
Ch.42 Uncle your nephew is here.

Three days have passed and I am ready to fight Fenrir. I have prepared as to which spells I will use against Fenrir.

I was in the Greengrass manor we decided to leave from there. We were standing in the driveway kinda area, everyone was there saying to return home safely.

Coco said, "Be careful when fighting."

Daphne said, "And Please don't do anything crazy that could get you in trouble."

Alyssa said, "And please come soon."

I then nodded and smiled and said "I will take note of everything you all said, but we need to leave now."

Astoria came running from inside and said "Wait for me Brother." She came with something in her hand.

She then said, "Come down."

I then kneeled and then she gave me a locket it was a Wapus cat tooth, she then smiled and said "With this brother, you will always find the courage to fight and will never lose in battle."

I looked at the locket and hugged her and said "Thank you Astoria."

She then said, "Kick that dog's butt."

I then patted her head and said, "You got it."

I then got inside the carriage with Florian. Thomas was already there getting everything ready.

Florian asked, "Are you ready Jon?"

I said "More than ever."

He smiled and asked, "are you going to use that new spell of yours?"

I said "No, not unless it is necessary, I want to keep it under wraps. Whipping it out in front of soo many people might not be the best course of action."

He then said, "Use a flashy spell to end things, we need them to be awed."

I said, "Way ahead of you."

We then landed near the outskirts of the forest and he then said "Looks like we have arrived."

I said, "Let's get this thing done."

We then got out and I looked at the forest and then I could hear the clouds they were roaring and were then greeted by Alex, he has started to be more compliant. He then said, "Follow me, sir."

We then followed him and then lead us into the forest. As we started to delve deeper into the forest we saw a war camp-like living situation, very unsanitary and not all that safe.

We were then met with many people who looked at us with curious and dubious eyes. I saw many children who looked at me and I waved at them. They then waved back at me.

We then reached an open ground and we saw Thomas and many other people with Fenrir. Fenrir looked very animal-like, he had hair all over his face. He was built like a damn truck.

Thomas then said "You have arrived. Have a seat."

Florian said "I think we are... fine. Let's just get this thing over with."

Fenrir said, "What too good to sit with us?"

I then whipped out my wand and changed the logs into sofas and sat down with Thomas and Florian. Fenrir then sat across from us and said "So Thomas you want to challenge me for the Alpha with the help of Greengrass?" he snorted

Florian then said "I think you are mistaken... Fenrir... you will fight Jonathan Grindlewald House, not me."

He looked at me with confusion and I waved at him and he laughed and said "What kind of joke is this?"

I then smiled and said, "Why are you scared that a boy might hand your ass to you?"

He was angry and said, "On what basis he is going to fight on your behalf?"

I said, "As his future son-in-law."

He then grunted and said, "I am going to take great pleasure in breaking every single one of your bones, boy."

I said, "Don't delude yourself Fenrir otherwise those words may come back to bite you in the ass.."

He then started to grunt and then he called some people and they cleared the area.

Then we got inside the ring and many people gathered to see the duel and then a guy came and said: "Give your hand."

I then grabbed Fenrir's hand and his hand was soo hairy and then the guy said "This is a duel for the Alpha position, the winner will be the Alpha and the losses will be banished from the pack. No use of the unforgivable curse and no deaths."

We then agreed and as we were talking positions I silent cast "Corps Rapide" and then we took our positions and then the guys said "Ready 1, 2, 3!"

The Fenrir shot out a barrage of dark spells and I blocked and diverted them, Fenrir was very aggressive in fighting and I dodged and blocked his spells and in retaliation I shot out multiple confringo, Bombarda Maxima, towards him but he deflected and blocked the spells.

But before he could do anything I still continued my barrage of Bombarda maxima, the Area looked like it was bombed by cluster grenades. He still deflected and blocked most of the spells,

But he clearly looked tired but unwilling to give up he sought to create an opportunity and he shot out multiple spells but I dodged them and deflected them and moved close to him he shot confringo at a very close range to protect himself but it was blocked and He then used Stupify to create some distance.

I manged to block it but decided to take a few steps back seeing me retreat.

He laughed and said, "You see I will not be taken down with those puny spells of your kid."

He then shot out fire spells and created a giant firewall which came for me, I used Ebubilo Jinx and I was covered in a bubble the flame did nothing to me but the some of the trees caught fire.

