
Son to his Father

Jack hearing those screeching moan and growling sounds. Can't hear anything but just those sounds and the rapid beating of his heart.

For his surprise he stopped for a moment. And he quickly bent his head right over to where that sounds came from and he saw a half cut body of an attacker (living-dead) just holding tight right next to his foot. He was shock and wasn't expecting that a living-dead would still be alive with those explosions and fire.

He shook his foot to loosen the grip of the attacker but it did not release. So, he reach for his riffle. With the use of it he smash the head of the attacker (living-dead) many times until he got off from his grip.

The living-dead was tough enough in the first smash because he can still growl but with the successive smashing of his head, he got down from it and get killed.

Jack was chasing his breath out and thought about 'How could they still possibly alive when half of their body was already cut.'

Confuse. Jack had a glance up to the clouds and saw that the sun was just about to rise. That's the reason why the living-dead didn't got his body melt on.

After that incident, Jack was still trying to figure out if there are more of them out there but he can no longer hear any sounds that made by those attackers (living-dead).

So Jack decided to walk his way to their house. His car were massively damage caused by the explosion. He only have his gun with him. He never had the chance to get the things he got out from his car because of those sudden things that happen.

He got failed from his mission and went home restless and hopeless.

Meanwhile at the lab..

Austin wakes up already. He step out from his bed and immediately went out his room to check if his father is home already. As a kid that has been left and promises to get back he felt like crying while looking for his father. He had nowhere to be found in the lab. He already look everywhere.

He was near the elevator and,

"DADDYY!" He suddenly shout and just sat and cry there.

He stop when he heard that the elevator ring.

'DING!' Sound of the elevator when it reaches his destination.

Austin lift his head and look straight in front of the elevator feeling excited because he knows that it might be his father.

"He's here. It's Daddy", he said.

And the elevator suddenly open and the face of Austin went bright when he saw his father step out from the elevator. Jack was stunned when his son suddenly popped out in front of the elevator sitting and looking devastated.

Austin upon seeing his father he stand up and went straight to him and hug him tight like he was afraid of being alone in the lab. Jack responded with a tight hug. And they hug each other tight.

Jack speaks out,

"Where you crying?" He ask and loosen the hug and look straight at Austin's eyes.

He saw Austin's eyes redden as if it came from crying.

"Well been looking for you since you've left. But you never came back the time you promise me." Austin responded to his question.

"Oh. Well that. I-", Jack don't know how he could possibly explain what had happen to him back there outside.

He simply answered, " I am here now my son. " without any more explanation so Austin would feel relieve.

"Dad you stink. Did you even shower yet?", Austin suddenly speak those words from their serious talk.

Jack can't help himself but laugh at those words that Austin has just said.

"HAHA! Well I guess I run miles thats why I smell and eventually look like this". he tries to make fun of it.

Unknowingly that he had much more than of those running miles that he just said.

"Anyway, you hungry?", Jack ask.

"Oh yes dad! I'm really really starving right now at this moment." Austin quickly responded with his eyes rolling.

"Okay then I'm gonna prepare you something. But first I may need to take a shower." Jack smiled while saying those words.

"Yeah dad! You needed it badly! You stink a lot!", Austin shouting while Jack making a move on going to their room to take his shower.

"Will be back in a minute", Jack shouted back.

After Jack had his shower done, he went back to where he left Austin and prepared some pasta for them.

He was cooking the noodles when Austin suddenly ask,

"Daddy why were you the one cooking my food? Why not call our cook and he will be the one to do since you looked very tired already?," was curious why he always can't find any of their helpers in the lab.

Jack abruptly stop mixing the noodles to its sauce when he heard what Austin asked. He thought of changing the subject but he knows that Austin will always be curious and will always be asking this kind of questions. But still Jack had to tell him a lie AGAIN.

"It's their off son. And it looks like you will be having me around here for a quiet while." He turned and take a glance to his son.

"Won't you like that? We can spend more time with each other.", Jack said while smiling at his son.

"Yeah! Absolutely Dad. I just miss this kinda thing too dad.", Austin agrees to what his father just said.

"But still wishing mom was here for us to be complete. Would be much happier. I just missed her a lot. ", Austin continues looking a little bit sad remembering about her mother.

"I hope she gets better soon." Jack could feel the longingness of his son to his mother but tries to let Austin understand every word he was saying without asking more.

As per Jack he would love that but for a kid like Austin? Asking questions won't be out from any topic.

"Don't worry, if your mom will be okay. She will surely join us soon. " Jack said as he hand over the pasta to his son for him to eat.

Jack wanted to take away the loneliness that Austin was feeling at that moment.

"Here, eat this. We'll have a lot to do after this." Jack smiled at him.

Austin felt relieved of what his father told him about his mother. He quickly got his fork and started to eat his pasta.

"This is so delicious dad!" Austin said while his mouth is full.

The loneliness he has in himwas immediately replace of excitement while finishing his pasta.

"Seriously?" Jack can't believe so he got his fork and tasted it for himself.

"I never thought i could cook a delicious meal for you anyhow my son." Jack smiled after he tasted the pasta.

They had a good conversation as father and son.

After that good meal and nice conversation they had. Austin was still sitting on the tanle holding his tummy. He was so full.

He even burf and says, "Opps! Excuse me!", he smiled.

Jack glance at his watch and it's already nine in the morning.

"Are you done with what I have told you yesterday before I leave?", Jack ask while trying to let Austin think about the USB he gave to him.

"Yeah I remember that." Austin quickly answer.

"You finish yet?", trying to rush Austin on learning what is inside that USB files.

"Not yet dad. Needed maybe a day to complete all the files that was in there."

Austin trying to recall the last files he had.

"Well, why not go back to your room and finish it. Yes?" Jack looking at his son.

And Austin nod and went straight to his room.

Jack was left out there finishing the dishes.

Austin open his computer and check out the files. When something went into his mind.

"Oh yeah. I need to get something in my room upstairs. I forgot my headset back there." He was talking to himself.

And immediately stand up push his chair with his butt to go out from his chair. And he rushingly walk his way to the elevator. He pressed the button with the sign of going up.

The elevator opens.

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