
Plans for the future

We are back!

But my Exams have yet to end...

Just 2 more...

Well, I'll get by but just fine.

I have several things I wanted to say, so before anything, in case you are excited to read, let's start with a recap.

If you forgot, we are current on March 1, this was the date of the War game.

-War Game ended

-Silver made his way back to Orario

-At the same time, the Gods chose an Alias for him

-Silver arrived at Orario and realized Hestia was not at home despite being late in the day

-Silver found Hestia still at her work with Hephaestus, discussing his Alias.

-He went around Orario until he stopped at the Hostess and talked with the girls about his desire.

And here we are, it's within the same day.

Remember that many hours passed through those sequences of events, several events happened in between and I plan to show a few of them.

After all, the people of Orario had different reactions to all of this...

Also, for the next 2 weeks of chapters, we will be preparing for the next big arc. I just counted, it's exactly 6 chapters before things start to heat up again.

I also have my own plans before the next Uni period starts in April:

I plan to re-write the initial chapters of this novel again, there are many mistakes there that need some well-deserved attention.

I want to pass the images of both novels to the Discord server for easy access.

And I plan to make a new tier at P@tr3on with 20 advanced chapters.

I think there were more, but I forgot...

I'll tell you more in the notes. see ya!

https://www.p@tr3on.com/AbadomWriter or this one if you are having trouble https://www.p@t3eon.com/AbadomWriter?fan_landing=true






/In the Southeastern section of Orario…/

'In a barely lit house with a Japanese look, a blonde-haired girl gazed at the moon through the open window of her room.'

'She seemed to remember something as she smiled and her small tail started to sway behind her.'

'That's right, she was a beast Human, having a long fluffy blond tail and a pair of fluffy fox ears on her head.'

'A rare type of Demi-Human prevenient from the far east, know as, a Renard!'

(Not retard... read again)

'She stayed like that in silence for a few more minutes until the door to her room opened.'

"How are you doing, little girl?" Said the person that opened the door

'It was a tall brown-skinned woman with black hair and impressive 'assets'. She had a red plate on her hands'

'However… Her clothes were a bit too… Revealing?'

'It isn't that far off from being a swimsuit, remove that translucent purple dress and she is ready for the beach!'

'It was obvious she was a prostitute… Or a girl with some very peculiar tastes...'

"I am fine, sorry for making you worry." Said the blond-haired girl as she did a deep bow

"Why are you bowing to me… Sigh…" Said the amazon as placed the red plate on a table on the ground

"Today was an exciting day so I brought you some sweets." She said with a big smile

"Oh! Thank you very much, Aisha-Sama…" Said the blond girl as her fluffy tail swagged

"Didn't I tell you to not be so formal with me? Just call me sis." She said as she patted the girl's head

"Yes." Said the girl calmly



She always has this gloomy look in her eyes… Although, she seems a bit excited today…

'Aisha noticed how the girl's tail swagged from time to time and asked:'

"Did something make you happy today?" Asked Aisha with a smile

"Eh?!" Said the blond girl as she blushed a little

'Her tail now swagged at a much slower rate…'

"It was nothing great… I just that what I saw today made me remember a story I like." She said

"The War game I bet… I also can't stop thinking about it… That male gives me the chills…" She said as her face grew red

"A-Aisha-Sama!..." Said the blond-haired girl as her face grew a little red

"Oh… Come on little girl, isn't showing desire for a man normal?" Said Aisha as she smiled

'But after a moment she stopped and said:'

"In any case, enjoy the food for now, in the meantime, I will be back to work." She said as she got up and waved at the girl

"The night is long, and I don't plan to pass it alone…" She said as she licked her lips


'Aisha closed the door, leaving the golden-haired fox girl alone in the room again.'

'The girl looked at the sweets and smiled, but she soon turned gloomy as she wondered.'

'She thought for a long time and the only words that left her delicate mouth were:'

"... I wonder… Who is his Princess?" She said as she turned to the moon

/A few minutes earlier…/

"Aww… I am tired." Said Silver as he walked back to the Church

(Me too)

'Silver wasn't in any sort of hurry as he walked in the broken path of the ruins.'

'But even so, he never stopped walking, and soon enough…'

"I think… I will take a bath first, then I will go to sleep…"

'But he stopped and smiled.'

Not before…

'Silver placed his hands on the big door of the Church and pushed…'

'The barely lit interior of the Church welcomed him.'

