
Chapter 72 – 'Unshakable Faith'!

Hey everyone, here's the chapter of the week!

Thanks for waiting, peasant!

By the way, I don't know why there was the reposted chapter confusion, the only thing I did was to separate Volumes 1 and 2.

Author's Note: Any design/image/photo does not belong to me, but to the respective creators and/or artists.

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter, peasants!


- Location: Jerusalem.

Pov. Third-person.

Two days after Thor left for his meeting with Fatum, the city of Jerusalem, ruled by the most powerful empire of the time, underwent a change...

While some feasted and enjoyed themselves, some stayed indoors and remained silent.

The silence of mourning.

Although, there were some who had just arrived in the city of Jerusalem for other reasons...

"We have to be quick, although there is a sacred presence here, this is still Greek territory, so we have a certain 'freedom' in acting here, but we are not going to push our luck," said a woman of supernatural beauty.

The man accompanying her nodded, but then snorted in amusement.

"...I see no reason for Lucifer to order us to fetch a human body," said the man, in disgust.

The woman soon scolded the man.

"First, it's 'Lord' Lucifer for you, Johan Eligos, don't forget your proper place, don't make the same mistake as Leviathan; second, it is a body that has residual sacred energy, our mission is to take it to Stolas if that lunatic finds a way to protect us from the sacred light we will be unstoppable," said the woman.

"We are already unstoppable, Rize. It's unthinkable that we lose the war, even if our creator is stronger, he won't take a step if he doesn't want the other top 10 beings on the board, our goal is to kill the four Great Seraphims, and after that it's easy" said Johan.

The devil woman, identified as Rize, soon looked at Johan in rebuke.

"You say 'killing the four great Seraphims' like it's the easiest thing in the world... You were there when Michael defeated Lucifer, you were there when those two covered heaven in fire and destruction during the rebellion, so you should know well it will NOT be easy" said Rize.

The man just shrugged, not believing Rize's words.

The two devils were heading towards their destination...

The crypt of Jesus.

But as they approached, they noticed something...

A man kneeling, in front of the crypt.

"…A human mourning the dead…Typical" said Johan, with an amused smile.

"Let's just cast a spell and erase his memory while we remove the body in peace, he can mourn all he wants when the crypt is empty," said Rize.

Johan, however, did not agree with the idea...

"Losing magic power over something so simple? Hmm, no... I have a better and considerably more economical solution" said Johan, already walking towards the kneeling man.

"…Could you avoid killing? We're not in the underworld, plus we're in Greek gods' territory, or Greco-Roman gods now, don't be as messy as that Valefor brat" said Rize, frowning.

Johan ignored Rize's complaints and just walked over to the kneeling man.

When the devil from House Eligos got close enough, he could see that the human had long blond hair, had his hands together, and seemed to be mumbling something.

It was then that Johan Eligos heard...

"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil… Our Father in heaven-" said the man, reciting the same thing again.

Johan seemed to be even more amused with the being in front of him, after all for the leader of House Eligos the human in front of him was just another mortal who fell into lamentation and sadness.

It was then that Johan decided to have some fun before killing the human...

"... A beautiful dawn, don't you think? Didn't expect to find some fool alone so soon... Any last words before meeting your creator, mortal?" asked Johan, smiling slightly.


That was the answer the kneeling man gave to Johan Eligos, as he continued to recite the same thing over and over again, with no sign of stopping...

This soon angered Johan.

"… Are you going to ignore me human? That's why I support Lucifer's idea of ​​us devils becoming gods for you... Very well then, I would give you a painless death, but for insolence, I think a little pain is a good punishment" said Johan.

The leader of House Eligos soon reached out to the kneeling man, seeking to grab his neck...

But then Johan heard something different in the kneeling man's murmurs.

"... Forgive me, my master... For disrespecting your crypt, but they want to desecrate your body, in addition to openly admitting that they are devils... Let one more sin be added to my sentence if that's the case" said the man.

Johan didn't know what had happened.

In a second he was on his feet, beside the kneeling man, as well as being only a hand's length away from grabbing the human's neck.

But then in another second Johan was seeing everything upside down, as well as seeing something he didn't understand in that second...

Johan saw that the man had disappeared and his own body in the third person, but without an important part...

The head.

Confusion with the scene was the last thing Johan felt before darkness and cold overtook him, forcing his vision to darken.

Meanwhile, Rize Amy, sister of the leader of House Amy and fiancée of Johan Eligos, didn't understand the situation either...

