

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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I opened a portal to the Antarctica, where I found Captain Marvel walking aimlessly into the nowhere, cursing like a sailor as she did so. "Ready to talk? Or you will try to punch me again?" I said, announcing my presence to her from above.

Hearing my voice, Captain Marvel halted, turning around baring her teeth like a wolf ready to attack its prey. "Try? I got a pretty good hit last time." she hissed.

"While I was saying hi, congratulations, you punched a guy saying hi, want a medal?" I shot back, frowning at her.

"Your tears would be enough, I need no medal." Captain Marvel sneered, her eyes on me as she did so. Her fists glowing in a dim yet threatening amber color, letting me know she was getting ready to fight.

"Look, I don't like you, the punch pretty much sealed that. But, I know something you don't, something you want to know, and need to know, like why are you having those dreams, about that person." I stated, my eyes cold as I stare at her. "I also have the power to trap you here, forever if need be, so how about we have a civilized talk."

Captain Marvel tensed, as if weighing her options. "We can talk." she said after a few seconds of consideration, her mouth forming a thin line as she did so.

"Good." I nodded. 

[New Quest Created: Convince Captain Marvel

Carol Denvers, also known as Captain Marvel is a powerful woman lost in the threads of manipulation. Lies, trues, and misdirection, she lives in a world built above her grave, can you free her?

Objective: Convince Captain Marvel the Kree are using her.

Bonus Objective: Convince Captain Marvel the Kree are using her, in under 24 hours.

Rewards: 10.000.000EXP, +50 LUCK, +50 DEFENSE,  +50 CHARISMA

Optional Rewards: Captain Marvel - One Time Summon, a crazy night, a spaceship.]

Now quests gave stats? Well, that's new. Though I am worried about the crazy night reward. "Ok, I'll start the only way I know, from the beginning, your name is not Vers, is Carol Denvers." I chuckled, realizing something. "Den-vers, see what the Kree did there?"

Carol stared at me, her gaze unreadable, for a moment I even thought she was about to attack me, jump at me, ready to break my spine Bane style, but she did not, instead she looked at me in the eye, and commanded. "Speak." 

And so I did, after all, there were commands I had no problem following.


[Nick Fury POV]

Being friends with Alex meant you were bound to do weird shit, the motherfucker was crazy, but boy was he efficient, so I was glad to assist him, after all, he brought the results I wanted, and was careful enough not to leave any trails that could implicate him in anything.

Finding information about Carol Denvers, easy enough, finding her best friend, easy as well.

"Why am I here?" Maria Rambeau asked.

"A colleague of mine needs you, Ms. Rambeau." I replied, as I dialed to call Alex.

"That doesn't answer anything. All I know is that you basically kidnapped me because a man I don't know, asked for me. Which is seriously troubling." Maria said, staring at me.

"It has something to do with Carol Denvers, who according to our records was close friends with you." I replied, cursing Alex for not answering his motherfuckering phone. I bought the bastard a satellite phone just for this shit, and he still doesn't answer.

"Carol died a long time ago." Maria hissed, her eyes telling me enough.

"That's what her file said, but then again, when was anything according to file." I replied, showing her the pic the cameras of Radio Shack had caught. "Does she look like your friend?"

Maria stared at the pic, her eyes going wide. "Impossible…" she mumbled.

"Meh, improbable maybe. But impossible? In the world we live in? Haha, no." I replied, calling Alex again, that bitch was about to get a slap, nobody ghosts Nick Motherfucking Fury.

"Sir, do we even know where he is?" Coulson asked, god Alex was right, Coulson was invisible at times.

"Oh god, I had forgotten all about you." I chuckled. "Yes we know, he is talking with a woman in the Antarctica."

"Is that woman… carol?" Maria asked, not daring to hope.

"Chances are, she is. Otherwise, why would Alex ask for you?" I replied.


[Alex Walker POV]

Our conversation started pretty civilized, but soon turned into a brawl. Let's just say she didn't agree or believe some of the stuff I had shared with her, and was now trying to… well, kill me?

"You think I will believe that?" Carol hissed, punching me in the face, as I whipped the bitch to an iceberg with a magical whip.

"If only you could wait, you would see I am telling the truth!" I shot back.

"You want me to believe I… that all my life was a lie?" Carol asked, her voice sounding tired.

"Not all of it, just the last decade." I replied.

"What proof do you even have?!" Carol growled.

"If you let me answer my phone, I can get you that proof!" I growled back.

"You have thirty seconds!" Carol roared.

"Eat a dick!" I roared back, calling Fury, who answered immediately.

"Finally, bitch! I have been--" Before he could finish that sentence, I cut him off.

"Fury, I do not have the time. Do you have what I asked for?!" If he didn't I was about to punch Carol amnesic, fuck the quest.

"I do." Fury replied.

"Good, then buckle up."

"Buckle up for whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" Why did he scream like a little girl? Well, I opened a portal in front of his car, and well… he went right through it, and now was falling into an iceberg. Of course before he did, I stopped the car with my telekinesis. 

"Is that your proof?" Carol said, glaring at me.

"It is." I replied as dryly as possible.

Slamming the door of his car open, Fury came out, as white as the Antarctica itself. "You… crazy… bitch!"

"Enough about that, where are the files, and Maria Rambeau?" I asked, only to hear a woman mutter.


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