the empty seat beside me.

"It was really unexpected that Ritsu would suddenly leave the school, isn't it?"

"You think it has something to do with her creators? I heard that they came by here last week…"

Yes. Ritsu is currently absent.

It's proving to be quite the hard task to make her a new body, after all. We still need some time to finish it.

And so, a couple of days passed with our class mostly being busy in studying, engaging in some in-depth conversations about some elaborate plans, and assassination. I gotta say, this class is filled with oddballs, isn't it?


※~To be continued~※

Shameless Promotion:

Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.

Author's Remarks:

※ That's it for Chapter 171. I decided to skip Irina Jelavić's short character development arc since I deemed it to be unimportant in the grand scheme of things… Well, to the current plot of my fanfic atleast. There's also the fact that I can't really add anything on the table regarding that so it would just be one whole chapter of me regurgitating what I watched from Episode 10 of the anime. That said, I did change quite a few things already so I constantly have to take that into account as I continue to write this arc.

My biggest gratitude towards Vero消滅 for choosing to support me on my ko-fi page, as well as Ryan, NuA, and Sam Morgan who chose to resubscribe! Thank you very much guys!

Of course, I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my other supporters who have been supporting me ever since! Man, how time flies.







JadePanda003creators' thoughts
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