
Chapter 364 Ancient Muzz

The portal at Muzz is fully intact when Cain arrives, and he takes a step to the side to admire the artistry. There are quite a few Gnomes in the area, but the sight of Dwarf admiring stonework isn't exactly something new or noteworthy; they do it all the time. 

Cain is actually making mental notes of how it used to look so they they can restore the entry they rebuilt inside the Blood Sands Castle to all its former glory. 

It is hard to say that the city is in its heyday, though. Already the grasslands are looking parched, the trees in the distance are stunted, and he doesn't sense much wildlife, which the Forest Dragon is very good at. 

The city is still fully active, though, so Cain heads below, excited to see what wonders they have in store for him. 

The signage is all in gnomish and Dark Elf, so Cain calls for Drazzit to merge with him, the same dark Elven Cleric he used to translate the first time. 

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