'And at the very end, on the Church's altar…'

'A small Goddess waited for him…'

'She wasn't exactly gracious as she was drooling in the altar as she slept.'

'But that was his Goddess after all.'

"... I'm home." Said Silver with a smile as he entered the Church


'The Church's doors closed but Hestia still slept 'calmly'.'

"... Uhm… Silv… No… There…" She said as she slept


'Silver frowned hard.'

What the fuck are you dreaming about?!

'Silver looked at the very seductive body of his Goddess on the ground under the faint light and for a moment, his heart fluttered.'

… I am a powerful Level 100 Monk… I won't assault an unprotected girl…

Not until...

'Silver shook his head as he got on his knees and picked the little Goddess up.'

'He didn't use his powers as it was not necessary to do so… She wasn't a piece of garbage to be tossed around with telekinesis after all.'

'He felt it was much more respectful to just grab her and carry her.'

'Slowly, Silver made his way to the bed where he placed Hestia and covered her up with a blanket since it was still rather cold.'

"You worked hard huh, tomorrow… Tomorrow I will make you a feast." He said as he looked at the sleeping Goddess

But not today, today I need some freaking sleep…

'Silver turned around and filled a cup with water before he went to the fireplace and lit it up with a small fireball.'

"What a day… No… Week." He said as he drank his water

From a measly fight in the Bar, to a house assault, followed by a War game challenge.

I even involved the Guild in this small dispute… I hope this doesn't displease the big guy... And I hope that Elf isn't troubled by this...

I trained madly in this past week but my stats don't increase as much as I imagined, most likely due to the fact I leveled up, the same monsters aren't as much of a challenge anymore.

They already weren't that big of a challenge before I leveled up, much less now.

Without the use of monster luring powder to fight large groups at once, the effects of my training on the Upper-Middle floors have greatly diminished.

I need to procure more soon...


"Time to delve deeper I guess." He said as he put his now empty cup on the table near his feet

Apollo's party wasn't that bad, I met some important people and some high-Level adventurers for the first time…

And Ottar… What a freaking monster that guy is.

If he wasn't so devoted to his Goddess and spent most of his time in the Dungeon, he would be Level 8 by now.

'Silver shook his head, that was only a possibility anyway.'


The War game went as I expected, until the end that is.

I did not expect one of the sides to just surrender… Not that easily at least.

But… I am glad he did.

Else… There was a chance bigger than 50% of me losing there.

Even when I investigated then, I still ended up underestimating the strength of the Captain.

I will take this as a reminder to not be arrogant, no matter how weak a Familia/person may look like to be.

Not that I wasn't being in the first place, it's not like I can make a fail-proof plan every time...

"But that makes me wonder… How much did my stats increase this time?" He said as he turned his head to see Hestia


I'll see it later.

'And with that, Silver got up from his chair and made his way to the bathroom, but he stopped mid-way.'



'He turned around and made his way to Hestia.'

"Good try." He whispered in her ears


'But she continued to sleep silently…'


I definitely felt her eyes opening for a moment there.

Shall I tease her a bit? Hehe…

"Is she actually sleeping? Then…" Said Silver as he approached her face

"Shall I seal the fate of the princess… Like always?" He said as he reached for her lips

'But before he could 'seal her fate', Hestia started to move a little.'

"Mhm…" Said Hestia as she moved a little in bed

"Oh?... Better stop here before it's too late." Said Silver with a devious smile

'This time, he truly turned around and left for the bathroom.'


'The lock turned with a click!'

'And after 2 minutes, Hestia couldn't help but open her eyes wide!'

'Her face as red as a tomato, she kept hugging the sheets as she hid her head below the pillows.'

Was he going to…

What does he mean by 'Like always'?!

"I can't take this…" She said as she rolled on her bed

Who taught him how to behave like that?!

'The seconds passed, and Hestia did not hear the sound of running water, she was confused, so she took her head out of the blanket to see…'

"Oh no, please continue, you look very cute as you rolled on the bed." Said Silver with a teasing smile

'She blinked, but the image of the Silver eyed man looking at her did not disappear…'

"... Ho-How… How long have you been there?..." She asked, her face trembling a bit

"I never left." He said with a smile


'Hestia didn't know what to say, she just stared at the man smiling in front of her, her heart beating non-stop.'

