

"No! Let me go!!"

She was carried in bridal style as she the mysterious man with wings flew away from the group. Shouts from Atlas and Austin were heard, making the unknown man laugh as he looked at Meredith after he licked his bottom lip.

"You're beautiful. I want you."

Meredith's heart fell in her stomach as fear coursed through her body. As she was desperately flailing her arms and legs, she realized that she is now in the arms of a being who reigns supreme at night.

She is in the arms of an Incubus who might soon mark her if she is not careful.

"No! Meredith!"

Atlas changed his form into a werewolf. As he was about to chase her, Austin extended his arm to stop him. Atlas became frustrated by the second when he was stopped, wondering why the fae decided to do so.

"What are you doing!? Meredith's taken away from us!" he complained as he reverted back to his human form. "If you only allowed me to chase her, I couldn't done so and--"

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