
Chapter 191: The Dangerous Flame

" Emperor Armaros belated happy birthday." King Cadma said as he arrived while riding his mythical beast together with hundreds of the Knigean soldiers at this camp residing at a plainlands surrounded with a huge forest at the north, west, south, and even at the east a plainland at the center of massive forest interesting Easteria truly have unique terrain.

" Thank you very much and its almost 2 months already since my birthday passed, welcome to the camp and any reports that I would love to hear?"I asked after having a convo with the others and they proceed to their own duties while King Cadma climb down then immediately pat me at the back as he laugh so loud.

" I heard that you are being a madman for months since you joined the battlefield and may I ask the question why? I want to know the real reason why our Emperor the Novun Savior became mad for months at the battlefield." King Cadma replied I sighed as I look at him straight to the eye and move forward a bit a I help some soldiers carrying our supplies then after that I direct my attention to my master.

" I want to end this war already and I want my people to go back to their family already and, King Cadma Knigean, you didn't answer my question earlier and you even asked me too before I received any reports that I want to know this instant." I uttered as my gaze to him is serious and showing dominance and he bowed his head in nick of time along with those who followed us about more than dozen of Knigean soldiers then King Cadma raise his head as he look back at me.

" I beg you pardon your Emperor, I have only 2 reports to inform you." He said as they raise their heads and I snap my fingers to signal my master to follow me towards a big tent which was already filled by the other 2 and a huge round table with the map of the Jin de dragon Empire can be seen and with markings of the conquered & unconquered land.

" King Cadma welcome and what took you so long." Queen Bleania said as she was sitting on a chair while drinking some tea and I go towards the chair the nearest one at the table as I sat on it with my back straighten and a gaze of seriousness making the other 2 earlier here to fix their posture then my master took his seat.

" My first report Emperor Armaros, is about the Uncrowned Jin de Dragon Queen, it was already confirmed that she was gathering Acun soldiers and keeping them in prison for almost or over 2 months already and they're being tortured but never been allowed to die that is the report I want to prioritize first." King Cadma stated as he pointed where the prison is at the map and its the capital of the Jin de Dragon Empire the most toughest place to attack especially all the Jin de Dragons are living there along with their riders tch what got into her mind not to kill my soldiers after battle I'm glad they're alive but this is wrong she have a plan.

" Emperor Armaros that is what I want to report to but I thought it's just a rumor yet right now, it's a true news we need to deal with it already." King Antohe muttered as he was clenching his fist at the arm of the chair and Queen Bleania sighed as she look at me.

" You have something to report Queen Bleania?" I asked her and she stood up along with bowing her head then she goes towards the table placing her hand at the map and pointed somewhere at the north-east direction.

" Emperor Ghero was been sighted here like weeks ago and they said his almost or fully recovered now I don't know what's the truth but, he will fight him soon." Queen Bleania stated as the other 2 kings was stunned and I can see they have a bit fear or panicking for a sec Emperor Ghero the Jin de Dragon King is coming back soon also how should we handle these both reports.

" That is the second report I want to inform you Emperor Armaros and thank you Queen Bleania for reporting it first." King Cadma uttered as he bows his head for a sec towards her and to me so before the spring will arrive a certain battle will be doon sooner or later and maybe it will be the reason for the end of this war.

" What are we going to do Emperor Armaros? the prisoners? the return of the Jin de dragon King? what would be our plan?" King Antohe asked while he was already shaking I look at him in the eyes and I felt sorrow rather than fear or anxiety & depression together ohh I see.

" King Antohe calm down and we will find a way to rescue your beloved daughter also if its true that Empress Czarina is keeping them as prisoners and not letting them die, it's a Bargain." I said as I stood up and look at them and my hand place at the capital of the Jin de Dragon Empire towards the direction where the entire of armies of Acun & Jin de Dragon Empires might all meet in one place in the future.

" She will use it as her bargaining chip to save her empire after their destined defeat so that even if they lose the war the Jin de dragon Empire would still be an empire of Easteria and not just in the past." I added Czarina would probably have thought of it especially I don't let anyone in the battlefield on their side survive killing them all so she decided to win the battles and gathered as many Acun soldiers she can and I believe that is her order too to her entire Empire.

" For Emperor Ghero, we will need Sir Lucian and all of the Noble Heads to gather to deal with him and, of course the Hereans also we all know that Sir Lucian was the one who put Emperor Ghero on such state so, we will just lend our warlord a aid to truly kill him completely." I continue as I move around the table and pats King Antohe at his back then towards King Cadma pats his hand to calm down also I told Queen Bleania to sit down.

" We all have counter measures already against those 2 reports or matter we are discussing right now so, please stop panicking cause we still have many plans to do if anything happen putting us on disadvantage also we still have people to ask for help on our empire, especially My Empress My Amaris." I ended and stop at the other side of the table where I was sitting before and then the 3 of them look at each other as they nods their head.

" Thank you for the comfort your Emperor and, yes you have a point it's just our people might meet or experience much worse pain as what we are experiencing right now." King Antohe said as his calming down slowly right now and I look at him as I smile softly at him pain still getting worse I know that especially this ahh! ouch! Fuck! this voice this madness is getting worse.

" WAR! WAR! WAR! KILL THEM ALL! ALL OF THEM! EVEN THE HEREANS!" the words that kept being said by this unknown voice since the day I joined the battlefield.

