
Ch. 26 Getting a Big Danger Noodle.

(In the Slytherin common room after the Dueling lesson)

After the how should I say this, performance? Let's go with performance. After Harry's performance at the duelling club. Everyone thought that he was the Heir of the Great Salazar Slytherin. And any speculation that they might have had for me was gone.

But I was not out of the woods not just yet. I was sitting on the sofa and two people were now interrogating me.

Victoria sternly asked, "Did you know that my brother was a Parselmouth?"

I said, "No I didn't know that he was a parselmouth and even if suspected him to be one I would have told you guys a long time ago."

Daphne said, "Can you tell us why was he there when the attack happened at Mrs Norris?"

I said "He said that they all were coming from the Death party that Nick throws every year. And were just there by accident."

Victoria was tense and asked "What am I going to do now? Everyone suspects him of being the Heir of Slytherin. And that idiot is hot-headed like dada. I am worried that if provoked he might lash out on someone."

I said "I don't think there is much we can do. Even we try to reach out right now he would probably push us away. And he definitely doesn't want my help."

Victoria then said, "Can we like invite him to the study group or something? So that he has an alibi."

I said, "Hell has a better chance of freezing over than him and his sidekick joining our study group. He hates me even though I have saved his life once."

Daphne then thought and said, "We can probably ask Hermione to keep an eye on the two and make sure they don't cause any trouble."

I said, "I don't think they would listen to Hermione but we can try that/ They are friends after all."


A few days have now passed and Hermione now is spending most of the time babysitting the two boys. And harry have been fairly quiet.

He did create a scene with Justin in the library and after that, he was petrified so that did not help his image at all.

I had decided to visit the snake today and I don't want to take any chances so I am going to ask for the invisibility cloak from Victoria.

We were sitting on the sofa in the Slytherin common room and we both were alone, Daphne was helping Astoria with her homework. So I asked "Coco?"

She was reading a book on the magical history and said "Yeah?"

I said, "I want to borrow your cloak."

She closed her book and asked, "Why do you need my cloak?"

I said, "You know just wanted to kind of study it. To know how it works and if possible make another one."

She said, "Okay you can take it but I better not find you in the Girls toilet."

I faked being offended and said, "What are you saying I would never do such a thing, how could you?"

She didn't laugh and just stared at me and said, "I am sorry I am just worried about Harry."

I then took her hand and said "Everything will be fine. Hermione is keeping her eyes on those two. They are not doing anything stupid. So try to relax Coco."

She said "You are right" then she took my arm and then snuggled with me and said "Everything will be fine. I just need to relax a little." We then just snuggled and read some books till bedtime.


(At 2:00 Am inside the second-floor girl's Toilet.)

I said, "I am sorry Coco." I was sort of disappointed in myself but this was the only entrance that we knew of so I had to do this.

I walked up to the sink and said "Sssayahsa" or "Open" and the sink opened and a slide was revealed. I had my suitcase with me just in case. I then removed the cloak and jumped inside and the slide took me towards the chambers.

Before I could hit the ground I said "Arresto momentum" and I smoothly got out of the tube without any problem. I then dusted my robes and put on the cloak went in deeper.

I stumbled upon the door with the snakes and said: "*Open" and the snakes went into the holes in the door and it slowly opened.

I stepped into the chambers and took out a set of mirrors and taped it all over my body and I then placed several speakers all around the chambers and I then connected my mic and was standing behind a statue and I moved away but I could still see the Statue of Salazar and said: "* to Appear before me king of the serpents."

The mouth of Salazar opened and I closed my eyes and had my mirrors at ready and then I heard "Who dares to call me?"

I said, "It is I the heir of Slytherin!"

The snake was looking for me but could find me because the voice was coming from a speaker and I was far away from him and then he said: "Show your self coward!"

I said "I am not a fool to appear before you. Your gaze can kill a man very easily."

He laughed and said, "Show me where you are. You spineless bastard."

I said, "I am Slytherin, not a Griffindor, your insults mean nothing to me."

He then laughed and said, "I will find you then I will kill you!"

I said "I doubt that, see even if you found me. I will still kill you."

He then laughed and asked, "How are you going to do that by boring me to death?"

I said, "Enough of this banter, I am here to claim my right"

He then said, "But there is already an Heir?"

I said "He is only a memory of the past. He doesn't have a body and he uses a little girl to do his work am I right?"

He said, "You are correct."

I said "And you chose to follow a mere memory instead of me? I am flesh and blood!"

He said, "If you can prove me you are the Heir, you claim yourself to be I will obey you completely."

I was confused and asked "What do you mean? How should I prove that?"

He said, "Give me a command and If I do it uncontrollably I will believe you."

I said, "Nod your head." He nodded "Turn left, then right then wag your tail." He did exactly that. Then I said, "Give me your fang." I heard a crunching noise and then he spat out a fang the size of my arm. I said "Close your eyes until I get out of the chambers" and I saw him forcibly close his eyes.