In one moment she saw Johan going in for the kill, but in the next second she saw a headless Johan, and the kneeling man disappeared at the same time.

When Rize felt a pain in her chest, she slowly looked at the spot, until she noticed something that made her eyes widen in disbelief.

There was a hole in her chest...

Shock and adrenaline made Rize freeze until she heard something...

The sound of footsteps.

It was then that Rize Amy noticed that the man from before passed by her side nonchalantly while dropping something in front of her, when the sister of the leader of House Amy took a good look at the thing on the ground she could only take one last breath before she lost her conscience...

It was a heart.

The same heart that seconds ago was inside her, pumping her blood throughout her body and keeping her alive.

When the man with long pale golden hair stood in front of the crypt, in the same spot as before, and let out a sigh.

"... Better clean up the mess, after all, Lady Mary will be coming in a few hours, I don't want her to smell blood during her prayers," said the man.

The man was Judas, and since arriving at the crypt two days ago he had only moved when a human approached, hiding nearby. The rest of the time he remained on his knees, praying the prayer that Jesus had taught them, he did not eat or sleep, as he no longer felt the need for such things, and he only prayed and hid, because he already knew that he was no longer human.

When Judas was about to grab the body of Johan Eligos, he felt something and his eyes widened...

A comforting presence right behind him.

Exactly where the crypt of Jesus was.

It was then that Judas turned and saw him.

In an ethereal, glowing way, someone he once knew and respected was smiling at him, as if greeting an old friend...


Instantly Judas knelt down and placed his forehead on the ground, and this was for two reasons.

Firstly, to show the respect he had towards someone who once saw him as a friend and brother, but above all...

To hide the tears of shame.

"… I… I don't know where to start, I don't know what to say, I don't know HOW to say it, I don't even know why you're here, because I no longer deserve to be in your presence–?!" said Judas, before freezing.

He felt a comforting hand on his shoulder.

When Judas looked up he saw the smiling face of Jesus.

It was then that the ethereal form of Jesus wiped Judas's tears with his hands and soon after stood up, walking towards the crypt again, but not before doing one last action...

Judas saw the spirit form of Jesus raise one of his arms and he pointed.

The ancient apostle looked where Jesus was pointing and was confused when he saw nothing, until a few seconds later he understood...

"… North… Do you want me to go north? That's it?" Judas asked, looking back at Jesus.

Until he noticed that the ethereal form of Jesus had disappeared.

Judas stared at the crypt, lost in thought until he returned to his knees and prayed, as he considered his next decision.


Someone was having a heart attack.

- Location: Ahvenanmaa Islands / Tordenhus (Home of the Aeolites).

Pov. Third-person.

The city of Tordenhus was in a celebratory mood, for their god Thor was visiting the city. Priestesses accompanied the god of thunder to a designated location, while the people feasted and danced recklessly.

The leader of the Priestesses, Medusa, was bringing Thor to a very special place... to the Aeolites.

"My emperor! You haven't visited us for years, but I suppose we've done a good job of hiding your gift until it's complete! We, your humble heralds, give you your throne!" said Medusa, pointing to a spot.

The place was a mountain of skulls, with small stairs made of bones and a scary throne, which also looked like it was made of skulls, at the top.

This whole time Thor remained silent.

Many Aeolites who were present thought that Thor was contemplating the 'glorious' throne or even assessing whether it was a worthy throne...

But the truth was the complete opposite.

Thor, at that moment, had stopped reasoning logically and only a single sentence passed through the thunder god's mind.

[WHAT. THE. FUCK?!] thought Thor.

Medusa started to get worried after a few minutes had passed and Thor hadn't stopped staring at the throne of skulls, and then he spoke.

"... My Emperor, is it not to your liking? Maybe ten thousand skulls is a tiny amount compared to your greatness, in that case, don't worry, the throne will always receive skulls of heretics killed by your devotees" said Medusa.

Thor slowly turned to Medusa and seemed to consider his next words carefully. The reason for this was relatively simple, the Aeolites were taught from an early age by Thor to fight and wage war, with the purpose of defending themselves against the supernatural in an effective way.

But apparently, the Aeolites had abandoned reason and now only know war.

"... I... I'm flattered by the gift... But let's stop here," Thor said, giving a nervous smile.

Medusa froze and confusion began to show on the head priestess's face.