" If we need help at our homeland the Mageans will handle it immediately so that we can lessen so pressure to you Emperor Armaros." Queen Bleania remarked as she place her hand at her chest and bow her head again she will truly lessen the pressure to me I'm glad she thought of it.

" KILL! KILL! THAT IS THE SOLUTION! MADNESS! AND EXECUTION TO THE HEREANS!" AHH! what the heck with this voice its driving me crazy! or MAD! why would this voice include the Hereans always!

" Emperor Armaros I should go and inform our allies around the Jin de Dragon Empire to prepare for a upcoming battle and-" King Cadma uttered yet he stopped as a sudden explosion and roar of the Jin de dragons can be heard and the shouting of our soldiers preparing for battle fuck!

" CHAOS! CHAOS! YES SPREAD CHAOS! CHAOS! ARMAROS IS CHAOS!" The voice shouted loudly to me as my eyes gets narrower and I run outside and If I remember it right this camp have about 3500 soldiers only including the soldiers of the Tridom

" Kill them all!" I roared as I was running and jump high at the sky with my fist covered in magma together with lightning coating it as it look like a gauntlet of a giant and then a Jin de Dragon Knight who was commanding her units to go somewhere else in just nick of time I slam her down and burning until her flesh together with her Jin de dragon met such awful death.

As I landed at the group with a scattered burning flesh of the Jin de dragon knight earlier and my own soldiers along with my foes stared at me with fear as I can see their legs shaking and I look up as I can see 11 more Jin de dragon Knights with 6 Jin de dragon Mages together with 2 Jin de dragon Prince & Princess and, the Heads of Tridom just came out of the tent looking at me yet they are the first one to command our soldiers to battle taking disadvantage of the foe's temporarily fear cause of me and I smack my gauntlet at each other as I grow and created and armor at my arms to my shoulder created by magma & lightning together yet, I glared at the Jin de dragons above the sky as my flame raging around my body creating an armor to me even thought I'm wearing an armor already hahaha this is chaos! feel the danger of fighting me!

I run again and jump at the sky as I plunge a punch towards another Jin de dragon knight at its belly and then 2 of its kind go towards me as they breath their golden flames towards me yet my other gauntlet smack their flames and I fly towards between them crush the neck of their Jin de dragons then next I breath my own flames same as the color of the sun burning their riders, for killing another 3 Jin de dragon knights I summoned my Phoenix KIng riding its back and flying at the sky while 4 Jin de dragon mages are chasing me casting numerous spells bombing, blocking, binding, and more directed to me as we go higher at the sky along with 6 Jin de dragon knights going up and will reach us soon, I send my gauntlets towards 2 Jin de dragon mages and they tried to stop yet it turn later on into a magma dragon with the scales of lightning bolts devouring them completely and bombing the sky as it created a temporarily mist then I fly towards the other 2 Jin de dragon mages as i chanted some spells and magical circles in-front of me as a spell of light-attribute was created and 4 warriors created by light come forth and dealing with them as those 2 Jin de dragon mages are being slice as every sword swung.

I unsummoned my Phoenix King and falling down faster as I saw the other 6 Jin de dragon knights that later on notice me but I summoned my Sun Lion king as I divided him into 6 and connected him to my body as one is created by fire, by lighting, by light, by lava, by magma, and the other was created by all and I left them be to fight as I strike the land where I saw the remaining 2 Jin de dragon mages being held down by the Mageans and it's been 15 minutes since the battle started, I grab my sword at my waist as I run towards their back and my sword coated on my sword as I stabbed its tail then jump towards the back as the mage at its back created barriers yet as my sword that I pulled after stabbing its tail I thrust it and the aura on the sword created an ray piercing through his heart and I stomp on his body then I keep stabbing the back of the Jin de dragon until it die while the other Jin de dragon mage is being held down already yet I summoned my Phoenix King as I strike down and kill it at the end.

I go down and commanded the Mageans to help the others and tell them I will handle or I will kill the Jin de dragons and the 6 Jin de dragon knights earlier was still fighting hardly with my Sun Lion king on its divided form and I return my mythical beast to his original form then he roared along with a shockwave pushing his enemies around me then we switch position in just a sec and then I starts swinging my sword against all of them, for I will fight all 6 of them and I was jumping towards one to another Jin de dragon as I fight their riders at their back and after that I slice the back of the dragon towards its tail and after 30 minutes passed the battle started I killed almost all Jin de dragons here and only 2 Jin de dragon knights & 2 Jin de dragon Prince & Princess they were gathered at the center of the battlefield as they planned to retreat along with their soldiers, I ordered the Acun army to kill them all and don't let anyone escape! as my blade rampaging with my magical attributes & aura together with my two mythical beast merging to my sword as I focus my eyes towards the direction of those escaping Jin de dragons.

[ Chaos of the Sun ] I throw my sword towards them as it fly faster and faster while it's emitting it's rampage and as it hit the Jin de dragon prince a quake of lightning, quake of light, quake of magma, quake of magma, and quake of fire occur together with a roar of the beast together killing all of those Jin de dragons escaping along with the Jin de army below them being affected making the Aucn Army to reach them and kill them, the battle ended for over 30 minutes yet even its victorious I can feel my own army is afraid of me tch fuck madness ahh! i am still not in madness not completely! calm down, I need Amaris my Amaris.

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