He then said, "Looks like you are the new Heir. Time for me to form the contract."

I said "Wait what? You can do a magical contract and why are we doing the contract?."

He said, "When the Heir comes I am supposed to form a submissive contract so that I obey your every order and by forming the contract with you. I will sever the contract with that 'Fake Heir' and he will no longer be able to control me."

I asked, "Will I be affected somehow?"

He said, "Not really it is more like a slave contract so it doesn't harm you in any way."

I was very surprised and shocked and I asked: "Who else can do a magical contract with humans?"

He said, "Very handful of beasts can do it."

I asked "Like?"

He said, "Creatures that are older than 500ish years. It also depends upon the species like for me to be able to form contracts it took about 478 years. For dragons, it may be 300 years."

I was surprised by the information but asked "So Salazar didn't make a contract with you?"

He said "He made a contract that involved obeying his Heir. I was never really told to kill all the muggles. But the job description of Salazar's heir is to rid the school of muggles. But if you don't want to do that it is completely fine. I can not say no to you anyway."

I said, "That is a fantastic loophole."

He asked "Loophole?"

I said "Never mind that. So how do we do this contract?"

He said, "Give me your name."

I said, "We don't need to be in contact?"

He said, "It is not like the human contract it doesn't involve touching each other."

That was a relief and I said "My name is Jonathan Slytherin Grindlewald House."

He then used a sort of a spell that was in parseltongue It was neon green in colour my body and his body glowed and he said: "Will you Jonathan Slytherin Grindlewald House, who carries the blood of Salazar Slytherin accept this Slave contract in which You Jonathan Slytherin Grindlewald House. act as the master and this Basilisk as your servant?"

I said, "Yes I accept this contract."

He then said some more stuff and it was done and he said "I am trusting you, Heir do not let me down."

I then said, "Rest assured you are in good hands." I then explained to him my plan to get rid of the 'Fake Heir'.

He then said "So your plan is to let the memory do anything it wants? And when he is about to battle this boy named Harry I do nothing?"

I said, "Not exactly I will also be there when they will fight and when the timing is right I will destroy the thing that he is using to control that girl and then he will be gone."

He said, "Yeah but it doesn't seem like a plan more like a reaction to a situation"

I said, "Yeah, but it would still work and after this is done I will move you out of this basement and into a forest where you will be a king."

He enthusiastically said, "I will follow your plan Heir." It looks like he was bored of being here.

I then asked, "Hey did Salazar leave anything besides you for his heir?"

He said, "Yeah he left ton's of books."

I then said, "lead me there."

He said, "As you wish heir."

I then remembered my speakers and said "But before that, I need to clean up this mess." I then removed all the speakers and put them back into the briefcase along with the big Fang.

Then he was leading me towards the room and the room also had the same type of lock and it opened and I entered the room and it was filled with books and they were mostly about the Dark Arts, healing spells with Parseltongue and ritual magic just like in the ROR. And one book that caught my attention the book was about Spatial Manipulation it had a similar spell that I had in the spellbook given to me by Grindlewald.

I also found the season part of the book in the ROR, it had the stuff about anatomy and functioning of the werewolves and vampires, it also had the effect of the moon and how they transformed and also how it can be stopped, it said something about a rock called Hecatolite and how it is theoretically possible to stop the transformation.

I decided to take some books with me. After I exited the room I looked at the time on my watch and it said 4:00 Am.

I then exited the room and asked him "Can you give me one of your fangs?"

He said "Alright" he then opened his mouth and I saw so many fangs and I could feel his strong breath on my face. I then removed my hand from the cloak and pulled one of his smaller fangs.

I then said, "Thank you for that and now can you tell me how do I exit this chamber?"

He said, "You will find the portrait of Salazar Slytherin inside the room go into it and you will be back at the second-floor toilet."

I was relieved to hear of this information and said "I will visit you soon."

I then went inside the portrait and it spat me back in the Girls toilet. I then carefully went about my way towards my room and successfully did so because of this cloak.

I then entered my room and put down the briefcase and the cloak and just crashed into the bed. Tonight was very stressful. But nonetheless I got myself a big prize.


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetingssss readersss, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for voting and commenting on the chapter.

I would like to say that please don't use any cuss words in the comments because web novel removes them. Use these symbols to complete those words *@#$

And I was thinking of a Title change to

Harry Potter: The Prince of Serpents.

Harry Potter: The Secret Heir.

or any other suggestion you guys offer we have until Monday to think about it and I promise today I will upload the Legacies FF's first chapter. The Name will be Legacies: A legacy of a Demon

I have started an original book but I will be still working on this book as well. I have already finished the chapter for the next day. If you want to read about the new book it is titled The Chaos Wizard. It is set in a modern fantasy magical world. Do give it a read if you are interested.

Thank you to all the people who voted.

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