"Ho-How?..." She asked in a small tone

"Did you forget? It's pretty simple for me to do such a thing." Said Silver as he moved his hand to the side and the door unlocked and opened on its own

'The shower also stopped releasing water...'

(Don't waste water, it's not cool)

'He turned to her and said:'

"So, why did you fake sleep? Is something bothering you?" Asked Silver with a thin smile



'Hestia breathed in deeply before she looked at Silver.'

'But as the seconds passed, she only managed to let out an awkward smile…'


Was my teasing too much?

Oh well…

"I am sorry, okay, I won't prank you anymore like that." He said as he patted her head


So he was joking…


So close yet so far...

'Hestia however, was rather disappointed inside. It seemed that it wasn't time for her dream to be realized… Yet.'

"Don't do that again!" She said as she threw a pillow at Silver


"Ouch ouch… I won't…" He said as he let the pillow hit him in the face.

'He also chuckled a little as he talked.'

"Humph!" She said as she turned around

He is growing more and more into a Womanizer!

'After a few seconds, Hestia turned to face Silver and said:'

"Welcome home." She said with a brilliant smile

"Yeah... I'm home…" He said with a smile

"...Are you alright Silver?... I saw you…" Said Hestia

'But Silver who was by her side just patted her head and said:'

"My body is okay, otherwise, the first thing I would've done after the War game would be to properly rest." He replied

"My body has almost fully recovered and my condition is rather good, potions are truly miraculous sometimes don't you think?" He said as he showed his face and arms

'Hestia nodded, she still seemed a bit worried but she decided to trust his words.'

'Not like she could force him to show his body… Or could she?!'

"Silver… Take off your shirt!" She said dominantly as she pulled his shirt off

"Kyaaa…" Said Silver as he held his shirt

'After a few seconds of 'fighting' Hestia forcefully removed his shirt, and instead of continuing his 'frail' acting, Silver just laid on the bed and posed to Hestia.'

'The scene was very… VERY, stimulating to Hestia…'

"I know right? Breathtaking." Said Silver as he turned around and showed his back to Hestia

'But Hestia immediately sobered up when he made that joke, only faint red remained on her cheeks.'

"HUMPH!" Said Hestia as she…


'She slapped his ass!'

"Hey!" Said Silver as he turned his head around

"Shut up and stay still!" Said Hestia in a domineering tone

'She had a strange smile on her face.'

"You are drooling." Said Silver


'Hestia immediately checked, but she wasn't drooling.'


'So she slapped his ass again!'

"Ouch! Why did you do that?" Asked Silver

"Humph! You need to learn how to behave!"

'She pressed his shoulder back onto the bed, and Silver turned his eyes as he once again thought she was really light.'

"So… Are we doing the status update first?" Asked Silver as he felt the delicate finger of his Goddess on his back

"Haha… Sometimes, a change of pace is good for the heart right?" Said Hestia in an awkward tone

'Hestia continued to update Silver's status, and she couldn't help but let out a small sigh.'

'After a few minutes, the light on Silver's back started to disappear as Hestia transferred the information to a piece of paper.'

"Here it is… Your Status!" She said as she handed him the paper

"Let me see!..." Said Silver as he read its contents…


Mellios Silver


Strength H-168 -> E-423

Vitality H-191 -> E-498

Dexterity H-157 -> F-316

Agility H-174 -> F-388

Magic G-227 -> C-645

Evolved body -> I

Perseverance -> I


>Magnum Opus Ambrosia


>Vit Alhjin

>Infir David Missimus

>Neo Stur


"What a massive increase…" Said Silver in surprise as he sat on the bed

If I was already above 400, would this fight have been enough for me to Level up to Level 3?

Not like I would but that's that.

This insane amount of Exilia… It thrills me! Seeing my efforts being rewarded…

If I had defeated him…

'Silver closed his eyes to focus.'

That's probably impossible… I am sure he was strong enough to beat a Level 4, and I know that he could've gone way harder on me if he wished…

It was basically a fight between a professional Boxer and an aspiring teenager… Defeat was pretty much inevitable.

If he wanted to kill me, how much more aggressive would he be?

And if I wanted to kill him, how would the fight go?

… Next time, next time I will win!


In any case, I need to nurse this body of mine…

And deal with my Familia situation… And finances…

Although Hephaestus did not say it upfront, this Halberd she 'gifted' me in the name of Hestia is sure to be extremely expensive…

There is the money and the very liquid assets we got from both Familias, but that's definitely far from enough...