"... Stop? My Emperor, I don't understand. What do you mean?" asked Medusa.

"Stop… All of it," Thor said, gesturing to the throne.

This made Medusa worried.

"Didn't you like it? Is it the quantity?... Or maybe the color? We can paint the skulls with the blood of heretics if you want my—" said Medusa.

"WHOA! Whoa! No! No more skulls, no using blood as a dye, no... Throne of Skulls; got it?" Thor asked.

Medusa faced Thor but was soon confused by the request of the god she worshiped.

"So… How do you expect us to demonstrate our faith to you, my emperor?" asked Medusa.

Thor looked at Medusa and then at the throne of skulls, thinking of an idea that would make the Aeolite people happy, in addition to not interfering with their newly created warrior behavior and education...

It was then that Thor remembered something he had partaken of long ago in Greece.

"During my stay in Greece, your former home, I ended up enjoying and participating in the so-called 'Olympic games', competitions in different sports to encourage a healthy competitive spirit," said Thor.

Of course, in reality, Thor was up to something else...

Bread and circuses politics in a Nordic way.

Or in this case, just circus politics.

Medusa was soon excited by the idea.

"I didn't know that you, my emperor, had participated in the Olympiads of the gods! I'm sure your performance was full of praise, as were the legends about your prowess in bed!" said Medusa.

In the first sentence, Thor can only do one thing...

Sweat in nervousness.

After all, although Thor participated in the first divine Olympiad and beat Hermes in terms of speed, remembered that the first modality he competed in was the discus throwing modality, and he technically lost to Zeus, in addition to the greater detail of it all...

During the entire competition... Thor was completely naked.

As Thor thought about the first divine Olympiad, the other part of the sentence that Medusa spoke caught the thunder god's attention.

"Prowess… In bed?" asked Thor, confused.

Medusa soon blushed in response.

"My emperor, it is no secret that the priestesses you slept with in the past made a point of talking in detail about what it was like that night in your bed, even if it was centuries ago," said Medusa.

It was then that Thor understood that it was one of the episodes in that he was not sober...

The thunder god soon sighed in defeat, after all, he didn't even want to start thinking that the Aeolite people practically knew something so personal about him, and just went back to talking about the subject in a new way for the Aeolite people to 'praise' him.

"…So, in summary, I would like a kind of competition, similar to the Olympics, although I would like it to be something different," said Thor.

Medusa soon waved excitedly.

"Certainly, my emperor! I will spread your word immediately!" said Medusa.

The chief priestess of the Aeolite people soon bowed and quickly left, gesturing to others who accompanied them to follow her.

Meanwhile, Thor was left alone, looking back at the pile of skulls.

"Well, fanaticism will always exist, at least I'll draw a line to the limit, though… Where did they get so many skulls? In fact, I'm not even going to ask. Anyway, I think I better study the properties of the Longinus armor and see what I can do with it," said Thor.

The god of thunder then made a teleportation rune and left Tordenhus, aiming to return to his home in Midgard and go directly to the forge.

Though Thor had left, there was something else going on during the thundergod's visit...

In the highest tower of Torddenhus, located in the center of Aeolita city, in a room composed of a round table and twelve chairs, six occupants filled the place.

The six Kingsguards were all gathered together.

"Why an emergency meeting?" someone asked.

It was the new Kingsguard 3, Yamato.

The young Oni and Taotie's avatar had successfully defeated Igris in a blood duel in the Valhalla arena recently, claiming the position as the third strongest Kingsguard.

"Well, our friend 'saw' disturbing things in the nearby territories and said it was important... Although I hope it's anything, I'm dying of boredom here" someone said, answering Yamato's question with a carefree tone.

It was Kingsguard 2, Achilles.

Yamato soon made a face of disgust, as the relationship between her and Achilles has always been a little volatile, both are always ready to fight, although respecting the rules imposed by Thor. While the Oni wanted to criticize the born-to-kill hero's carefree attitude, she was soon interrupted by someone else.

"There is unusual activity in the territories near Midgard, which is the territory our king defends for his pantheon. Evidence at the site suggests that there was a direct confrontation, and traces that were collected by Horatius indicate a devil and angel presence at the site," said a voice, with a deadly serious tone.

It was Kingsguard 1, Karna.

"Oh?... Is it what I'm thinking?" asked Achilles excitedly, as if he had suddenly piqued interest.

"Frankly, only a barbarian like you would be excited by such news..." said another voice.

