
Chapter 119: The Departure of the Empress

" Empress Amaris we're leaving now." Cap.Myera said as she enters the chamber while holding a bouquet of flowers on her hand with a letter on a red envelope with a lotus token on it.

" Good to know, and did Wyrande gave that bouquet, again?" I asked as I wears my dress completely on its glamouring look of petals on attached on its sleeves to its skirt and on a pinkish color with a small amout of golden color on its linings.

Cap.Myera nodding her head as she took the letter and opens it with her hand reading its contents I notice she's kind of chuckling then she put it inside of her coat's pocket, both of us look at each other and she just smile...I see the two of you maybe got close for the short time after the challenge.

" She's stubborn I already rejected this bouquet three times and it smells good suit its image 6 petals circling together with leaves attached on it with different colors such as yellow & blue, what is this flower again Empress Amaris?" Cap.Myera asked as she took one of those flowers and looks all over it while smelling it at the same time.

" Nirtus I believe they said the petals change colors six times per year, staring from orange, red, green, violet, brown, and pink, also its body turns black & white too if I remember it right." I replied as I go walks towards her side holding a file of a certain document and I go look outside of the door where servants with red marks on their forehead that can be seen through their short orange veil reaching to the neck as they're wearing a sari on its dark green & deep yellow.

" What's the meaning of this flower? I believe there's a deep meaning to this right Empress Amaris?" Cap.Myera asked as we walk at the corridor while waving hands with the servants passing by and I receive some letters & flowers from them again along with soldiers wearing gray robes with hazel color linings holding long close range weapons with an accessories of flowers hangging on its blade.

" Nirtus, symbolizes the six realms of reincarnation and if someone give you this flower its depends on what they felt for you, if its happiness the meaning is they want your soul to be happy, if its sadness the meaning is they want your soul to be sad or have some karma, If its anger the meaning of it they want your soul to experience tragedy, and if its liking the meaning of it they want to your soul to like them too." I explained as we go downstairs bowing our heads to everyone we passed by while they're bowing their head to as a reply then Cap.Myera taps my shoulder.

" Then what about love? what's the meaning of it?" Cap.Myera asked once again and I giggles as I look at her face then glance at the flower.

" If its love, the meaning would be, ' I will marry your soul ' if you understand that proverb then good for you, also if its lust, they desired for your soul Cap.Myera." I respond as she tilts her head after receiving my answer and the two of us going outside of the palace then Wyrande is standing outside laying her back at the pillar wearing a knee length jacket together with a brown cotton shirt underneath on it & a long leather pants also the longbow I gave was on her back.

" Myera! how are you my Myera!" Princess Wyrande shouting making the people walking around glance at us this bitch! and how shameless you are calling Cap.Myera as your my Myera! she's still not yours and you are still courting her Wyrande!

" Princess Wyrande please lower your voice and what's the occasion?" I asked as I can see dozens or hundreds of people on their own traditional attires such as sari, salwar khameez, sherwanis, dupatta, pheran, achkan, and etc.

" Okay, and yes there's an occasion, thank you for your stay here Empress Amaris Herean." Princess Wyrande smiling as she give me a Nirtus and I notice people holding Nirtus on their hands as they smile.

" Your welcome Princess Wyrande Wastor, and thank you Harwinds Empire for such a wonderful stay I truly appreciated it all of it." I smiles as I walk along side with Princess Wyrande receiving Nirtus one by one as people smiling at me bowing their heads I dont know if can keep all of these there are around hundreds of them so hundreds of Nirtus would be received too.

" Amaris, can I call you Amaris?" Princess Wyrande asked as we walking outside of the palace our destination is at the gate of Storma a couple of kilometers far away here and I believe we will just walk or gonna ride something.

" Yes you can, also can I call you as Wyrande?" I asked back and she's nods her head then puts her arm around my shoulder chuckling.

" Amaris, thank you for allowing me to court my Myera I truly appreciated it as in a lot." Wyrande glancing at Cap.Myera at the back winking at her and this bitch truly had the audacity to call her 'my Myera' the fuck is wrong with your head.

" Wyrande, its Myera not my Myera, she's still not yours okay and please make sure to court her lovely without any force." I pats her back as we reach a beast outside its big & tall and on its back a carriage-like or something you can ride comfortablely also the beast had six legs, two heads, two trunks, 4 horns downward near on their mouth, its called ' Vanaele'.

" Yes yes Amaris, and I promise I will court her romantically & sexually without force then my future Myera would be finally mine~" Wyrande looking at me with a perverted smirk as we go rides the back of the Vanael together with Cap.Myera, Shanrs, and Prince Warther he gave me a Nirtus together with a letter I read its content its about friendship ' May the Sun shines at the sky together with the clouds.' I immediately understand it the Sun is the Acun and the Clouds is the Harwinds.

