
The agreement

"Marcus ... " She croaked.

"When your mate dies…the pain is unbearable. It's like someone is pulling your soul out of your body. It drives some people insane."

Meredith's throat bobbled and she swallowed.

"I never marked my little spitfire to complete the bond so my grieving process wasn't that bad compared to others and my dad found a witch to break the bond the same day she died.

He covered it so well that no one knew that I had a mate. Your dad was suspicious but he never commented on it and I didn't tell him."

"I kept blaming myself for years, I felt responsible for it. Like it was my fault… But time had numbed the sting of my grief, at least enough so that I can pretend I never met her. I drank and slept around to fill the emptiness inside me but it was never enough.

So I channeled all my hate at the world for being cruel into being stronger in order to get revenge for my little spitfire. And oh, I did. I killed my own father and I had no remorse.

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