Achilles sneered briefly and looked towards the person who had made the comment.

Kingsguard 5, Ihbanna.

The daughter of the Sumerian sun god, Utu, had long ago been adopted and brought to Midgard, a place she could call her new home, no longer living on the streets like a rat.

"I'm not the barbarian here. In fact, if I remember correctly before I came here I heard some rumors about your old home... 'wife auction' I think it was. So don't call me a barbarian when the society you were born into allows such senseless things" said Achilles, mocking Ihbanna.

Utu's daughter was soon irritated.

"You Greek brute of—" said Ihbanna, until she was interrupted by a voice that carried authority.

"... Enough," said the voice.

It was Kingsguard 4, Igris.

Incredibly, although Igris was not the strongest, his presence exuded unquestionable authority, as well as a demeanor that defined him for what he once was...

The first king of mankind.

The first leader of an organized society.

"...Igris is right, this is not the time for such pitiful insults..." said another voice, with a tone of approval.

Kingsguard 6, Horatius Cocles.

The 'youngest' Kingsguard to be recruited by Thor.

This made Achilles and Ihbanna back away, though Achilles soon smiled, it wasn't a mocking or happy smile.

It was a smile that could be described as wild.

"So... It's war, right?" asked Achilles, looking at Karna.

Karna, who had been silent after the insults began to be exchanged, soon looked at each of the Kingsguards, before replying to the hero born to kill.

"…Probably…Yes," Karna said, closing his eyes.

This didn't seem to surprise the Kingsguard as if they had already expected such an event. It was then that when the Kingsguard would start talking about their next move, Karna spoke again...

"There's more... I sense a power coming from the south, considerably more potent than one of our own. I thought it was a powerful god nearby, but that's not the case, as that power has faded and reappeared over the centuries," said Karna, opening his eyes again.

"Oh? What do you think it is?" asked Horatius.

"...I'm not sure, but the energy is similar to one of us," said Karna, looking at someone.

It was Ihbanna, who was immediately confused.

"Similar to me?... Do you think you are one of my father's descendants?" asked Ihbanna.

"…No, the power is too different from yours. My suspicion is that the user of this power coming from the south is of Anunnaki origin, hence the similarity with you, Ihbanna" said Karna.

"Do we know where this being is at the moment? That way we can investigate properly," said Horatius.

Karna immediately nodded, and that made Achilles turn to Igris.

"So… What's the word, 'captain'?" asked Achilles, with a mocking smile.

It was then that the Kingsguard decided to investigate by choosing one of them to go towards the place determined by Karna in search of answers, the territory that Karna pointed out turned out to be the territorial limits between the future Germany and Denmark.

The chosen Kingsguard was Horatius and he was going on a collision course with someone special...

The first hero of mankind.


- Location: Midgard / House of Thor.

Pov. Thor.

On my return home, I couldn't help but think about some of the things Fatum had told me.

Invasion and possibly the end of this dimension.

Honestly, I doubted Fatum.

After all, it's quite possible that Fatum told me that to manipulate me into listening to what he had to say, as well as to get on his good side.

But there was also the possibility that he knew that I was suspicious of his intentions and said those things to mess with my mind and confuse me even more...

Well, he successfully achieved this.

I don't know if I should take his advice seriously or if I should ignore it and go my own way, which maybe is what he wants me to do.

It's hard to think of a countermeasure when the guy literally sees all the timelines and knows your behavior in all situations and what decisions you're going to choose...

So the best option was quite simple.

First, I had to confirm one of the things Fatum had said. This brought me to Tordenhus and I must say I was obviously scared when I realized that the Aeolites' faith and 'dedication' had turned them into blind zealots, ready to do my bidding.

That was a big no for me, so I made sure to draw a line to set boundaries and slowly make Aeolites less... Fanatical.

That meant that what Fatum had said was some truth...

But then again, it might just be a ploy of fate to prove a point and get me to obey him.

Ugh... I think I have a headache.

If I obey Fatum, I am definitely being manipulated in a direct way.

But if I don't obey Fatum, I won't be sure if I'm still being manipulated in a roundabout way, as it might be Fatum's plan...

Fucking hell!

That's it, fuck it! I'm going to focus my attention on what's important to me right now, which is Longinus' fucking armor.

- Location: Underworld.

Pov. Third-person.

While Thor was at his forge, just below the house of Midgard, quietly working peacefully, elsewhere things were anything but peaceful...


"By Lucifer!"