Should I just sell both of the houses to pay part of the loan?

'Silver frowned, but it soon turned into a small smile as he turned to face Hestia.'

"How long do you think it will take for me to reach Level 3?" Asked Silver in wonder


'Hestia just facepalmed…'

"I am just joking with you ha…" Said Silver as he placed the paper on a small table near the bed

"Now… Let's continue." He said

"Since you took the initiative to update my status, let me ask you one thing, How was the Denatus?" Asked Silver

'Hestia turned into stone when that was mentioned.'

"It was okay… I mean, haha… I requested everything those two Buffons had and refused their Familia members… Nothing out of the ordinary." Said Hestia

"As you predicted, Loki actually questioned me about your fast leveling speed, but thankfully, after saying my lines, Loki decided to take a step back." Said Hestia

"I see…"

But is that all? I feel like she is omitting something…

"This means… It's time to consider our future." Said Silver


OUR future?!

"I am sure that after today, many will ask to join our Familia, and I don't think this Church is going to be enough nor suitable in that case." Said Silver as he put on his shirt again

"Apollo's house is pretty good for that, and we can sell Tityos properties to raise some money. The contrary can also be considered but I am not that keen on living in that house in particular."

"Or we can just sell both and not recruit anyone. Focusing all on us." Said Silver

"O-Oh… You are right." Said Hestia

'Hestia focused on the word, US!'

… Is he asking what I want?


'She started to think about the future.'

'If she decided to maintain their current circumstance, what would happen?'

'Silver is strong, but is he strong enough to handle all of what the Dungeon has to offer on his own?'

'Even the Loki Familia has to make a massive group to go to the Deeper floors…'

'As the Goddess of this household, she needs to think about the far future.'

'And she knows very well that Siver won't be able to sit still…'

'Not when there is so much to explore!'

'So the question is… When the time comes, should she allow him to go alone or with a proper team?'

"How about…" Said Hestia






Ottar actually spends most of his time hunting Minotaurs in the Middle floors, I don't know the exact reason, but I think it's because it's fast to go in and out.

Also, Ottar does not go to the Dungeon every day, nor does he spend most of his time there.

There is a reason why every time Freya appears, Ottar is close by.

Else, he would certainly be Level 8 by now, I wouldn't say 9, but certainly 8.


As I said before, the next few chapters are inter arcs, well, the previous 2 chapters were also inter arcs, I told you guys it would take a while.

I even plan to make a side chapter to add even more to the story.

What can you expect from the next chapters?

It will be a small spoiler but here are the contents:

Once again, spoilers:

-The development of side characters

-A few promises and loose ends will be fixed

-Probable advancement in the relationship between the Mc and some girls... This is a little misleading since I am a bit 50-50 on this one.

-The development of the Hestia Familia as a whole.

-The meeting of the Loki Familia.

-Start of the next big arc that will probably end this volume.

What do you think?

There are probably going to have a few more things, but I can't say it precisely.

For example, on the timeline extra chapter, there is one event from Ganesha!

In fact, if you have time, I would gladly appreciate it if you took your time to check that side chapter, its chapter -2 I think.

I added mostly greek festivities and events, but Danmachi includes other religions so if you know something, make sure to tell me.




Completely disconnected from everything else, but if you read this far I would like to say this strange idea.

So, I know I gave a lot of interesting ideas, right? You all also gave me a few ideas...

It's impossible for me to develop all of them anytime soon, so I thought of something.

What would you think of a Book?

A Book that is a collection of many stories?

Like this, every once in a while I would make a pool and for the most voted idea, I would write 12K words of that story and post it on this Book.

12K words are around 4 danmachi chapters and 8 Webnovel 1.5K word avarage.

Only the prologue so people can have a taste of what I want to do with it.

This also allows me to take a small break from writing this and my other story and have a bit of extra fun.

After all, it's not like I write 24/h, sometimes, it takes me many hours to start writing, so trying to write something else and heat up might help with my normal writing... In theory...

So, let's say everyone voted for the 'Gamer' fic.

I would write 12K words on that post it as chapter 1 of the Book.

Then next time, I would post chapter 2 for the next voted idea and so on.

It's just a prototype.

Would you read such a thing? Or is such a method ineffective?

Opinions are welcome.

Próximo capítulo