
Chapter 16

The concept was still kinda foren, so he would definitely need to learn more about the relation between animals and blades. Shen took the blade and slowly and carefully slid it into the hilt, he then used ki to fuse the blade, completing the sword and releasing a burst of energy. It was definitely at least a low uncommon rank, and probably was even higher than that. Without knowing what the hilt was made out of he couldn't be sure if it had the magic beast parts to surpass peak uncommon rank.

"Take this book on swords, you will need it if you want to be a useful salesman."

Jake had never considered a job at a smithy to be a sales job, but he wasn't too bad at it with his generally quiet but confident nature. He set the book down and got back to work. Hard, painstaking work. The entire time he was shoveling coal and quenching blades just waiting for it to be over. The only useful thing that came out of it was his heat resistance increased from being right next to the forge all day.

When he finished his ten hour night shift he finally went upstairs to where he would be staying for the next few days or weeks until he could afford a real place to stay. In his room it was hot, small, and sticky. The only upside was it had pretty good ki density so it would be easier to cultivate here. He stayed up for about an hour to read the first quarter of the book which was on blade types as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each one. He eventually was too tired to turn the pages anymore and went to sleep.

He got up, ate with everyone again and had a lively conversation about what he had learned last night. Mostly it was because one of the members was very proud of his rapier as it was a growth type passed down through his family, but he was trying to use it like a longsword which was really messing him up. One of the older students offered to teach him how to use a rapier. The day went by just as the previous day, with a total of four stand outs.

The first was a regular water mage, but with a lot of strategy and power he was able to make it all the way to round five before getting out. A magic swordsman also made it past round four with a combination of strong sword skills and ice magic. A mech user also hit round four with a pair of massive arms that could launch out and grab things. The last one only made it to round two, but piqued Jake's interest because of what he could do.

He was a shapeshifter, but he shapeshifted into a changeling and then a doppelganger. This means he would soon have three times as many transformations if he trained right because each of them would get one per level. He wrote down their names and went back for dinner again. Another conversation about the days participants ensued before Jake read the rest of his book.

The second quarter was about hilts. It talked about different grips, bends, styles, and levels of roundness and how they helped with blade alignment. The next was on animals and their meaning, and the final one was about other symbols like objects and weapons.

Even though he had done a lot of work on the last day for both worlds, he felt like something was missing. Maybe it was the stress, maybe he missed battle, or maybe he was just wanting to grow more powerful as he had in the past day. That being said, he was happy to relax for a bit and not have his body be severely damaged.

"How much is it to buy the flame iron? I want some for a personal project."

Shen looked at him suspiciously, Jake had not said anything about being able to use a forge and it required a lot of skill to guide metals like that powerful.

"It's normally fifty silver, but because you work here it's half off. But make sure you dont waste it, that's more than you make in a month. You only make ten silver a month, and I don't want you living here for too long if you can't craft well."

"I can craft kinda well, but not blades. I can't drag them out like that, it just doesn't work for me. But if you give me some metal and gems I can make quite the ring or necklace."

Shen looked at him suspiciously.

"Didn't you say that you lost your memory, how do you know what you're good at?"

Jake panicked a little internally, not sure what to say. He couldn't say that he remembered, or he would be questioned about his claws and their origin.

"I'm not sure, I can just feel it."

He scratched the back of his neck in nervousness.

"I will tell you what, I will give you half of all the money made from items you sell. You can also try to sell it to anyone who comes in, but other sales come first. Take this and make something, I want you to prove it."

Shen gave him a tiny fire gem and a bar of steel, moving out of the way so he had room to forge. This was the first time he was going to make something without planning it out first in his dimension. He placed his iron into the forge and spent the minute it took to heat to think of something to make. He was going to go with a design similar to the first item he made, but without a gem engraving and with the hardened flame symbol on it.

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