
280. Hector Vs Hector

[You can read chapters in advance, OP and GOT fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.]


The blasts were deafening. The light was so bright that the sky turned completely white and disoriented the jets and other mutants or heroes who could fly.

Nobody knew what kind of weapon this was since there was no sound before the flash, no sight of anything dropping from the sky either. It just happened out of nowhere somehow.

"He's gone! Hulk is no more..." Iron Man was hyperventilating, as this was their first significant loss. And if even Hulk was vulnerable, then they didn't want to know what else could be done against them.

"Who was it? Where did the attack come from?" Natasha asked him on the comms.

"I-I don't know... the scanners are showing nothing. Even the orbital satellites are showing no signs of anything—it's like it came out of nowh- WAIT! I'm sensing some anomalies... gravitational anomalies."

Reed Richards was on the battlefield too, and all the heroes were connected through one communication, so they could share their thoughts. He exclaimed in shock as well. "I sensed them too. This is like a black hole has opened out of nowhere on Earth."

Things had become confusing within minutes, and the whole superhero side was in disarray. Tony tried to fly into the air and see what the effects of the explosions were.

Sure enough, calling it shocking was a total understatement. There was a deep crater on the ground, dozens of metres deep and nearly a hundred metres wide. He didn't dare to go close, feeling that the radiation could harm him if he were not careful.

"Change of plans. We need to inform the old man." Tony made a difficult decision.

"No! We won't!" Thor objected. "We shall fight and bring him honour. He's retired now, don't you remember?"

"This is not your call, Thor." Tony ignored the rambling man.


"Are you sure they will let us enter just like that? This is the white house we're talking about." A lot of Peters gathered together in their civilian clothes and arrived at the White House.

Only Peter Prime had the authority to even meet Hector. Still, he had to do a lot of work to set up a personal meeting in the oval office. Thankfully, the staff at the place knew him very well.

He was soon sent to the Oval Office. But when he entered, he was forced to rub his eyes in confusion. There were ten Hectors, all working like machines with hands moving so fast they appeared blurry. They wrote on something and stamped, they read something and stamped, and in some cases grunted and threw the page away into the dustbin.

"Ugh..." Peter Prime knocked harder at the door even though he was already in.

Hectors looked up and waved at the same time. "Ah! Peter. What are you doing here? You brought friends with you?"

"S-Sir, what's going on here?" Peter Prime asked.

Hector Prime grunted. "I don't know. I think these ones came from somewhere in the multiverse and are now bugging me."

"You too?" Peter prime exclaimed and pointed at the Peters behind. "They are Spiderman from other universes, sir. What's happening? How did the multiverse open up? And why?"

Now, this was shocking, as Hector didn't know that others were also facing this problem. Initially, he had thought this was just another way for Satan to mess with him, but it seemed this was not the case.

"Come and take a seat. It seems something bigger is at play out there right now. I will try to find out what caused this and send back all these annoying rascals and other Peters." Hector Prime was reassured.

"You wanna go at it, old man?" One of the Hectors got up and boomed loudly in anger.

Hector Prime didn't step back. "Let's do it then, you buffoon. I am not scared of the nine of you because I am the real one no matter what you think."

"Is that so? Let's go then! Let's fight and see who is the strongest Hector, and whoever wins gets to be called the real Hector." another Hector shouted.

Hector Prime stood up and took off his coat. "Let's do it then, rascals. I will punch you back to whichever reality's ass you came from."


Hector Prime opened the window of his office and flew out of it. The rest of the Hectors also followed, and soon, only Peters and Miles were left.

They looked at each other in confusion and some regret as they realized that they had messed up by coming here.

"Did we just make the President of the United States fight his own nine versions? Ugh, I hope I don't get blamed for this." Peter Prime said while shaking his head.

The fat Peter chuckled. "It should be interesting, though. I put my five dollars and three cents on Hector Prime."

"Me too." The tall and old Peter also wagered.

In the end, even Peter Prime wagered.


In the skies over the White House, all of a sudden loud booms started to resound. They were so fast that some people thought someone was throwing explosives.

Hundreds of calls to the police were being made every second, and even the military was deployed in an instant. After all, the nation was at constant DEFCON 2 since the war was going on.


One Hector was thrown to the ground so hard it created a crater in the garden's lawn. But he quickly got up and flew away once again. But just the next moment, another Hector fell, this time in the streets.

Seeing the situation, the new automatic robot droids were sent out. In no time, they covered all the airspace above the White House, and there it was, the reason for the constant explosions.

Hectors were fighting so hard that a sonic boom would resound each time their punches met. It was a maddening level of show of strength, but the droids didn't know that. They were made to see everyone as the same under the law.

"STOP! Or we'll shoot pepper spray on you. Stop! Police! Return to the ground and surrender."

Hectors who were fighting stopped and looked at the droids awkwardly.

"Are they recording us?" One of the Hectors asked.

Hector Prime sighed. "Ah, I forgot about these. I launched them just a week ago... they're pretty good, I must say. But... I think we have made a mess. Hectors, it's time to fix everything. We shall continue this fight over the Sahara desert."

All of them agreed, and soon they started repairing all the damage they had done. But doing so revealed to all that there were clones of Hector working. Were they real? They would never know.


A few days ago, Hector launched Police Droids around the world to bring safety and law to society. These droids were highly competitive to the point some Police Departments even tried to go on strike against them, saying the droids were taking their jobs.

Of course, all of them were fired, and some got their pensions stopped, too, because it was known everywhere that the human police department was anything but competent. They make mistakes and then try to hide them, and the whole department stands behind them.

But with droids, everything was much smoother as the droids had high-quality 360-degree cameras, sound alarms, backup caller, pepper spray, taser guns, and even facial recognition abilities to file a police report right there.

Just a few days ago, a woman was saved by a droid. She was dragged under a bridge by a violent drunk man. She tried to call for help, but nobody was around—except the droids.

The droid then blasted police sirens, took footage of the man trying to molest the woman, and when the man tried to run away, he was tased. That instantly made the headlines around the world.

Sadly, Hector was disappointed by humanity still... for he found rule 34 art for the droids he got built with so much hard work. It was... distasteful.


"I can't believe you did that! Do you know how big of a PR disaster this is? All of you are to be blamed for this." Kennedy was giving a lecture to Hector for making life harder for him.

Hectors scoffed. "Do you have any idea how long we've been working? We have been writing the constitution for the whole 10 hours since the morning. That's so much work."

Hector Prime sighed. "They're not wrong. Writing the constitution for the whole planet is really hard. Anyway, tell me how the war is going. I hope we're winning smoothly."

"Hulk is dead!" Kennedy blurted.


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If you have not, check out my new original book: "I Became The Pope, Now What?"


Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Franklin Walley* *phone thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley* *Julian Rocamora*

Thank you for all your support!

1 Stone = 1 Clone Banana. [Effect: Get a clone of yourself. But he will think he's the real one.]

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