
In high demand

After the second embarrassing encounter with the old elf, Liam sat by himself in the elven eatery with some mushroom dishes in front of him and a big jug of wine, which he quickly emptied. 

He was hoping that he could take a shortcut, but it looked like this was going to be a hard grind with no end in sight. "Damn it." He was in a bad mood. However, he was not ready to give up just yet.

Even though the old guy was painfully infuriating, this was too important to give up. On the other hand, he couldn't simply go around hunting barbarians like chickens for days on end while also getting no experience points.

This was a lose-lose for him, no matter which way he looked at it. Unless… When Liam emptied the second jug of wine, he landed on a better idea. 

He wasn't only good at fighting. He had two more tools at his disposal to win over the elves and enhance his standing in Kimoria. One was his forging abilities, and the other was his alchemy skills. 

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