"By the Father!"

These, as well as other screams, echoed through a place completely devastated by explosions and bodies.

An angel was stabbed in the back by a sword, which was being wielded by a devil who displayed a smile...

But the devil's smile didn't last long as the expression of satisfaction soon turned into pain as he felt his body being split in half by a sword of light, which was used by an angel who soon flew to the next opponent.

During all the confusion, an angel with six pairs of wings, who had just been promoted, was looking at the battlefield with a complicated look.

It was Azazel.

The new Seraphim had acquired another pair of wings when the leader of the angels liked the concept of creating extraordinary weapons from Azazel's research.

"Die Azazel!" said a deep voice, roaring behind him.

Azazel soon turned around and created a sword of holy light and blocked a sword made of purple lightning, the young Seraphim in charge of this battle looked at his opponent... And widened his eyes when he recognized it.

"… Paimon?" said Azazel, whispering in awe.

The devil was an effeminate-looking man and wore a kind of crown.

He was Paimon and was once a great friend of Azazel, before Lucifer's rebellion. Paimon looked at Azazel and sneered when he noticed the youngest Seraphim's hesitation.

"I see you've been promoted since the last rebellion! I should properly congratulate you… Your gift will be a quick death!" said Paimon.

Purple lightning soon covered Paimon, releasing a pulse of energy that made Azazel back away. The youngest Seraphim soon created a shield of light and blocked Paimon's attack again, who just laughed in response.

"Always hesitating Azazel... Even in the rebellion you didn't kill anyone, why are you even here if you're a useless warrior!" said Paimon.

The devil soon pushed Azazel and made the Seraphim frown at the words. This is due to the fact that when Lucifer first rebelled, Azazel hesitated, as he didn't want to enjoy fighting the one he once called his brother. Yhwh knew of Azazel's hesitation, and so he did not press the young angel.

But now, when war once again broke out, Yhwh decided it was time for Azazel to accept reality.

The reality is that even the one who once called you 'brother' is likely to cut your neck if beliefs are put to the test.

The teaching that Yhwh wanted to pass on to Azazel was simple...

A creed can both join and separate loved ones.

Azazel soon advanced and created a warhammer made of holy light as he flew towards Paimon. The devil just laughed in response and summoned magic circles, which shot purple lightning bolts towards Azazel, who soon dodged and quickly approached Paimon, who created a spear made of lightning and swung it as soon as Azazel got close.

Azazel turned the warhammer into a shield and soon blocked the attack, and then, with his free hand, he created a kind of rope made of holy light and swung, snapping the rope.

Paimon soon tried to dodge it, but it ended up being too late when the rope grabbed the devil's leg, who soon screamed in pain when he felt the effect of contact with the holy light on his skin.

Paimon's screams of pain soon made Azazel think again about what he was doing, wondering if he was doing the right thing.

This proved to be a mistake, as once Azazel was distracted, Paimon raised his sword and cut the rope made of light that bound his leg, freeing himself in the process and attacking Azazel again, summoning magic circles that shot purple-colored lightning, which this time once they hit Azazel squarely causing an explosion.

When the explosion subsided, it was noticeable that Azazel's clothes and armor were damaged, although the Seraphim still crossed his arms, trying to protect himself.

"Thank you for making my job easier, Azazel! You were always so naive, the proof of that was you being responsible for delivering the knowledge of making weapons to humans" said Paimon, mocking the Seraphim.

Azazel was silent and soon created a sword made of holy light, but the devil soon sighed in disappointment and softened his gaze.

"Put down the weapon brother, and surrender... Become one of us, abandon that hypocrite, under Lucifer's rule you will have a freedom you never had in heaven, that I can guarantee" said Paimon, extending a hand.

"... I'm already free," said Azazel.

This made Paimon scoff.

"Are you sure? It's no surprise that you hesitate to kill us, after all, we were once brothers, but here you are, on one of the battlefronts, YOU were ordained to be here" said Paimon, with a smile.

This made Azazel frown, which was noticed by Paimon.

"Look around brother! This is the fault of the one you call Father!" said Paimon, gesturing with his arms around.

For a brief second, Azazel looked around, surveying the battlefield, seeing angels and devils dying, some crying and some not, some angry and some not; but all seemed to recite only one thing in common...

"By the Father!"

"Death to Yhwh! By Lucifer!"

"Let the Father die, so that the son may rule!"

"May the Father have mercy!"

