
Am I A Bad Mother?

(From Blue's Perspective)

I was happy about meeting my secondborn. I truly was. But he cried a lot. How could a baby cry that much? That could not be normal. But apparently, it was. 

And it was exhausting. 

I could not sleep a bit for the next fifteen days. Demian would not calm down if I was not the one carrying him. Yes, even at that age, he knew who was carrying him when. He would not go to anyone. Even his father was not able to hold him because Demian literally screamed like someone was beating him. 

I needed rest. All night, Demian would not stop. He would make me hold him and then when I thought he fell asleep, he would start crying again, so I would not put him down. He would fall asleep around morning when Dion would get up and demand my attention. Dem tried to take as much of my pressure as possible, but it was simply not possible. He was not the mother. I was. How could someone take the mother's pressure away? It was not possible. 

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