" Thank you again for staying here at Harwinds, Amaris and I wish our relationship would be fine." Warther said and Wyrande elbowed him at the side in a fun way like a tease.

" You know brother, we can still add some relationship between each other right~" Wyrande ponking her brother at the cheek as Warther sighs and slap her hand.

" Wyrande, can you act formal at least once." Warther looking at his twin with a expression describing ' Such a Disappointment ' I don't know if the two of them had a telepathy connection cause Wyrande immediately slap her brother at the side or at his arm.

" Don't look at me like that I'm not a Disappointment!" Wyrande shouting once again I'm glad we're on a high place as we travel through roads and people are throwing Nirtus together with some shorts letter tied like a ribbon I been catching them and Cap.Myera is doing the same.

" Your not a disappointment, but you being my twin is kind of yes." Warther rolling his eyes and smiles at me when our eyes met also Shanrs covers her mouth as she coughs on purpose then Wyrande goes to my side holding me at the arm.

" Amaris don't listen to this jerk, and let us start a business relationship between our empires okay, make sure to tell Emperor Armaros that we need time to create a great bind with each other." Wyrande sticking her tongue out while looking at her twin and gives me a thumbs up after, I still can't believed this ta are twins the formal & information such opposite at each other.

" Yes I will and as I explained to you all by details the Mava Stones can make your places much faster flying & floating st the sky, can go up and down much safer, also can enhance your defense both Eclorst & Eclorth, and those crystals are their partners okay." I recalls and she nods her head then I give her the document I was holding for long the contents is about more details about the products I'm selling to them.

" Also make sure to deliver about thousands or if its possible ten thousand weapons of those long-range weapons okay, also can you add some close range weapons for us I would truly appreciate it Amaris." Wyrande taking the document as she read it again and gives it to Shanrs then she look at Cap.Myera teasing her with her lips in a sexual or pervert way *sighs*

" I will assure you thousands of long range weapons would be deliver every month here at Harwinds, and for the close range weapons I'm not sure but hundreds of it can be possible do you still have anything to add on your orders every month?" I asked and she pointed at Cap.Myera I immediately shakes my head then kinds of punch her at the hips.

" I'm just kidding or maybe not~ yeah! I remember make sire to deliver those foods & beverages those you applied with mana, please Amaris." Wyrande holding my hands and looking at me making her eyes cute this bitch I nods my head then she hugs me.

" Yeah yeah, and thank you for treating me perfectly well for my entire stay here." I said and she smiles at me and we are almost near at the gate of Storma also at the same time the capital is going down slowly cause the ship is waiting at the sea for us.

" Amaris, can I ask you something?" Wyrande asked and I can see the Emperor & Empress waiting for us together with Princess Wandris wearing on a long dress with a scarf around of it.

" Yes you can and what is it?" I asked back as we go climb down the Vanael and the emperor & empress immediately shakes my hands, hugging me, giving me Nirtus, and they immediately left together with their personal doctors they're truly sick yet I'm not allowed to know what is it.

Wyrande smilng and she goes leans her head to my ear then whispers." Why did you come here through sailing our ships and go back with the same procedure, when I know that the House of Herean had such teleportation, why didn't use the way?" Wyrande the Wind of Easteria eve 'rumors' goes to your ears.

" Because I want to show to both empires that peace is already waiting for us in the future, if I used the teleportation of the Hereans then it will be interpret as ' Acun don't trust the Harwinds.' so I used the way of sailing at the sea to shows the trust of Acun to Harwinds." I respond and Wyrande with her eyes widened then burst to laughter.

" Amaris! make sure to come here again okay, of course together with Myera I still want to have more time with you, your such a interesting person Amaris Herean." Wyrande putting her arm around my shoulder as we glance at Cap.Myera and the Gates of Storma opens with a view of the sea with ships waiting for me.

" Don't worry Myera would come here every month you can court her or ahem much close." I said and winks at her then she laughs so loud once again I laugh together with her.

" Ohh the ships are waiting for long now and Amaris, Wandris have something tell you."

Wyrande as we walk outside of the gate and I goes step inside the ship then Wandris was holding a Nirtus a pair...

" Empress Amaris...." Princess Wandris coming forward and I smiles at her.

" Yes, Princess Wandris?" I asked and she give me a pair of Nirtus together with a...tender kiss in my..l-lips!

" I like you and please come back soon, I wish you safety Empress Amaris." Princess Wandris running away after and Cap.Myera looking at me while raising her eyebrows.

" I didn't know when, but my sister had such feeling for you, especially when I was going to Acun she insist to come but no." Wyrande said as she pats my back and I smiles.

" Okay and please tell her, I will return." I said and as I & Cap.Myera gets into the ships we waves our hands as we set sail then the entire capital once again go up.

It was truly a wonderful stay and I will come back here soon I believe also I need to do something in Acun, I don't know what would be Armaros feedback.

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