The vast majority cited someone in common between the devils' screams of hatred and the angels' determination...


When Paimon noticed that Azazel was lost in thought, he smiled in victory and created a sword of lightning, and flew quickly towards Azazel, intending to deliver the final blow.


Only for Azazel to dodge it when he noticed Paimon's approach at the last second, and unconsciously raised the sword made of holy light, which pierced Paimon's heart.

The devil widened his eyes in acknowledgment of his predicament and looked into Azazel's eyes, which were staring back at him in shock.

Paimon even chuckled at the shock shown by Azazel's easy expression.

"Congratulations I suppose... You are a very obedient dog, brother... Remember that when he sends you on a suicide mission..." said Paimon, with a smile.

Paimon then raised his arms and grabbed Azazel's shoulders, pulling the Seraphim closer and deepening the wound made by the sword of holy light, which seemed to burn the devil even more.

When Paimon got close enough to Azazel he whispered in his ear.

"In fact, when you are in front of him again, remember this... You are a faithful dog, who is waiting for your master's praise" said Paimon.

It was then that Paimon dropped his arms and stopped breathing, meaning the death of the most faithful devil that followed Lucifer in the first rebellion and now in the new Great War. The devil's dead body fell from the sky as soon as Azazel dissipated the sword made of holy light; the Seraphim just watched Paimon's body falling to the ground...

"Azazel! Look out!" shouted a voice, waking Azazel from his thoughts.

When Azazel looked at the source, he saw a young angel, with two pairs of wings, completely burned, while a devil with wings made of fire, with a hand extended towards them.

Azazel looked at the young angel and then around the battlefield, noting the number of dead and the brutality of the deaths...

It was then that the Seraphim made a decision.

Creating two spears of holy light, as well as several spears and swords around him, he quickly flew towards the center of the combat, intending to end the battle quickly...

Unfortunately for Azazel, the battle would only end after hours...

After hours of grueling combat, it was clear that the angels had won this time, but only a single angel was left staring at the bodies of the dead.

Azazel was bathed in blood and had gone silent even minutes after the grueling battle ended.

It was then that an angel approached the Seraphim.

"Azazel... Our father gave us another mission, this time in the human world, we must support Uriel to defend a territory close to the Chinese pantheon" said the angel.

Azazel just nodded in response, looking around one last time and seeing the bodies for the last time, the bodies of the beings that died for what each one believed...

"... Unshakable beliefs, huh..." said Azazel, with a hollow tone.

The Seraphim soon gathered the army of surviving angels and set off towards the location he was ordered to, intending to support Uriel.

Although, as much as Azazel denied it, a seed of doubt had been planted in the mind of the young Seraphim, who decades later would fall in love with a mortal who would give him comfort after so much death and destruction...

But angels couldn't fall in love so freely, so when Azazel was warned by Yhwh to stop, the Seraphim disobeyed him...

It was then that Azazel 'fall'.

And with him, several angels who were already tired of fighting, of killing, and of obeying Yhwh.

Thus creating the third faction in the Great War.

- Location: Future Denmark.

A fully armored being was flying through designated territory in pursuit of completing the mission given to him.

It was Kingsguard 6, Horatius Cocles.

For him, a mission given is a mission accomplished, and that's why he was the Kingsguard chosen to investigate the abnormal power that had been discovered by Karna.

Shortly after flying around, Horatius soon sensed an overwhelming presence quite close.

"… I found it," said Horatius.

The ancient savior of Rome soon flew towards the Presence at high speed.

At the same moment, a hooded figure walked slowly through the snowy forest of the territory of the future Denmark, always following a single direction...



It was then that the figure stopped when it heard a noise coming from the sky.

Just as the hooded figure stopped, an object fell from the sky at high speed, landing exactly in the figure's path, and kicking up a cloud of dust on impact.

When the cloud cleared, it was revealed to be Horatius Cocles looking seriously at the figure. The silence only lasted a few seconds, as the savior of Rome soon spoke.

"… Who, or what exactly are you?" asked Horatius Cocles, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes.

When Horatius tried to see the face of the figure over the hood he saw only two things...

Blond hair, but that was something quite common with humans in that territory, but it was something else that caught Horatius's attention...

Red eyes stared at him as if he were an annoying bug.


Well, that's all folks!

Over 5k words!

I hope you enjoyed it and see you next week, peasant!

The next update will be on January 29th!

I will update my other fanfic: Son of Agni soon!

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