He then came for me himself and I tried to dodge it but he was fast in an attempt to push him back I used Aqua Ercto and it did create some distance between us

Frustrated he used several dark spells. It was getting even more hard for me to continue dodging and blocking spells but I was waiting for something to happen.

I then heard a crackling noise and then I smiled and said "Time to finish this facade." Then I quickly pointed my wand upwards and a everyone heard the loud clap of thunder, the storm clouds above the forest were now in unrest.

As I pointed my wand up a white lighting bolt connected to my wand and a loud thunderclap was heard louder than before. Around me was a field of lightning the ground resonating with the lightning.

I smirked and Fenrir looked in horror, he knew what was about to happen but before he could do anything I unleashed the lightning upon him. The thunderbolt shot Fenrir out of the ring and several feets away.

He managed to block my lightning but it was poorly done. I could smell his flesh burning.

I walked up to him I saw his one arm was badly damaged. As I walked up to him he was terrified and said "Stay away from me!" and shot out a couple of spells I blocked them. Then I ducked down and said in his ears "Now they are mine."

I then pointed my wand and he said "I yield." and then he became unconscious.

As I walked away from Fenrir people were in shock but then I heard the deafening noise of chears form the crowd. They were finally free from Fenrir.

I then walked up to Florian and said "That's flashy enough for you?"

He smiled and nodded I then said to Thomas "Now you handle the rest."

He then picked me up and said "Behold our saviour!" People then started to chant and they started to pass me around on their shoulders. Then Thomas said to say something to them.

I then pointed my wand at the side of my throat and said "I am not good with words, and I don't know if you want to hear what I have to say to you, but this is something from my heart.

There have been many before me who stood in front of you and promised the same things that I am doing... but they didn't had any motive to actually do so, and you might be wondering why would I keep my promise aswell?

Well, because Thomas is my family and I take care of my family, and he wants to take care of you his people, who have suffered for soo long. So I extend my hand to you and ask for a chance so that you can believe again.

I will keep my promise, I will return the respect that you have lost, I will restore your normal life that had been taken away from you and I will give back your freedom.

No more will you all have to live in shadows, no more will you be persecuted for being different.

I say this will great conviction No more hiding, no more fearing, no more suffering."

As I said that I could hear the deafening cheers of the wolves, they had always wanted someone who can bring them out of the shadows and I was the one who promised them that it was possible for them.

Even if it didn't happen they believe me now, it was a classic dic... political leader move, you promise the populace something that they want desperately and they will follow you no matter what.

Although I was going to make their community better because of the contract and my grey moral compass it was still better now that I have secured their blind trust.

Although not everyone was happy a small group of werewolves left that day they were the followers of Fenrir they took his body and left. I wanted to remove Fenrir but couldn't since that would cause trouble for me and I was positive that he will cause some problem in the future but that was something for the future today was for celebration we then went home after staying for an appropriate amount of time.

As we landed we were greeted by our family. I never thought that I would be this lucky to have a family that was awaiting my return. After we returned to the Greengrass manor we celebrated my win and I just felt so happy when I was surrounded by the people I loved and cared about.

After the celebration was over I was ordered to stay at the Greengrass manor by Mrs Greengrass and Astoria also wanted me to so I stayed. But all us kids didn't really sleep all night we just played and sang some songs, played some games all night.


(At the study room of Jon)

I was looking over the documents of the wolves and Alyssa was also with me, she helped with all the documents and acted on my behalf when it came to the matters regarding the wolves,

I asked, "How are the school's construction?"

She said, "They will be done by the end of August, the living complexes and the primary healthcare centres have been built and we are currently looking for teachers."

I asked, "Are there any inconveniences should I know about amongst wolves, that I should know about?"

She said "No, they have been very happy with all the development. Although there were some people that tried to cause some problems they were dealt with, Alex is acting as the police as you have asked."

I said "Good, what about the business prospects?"

She said, "We, have started to supply our guards outside magical Britain, the Baltics region and the North African regions have been our biggest customers."

I then asked, "And have we acquired Austria?"

She said, "Yes, we have Nurmengard prison is now under our total control."

I smiled and said, "Clear up my schedule for the next few days, I have someone I want to meet."

I will finally get to meet him and he will give answers as to what is in this book.


Greetingssss readersss, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

I am sorry guys that I wasn't able to upload chapters it was because of my laptop but the issue has been fixed now so you can expect regular uploads.

I edited the fight scene it might be a better now.

Thank you to all the people who voted.

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