
An interesting interview 3

"On my 14th birthday, while I was eating a piece of stale bread I met a kind doctor named Armando.

He offered me food and a better place to live; I explain my situation but he only says that dead was better that be alive.

At the time, I had no idea, but it would be one of the worst decisions I could have made.

Everything was normal during the first days and strangely enough none of the werewolves seemed to approach the doctor. That was the second time I realized that those sons of bitches did it to make me suffer.

After a week, things changed, the kind Dr. Armando became the greatest son of a bitch I have ever known.

Putting sleeping pills in my food made me lose consciousness when I woke up. I was tied to a metal bed.

At that moment, he experimented with my body and when I mean experiment; I mean that he cut pieces of my own body to analyze them.

All this he did under the excuse that he was doing it to save his beloved wife and son, who had suffered from the werewolf virus.

The werewolf virus is a disease that you get when a werewolf attacks a person and they survive. It is a way that you can become a werewolf.

But in 80% of the cases you will not get power, the only thing you will have in your hands will be a horrible disease.

Which will turn your body into a half human half wolf creature, unlike a werewolf who has control over his instincts, someone with the werewolf virus.

He became a brainless beast which will simply act on pure instinct, so he will not have control of his actions and will be an insatiable beast of blood.

Dr. Armando was convinced that he could find the cure for his family and that is why he began to experiment with me.

Although he never told me, I am sure what he received the information from the werewolves sent by my father, since it would be impossible for him to know about my immortality.

The first month, the experimentation was dedicated to my skin under the pretext that painkillers would not work for me because it would ruin the sample that he would get.

I suffered a horrible torture, if before I thought that dying was painful, when I knew the pain that it feels to be disheartened, I changed my persecution completely.

The pain that one can feel as the skin is ripped from the muscle is something that surpasses the pain of a person.

Although I screamed with all my might, it was completely useless since my vocal cords were destroyed by my screams. I could only scream again when the stupid doctor was wrong.

So I very kindly ended my life by using an injection with a highly toxic compound that increased the pain in my body twice as much as it already was.

The second month, I learned that the pain of being skinned alive was better than the pain caused by stripping the muscle fiber from your body.

This pain even increased several times when the stupid doctor touched a nerve.

At that moment, I could only keep sane by holding on to my feeling of revenge against my father and the werewolves.

The third month was a completely relaxed one because the doctor only removed my organs and hoped that I would suffer a general failure in the body that will kill me. It was something quite sad but I could not do anything to avoid it.

The fourth month was a painful one, because Dr. Armando opened my spine to be able to take the fluid from my vertebrae.

Everything he took out of my body I used to experiment with the blood of his daughters, hoping in some way that it could save their lives.

I experienced one of the greatest tortures that any person has ever had to have; the suffering was so great that I lost track of time.

I just came to think that it was better to use the scalpel than the saw to cut bones.

All of that left me scarred and I would really like to show you my injuries, but because of an unfortunate event while I was in the werewolf realm.

My body recovered, however, I think there is a photograph that was taken of me after I was rescued from that place. "

Milena looked at the camera and at that moment a photo of a girl with black hair appeared, although it was only her back that showed an infinity of scars.

Which showed the brutality of what Milena had suffered.

Milena took another cigarette and looked at Opri. "You know what is funniest about that moment, that everything I suffered, so many weeks of opening my body and taking my organs.

They were a complete waste of time, because when Dr. Armando believed that he had the cure, he injected it into his wife Miyuki and their son.

At first, things seemed to work very well, however their bodies began to melt in front of the doctor's cries.

A smile formed on my face because I was happy with that result, why I must be the only one who suffered.

I am not someone who enjoys killing Opri, but I have a very firm idea and that is that if you are my enemy, I will kill you. "

Milena stretched out her hands and looked at the camera. "After those events, I was rescued by the United States government and a person that I consider an adoptive father to me.

Unfortunately, I cannot say her name because she is from national security, however I can tell you that he is an important person in my life because he helped me to recover.

Later, I met other people and my life began to improve. My father did not try anything against me because there was a threat to him thanks to the United States. "

Milena clenched her fist in anger. "However, he took two things that were very valuable to me, one I can't get back and the other will take a long time to get back.

Because of many factors I cannot tell you why, the only thing I can tell you is that I made my father's son of a bitch suffer.

At least that is what I believe and as for the marriage between King Akos, I am willing to marry for peace but I hope you are prepared because I will bring a change to the kingdom of werewolves.

As queen, I will enforce those cursed clans in order to minimize the attacks of werewolves in the human world.

They have a sense of superiority that I will personally crush and if they think they can stop me. "

Milena looked at the camera and smiled. "I will use the power that I have as a herald of a goddess to put you in your place fuking trash."

Hi guys, new info about the novel because we have a contract the novel will enter in premium chapters, that's why this month I will publish only 1 chapter.

When we start the premium chapters, I will be uploading 2 chapters daily starting from December. Hope you understand, anyway remember to comment if have some suggestions or a doubt ;)

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