
Being watched (3)

Aurora was never a fool to not notice how much of a prisoner was in her own home, she had just always ignored it because she thought her family had good intentions. Now it was hard to just ignore the small things she now noticed like Minnie also had maids watching her. It was something she believed only Rachel did. Now her mind wondered who else had been watching her?

Her father? Samuel? Regina?

She would like to think none of the others cared to watch her but Minnie had surprised her so what would stop the others from also doing it? Aurora had to give Regina the benefit of the doubt above the others because Regina's personality would have her asking Aurora whatever she wanted to know before paying a maid to watch her own sister.

"Why do Minnie and Rachel care to watch me? I always thought Rachel did it because she wanted to be informed about the child from her husband's mistress. Is there another reason? Is it the same as Minnie?" Aurora softly said out loud to herself trying to piece together everything. If only she could figure out what connection she had to the wolf.

He told her he did want to kill her before but then changed his mind. What was the reason and what made him change? Furthermore, she had no memory of ever meeting the wolf before what she believed was a dream. When on earth had they met before this?

"But I also don't remember a crowd calling me a witch and it felt so real like a memory. Am I missing a piece of my memory? That's the only possibility but when? I have too many questions I need the answer to and the wolf might be the only person who would answer them."

But Aurora did not want to trust a creature such as a wolf. She grew up in a world where they were endlessly told that Gods and other creatures were bad and that they were under the protection of the king. As much as she was fascinated with the other creatures, she knew they were dangerous from the stories others were willing to share.

However, many of those stories were written by someone close to the king to keep his people scared of ever going close to that which was not human. Instilling fear was the best way to keep the people of the Harlow kingdom under the king's command and not seek out help from the very Gods they turned against.

However, not everything which was not human was bad or evil like the stories told. There were many humans eviler than those same creatures.

"I can't keep worrying about when the wolf will show up in front of me because there's nothing I can do to stop him. And I need him to answer my questions. I have to trust he won't do anything to me and wait till the Harvest festival where we will meet face to face."

Aurora rubbed her temple soothing out a small aching feeling she felt growing. She looked up to the sky at the birds flying around without having to worry about what was happening down below. What a way to live. In another life, Aurora hoped she could somehow fly.

"I'm jealous," she muttered, reaching her hand up to the sky as if it would magically help her fly away to another place where there weren't so many rules. A place where she could roam free as she liked but Aurora knew she would miss her family a lot.

She continued to look up at the birds and clouds floating by for nearly an hour enjoying the little time she had away from others. Aurora made a bet that sooner or later Minnie would call her name as the two spies wouldn't be able to find her. It was best to enjoy this peaceful moment while she could.

Aurora became so lost in imaging she was flying like birds that she did not notice how much time was going by till she heard Minnie shouting her name.


"Coming!" She immediately called back so Minnie would not come looking for her. Aurora sat up as quickly as she could before Minnie would also come searching for her. It must be near noon for lunchtime where she and Minnie sometimes chat about things happening in their society over tea and pastries. This was how Aurora knew more of what was happening to the people she often heard her family mentioning.

Aurora left her secret spot and found Minnie standing with her hands on her hips at the edge of the garden.

"I don't mind you being in the garden dear but when it's hard for me to find you it becomes a problem. I don't like you being in there all day with no one having a clue of how to find you. Spend less time in the garden and more in a book learning how to become even more of a lady," Minnie scolded the young woman as she exited the garden. She took in Aurora's appearance which resembled a hooligan.

"I'm sorry, Minne. I lost track of the time."

Aurora found it amusing Minnie told her to get a book and learn to become more of a lady. The girls were learning to become ladies to prepare for getting married and running their own households. But Aurora had only heard marriage talk for Regina and Samuel. How would anyone even consider loving her if they had no idea she existed?

There was never a plan in helping her find a partner because they wanted to keep her here, hidden away forever.

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