
Chapter 36

Bane suddenly became quiet after he said this, turning his head away from her. Celeste felt quite confused over what was going on until he turned back to look at her.

There was something different about Bane's face. His eyes had changed a slightly different color but that wasn't all that it was.

His expression had somehow changed as well.

"We need go inside and talk." the Alpha told her in a firm but not demanding tone of voice.

"I think there are some things that you need to know about. More so as the full moon gets closer." he didn't want to talk as long as the two mutts were near.

Information was already traveling much faster than he would've liked which really left him with no choice but to explain everything to her in the best way he could. Regardless of what his human side thought, this was something that he had to do.

Celeste blinked at him a few times as she tried to figure out what to do. She didn't really want to invite Bane inside. She felt though at the same time that it would be wrong to say no as there was something in her eyes that told her it would be better not to.

Two low rumbling growls from behind caught both of their attentions. Bane narrowed his eyes at the two responsible for the sound as he stepped around Celeste in order to be able to stand in front of her. They had moved closer and had their heads lowered as they growled at him.

"I don't really think that either one of you want to start something right here. There might two of you brothers but you should know that won't do you much good." He might've currently been in his human form, but that didn't make him concerned in the slightest.

A quiet standoff happened to them for a few brief moments before the two backed off and decided to leave. Not before they looked back over their shoulder gave him a meaningful look.

Had he been in his wolf form, he wouldn't have hesitated to put them in their place. Right now though, it wasn't worth the fight when there was something more important that he wanted to do.

"What was that about?" Celeste asked from behind him. The way that Bane had talked to them made it almost seem as though he knew who they were.

"This is why I asked if we could go inside and talk. You have questions and I have answers. Answers I would rather not talk about with all these people around."

Celeste took a moment to really think about it before she nodded her head slightly and turned around to go up the stairs that lead into the side of her apartment. Some people were interested in why someone so well dressed was in there area, but unlike where Bane lived, none of them dared openly stare or talk about it.

"Sorry, there isn't a lot of space and it's not the tidiest either." She apologized as she opened the apartment door so that Bane could step inside ahead of her.

"I wouldn't call it messy. It just looks like someone has ben living here." Bane remarked as he looked around the place. It was certainly much smaller than the apartment that he lived in. He knew though that this was because the little human obviously didn't have the kind of money he had to pay for such anything more expensive.

Not sure what to do with himself, he stood by the entrance of the living room even after Celeste walked in ahead of him. It wasn't his space so he didn't want to disrespect any kind of rules that she had.

"It's fine for you to sit wherever you want." She told him as she took a seat on the sofa. She had hoped the alpha would chose to pick the chair across from her since it seemed like it was a rather serious conversation that they were getting ready to have.

Instead though, he came over and sat down next to her. He left a little bit of space between them, but not enough to make Celeste comfortable.

"I am aware of what little Bane has told you." The alpha started once he was certain that he had Celest's full attention.

"The issue is though that he has hardly scratched the surface on anything that you should know, mate." he had a soft look on his face when he used this word.

"You have said that before, but I don't quite understand what it means and I thought you were Bane?" The fact that the person in front of her was talking about himself in third person was confusing her even more.

"Technical, I am Bane, but at the same time I'm someone different." He replied, trying his best to explain.

"Consider it for the time being that there are two parts to us. The person that you know in this shape is Bane. There's however also me, who takes on a different form from this. I go by the name Divo." He elaborated. Pausing for a second to see if it seemed as though Celeste was able to follow what he was saying.

"You even have a different name?" The other nodded his head.

"Of course we do. For consistency sake and not wanting to make any mistakes when it comes to names, we agreed to go by the human name rather than my own name." Bane had actually made that call on his own. Divo had just gone along with it for sake of ease and not wanting another argument.

"As you can tell even our personalities are different in some respects. I think that once you get used to us in all of our forms, you'll have a better understanding of things but that will be for a later point in time." That much was obvious to Celeste. This person, Divo seemed more calm and collected and perhaps slightly less intimidating than Bane was. It would take her a while to wrap her head around that thing though.

"In private, you can refer to me as whichever you please. In public though, I would prefer if you stick with Bane." He continued without waiting for the little human to say anything else.

"As for the mate part." He stopped for a second so that he could grab Celeste's hands and make her look at him.

"It means you're my destined beloved. The person that the Moon Goddess picked for me."

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