
Big Brother

"Stop that thief!" Dean shouted as he followed the blue-haired girl all over the village, hoping that someone would stop her for him.

His hopes were dashed as everyone just looked at her without doing anything. Dean kept running after her.

As he ran after her, he felt something change in his body. He wasn't feeling tired like he had been when he ran after the carriage.

His breath was somewhat stable after all the running he had been doing, even though he had been running after the girl for a few minutes now. He smiled when he saw that he was starting to gain some distance on her, as she was starting to slow down.

"Crap!" the girl said as she glanced behind her and saw Dean getting closer. She was starting to get tired from running for a few minutes, and she knew that she couldn't outrun him for much longer. She turned toward an alleyway on her left, activating her plan B.

Dean followed her into the alleyway and stopped as soon as he saw her looking at him. The alleyway led to nowhere, and there was a wall behind her.

"Looks like this is the end of the road for you," Dean said with a smile on his face as he started walking towards her slowly. The girl looked scared as she watched him approach, her eyes wide and her breathing shallow.

"Please forgive me," she said, her voice trembling. "I won't do that again, I promise. You can have your money back if you want." She stretched out her hand, which was holding the bag, towards him. She looked away and closed her eyes, as if she was afraid of the punishment she would receive.

Dean stopped when he arrived to where she was before he had grabbed the bag. He was about to put it back in his storage.

But before he could, someone kicked him in the back from behind, making him hit his face on the wall in front of him and drop the bag he was holding to the floor.

"Let's go now!" Dean heard the voice of another girl talking to the blue-haired one. He didn't manage to see her face as the two girls started running again after grabbing the bag of coins.

"Haha, see you later, idiot!" the blue-haired girl said to Dean before she left with her friend. Dean was furious. He stood up immediately and ran after them.

He left the alleyway and looked around. He saw the two girls running across the road to the left. He followed them immediately, his wound on his head already starting to heal.

The two girls ran for a few minutes until they arrived at an abandoned building. They went inside and closed the door behind them, not knowing that Dean was still following them.

The two girls went into a room where they were greeted by a few young girls and boys who hugged them as soon as they saw them.

"Welcome back, sisters," the two girls said as they patted the children's heads. The two girls then went and sat down, and the blue-haired girl laughed as she looked at her friend.

"That was exciting, wasn't it, Camellia?" the blue-haired girl said to her friend, who had short red hair and was wearing the same damaged clothes as her. Camellia was sitting and gasping for air, clearly tired from all the running.

"How many times have I told you not to rob young people like that, Carmen? They're so fast, and they'll catch up to you immediately!" Camellia said, exasperated. Carmen just laughed even louder and laid down on the ground, throwing the bag of coins she stole from Dean up and catching it again.

"With this, we're rich forever," she said with a smile. But her smile disappeared immediately when she heard a loud noise coming from the front door.


Everyone in the room flinched when they heard the loud noise coming from the front door. The two girls looked at each other, wondering who it was.

Camellia went to the scared children to calm them down. She didn't want whoever was at the door to find them there. Carmen stood up and opened the door slowly, looking to see who it was.

"Helloooooooooooooo?!" Dean called out, his voice echoing through the empty hallway. He was furious, and he was determined to find the two girls who had stolen his bag.

Carmen saw him and immediately closed the door. She looked back at Camellia and whispered, "It's him."

Camellia's eyes widened when she heard that. She quickly got up from the children and went over to Carmen.

"Crap! What do we do now?!" Camellia whispered to Carmen, who was standing in front of her. Just then, Dean kicked the old door of their room open, having heard it close just a few moments ago. He stormed into the room with a crazy look on his face.

"Found you!"


As soon as they saw him, everyone in the room started screaming and hid behind Carmen and Camellia, who were shaking as they stood before him.

"So this is your headquarters?" Dean said, looking around the room at the scared children. The two girls didn't say anything to him, just stared at him with frightened looks on their faces.

Dean, who was more than furious a few seconds ago, looked at the children who were afraid of him. He realized why the girls had done what they did to him, and he calmed down.

He stared at them for a few moments, then sighed and stretched out his hand to Carmen. "Just give me my stuff back," he said calmly.

Carmen looked at the kid silently for a moment, then looked at him and shook her head. "I don't have it," she said, lying to him. "We spent it all before you came here."

Dean looked at her for a few moments, then silently started to laugh. He knew that she was lying, and he pointed at her pocket, which was ripped from the front. He could see the bag of coins there.

"And what's that bag in your pocket then?" Carmen looked down to see the bag visible to him, and she stayed silent, not knowing what to say. Dean started walking towards her slowly.

The kids flinched when they saw him move, as did Carmen and Camellia, who no longer had the element of surprise on their side like they did before.

As Dean got closer, the two girls looked at each other and nodded. They took a weak fighting stance, thinking that they could take him down together.

Camellia rushed towards him first, which made Dean panic a little. He stretched out his hand and used his [Shock Waves] skill to send her flying towards the wall, knocking her unconscious immediately.

Carmen saw that and immediately stopped her attack. She fell to the ground, knowing that there was no way for her to defeat this man.

Dean, who was worried about the girl he had just sent flying into the wall, kept walking towards Carmen. He didn't show his worry on his face, but he was concerned about her. He sat down in front of her and looked into her eyes. Then, he placed his hands in her pocket and grabbed his money back. He put it in his storage immediately.

He stared at her for a few moments, shaking his head in disappointment. He couldn't believe that she had done this to him.

When he met her a few minutes ago on the street, he had a vision of them living together forever in a big house, surrounded by their children, enjoying the simple things in life like a cup of tea and a beautiful garden.

But now, all he could see was a filthy thief who had tried to take what was his without any regard for him or his problems. Even though he had stolen the money from someone he and his friends had kidnapped, he still felt betrayed.

He stood up and was about to turn around and walk out of the building when he heard the crying of the children who were standing around Camellia, who was unconscious. He stopped and looked at them, his expression softening.

"Tsk..., what an annoying situation," he muttered to himself. He turned around after seeing that sight and started heading towards her. He wanted to make sure she was okay, especially after seeing how the kids were gathered around her.

The children saw him coming and they knew that he was dangerous. They huddled together around Camellia and started to throw their shoes and toys at him, trying to protect her.

"Ouch, stop it!" Dean covered his face with his hands, trying to block the children's attacks, which were harmless but annoying.

The children panicked and started running away when they saw that they weren't able to stop him. They hid behind Carmen, who was only staring blankly at him, shaking. She had lost hope of taking him down after seeing what he had done to Camellia, and she only hoped that he would leave them alone soon.

Dean sat in front of Camellia. He looked at her chest that was barely covered immediately, and drool started coming out of his mouth. He then shook his head around as he knew needed to focus on helping her.

He placed his hand on her neck, his eyes closed in concentration. When he felt a faint pulse, he opened his eyes and smiled.

He started to wake her up by sprinkling some water on her face. She started to react, and he knew that she was coming around.

Camellia's eyes slowly opened, and she saw a face looking down at her. She thought it was Carmen, but as her vision sharpened, she realized that it wasn't her, but an unkown face.

"Where am I?" she asked, her eyes struggling to focus. Dean started washing her face with the water, trying to help her see better.

"What's your name?" Dean asked Camellia. She answered his question, but then she recoiled in horror. She had just seen the face of the man who had attacked her.

"Camellia!" she cried out, her voice filled with fear. Dean looked at her for a moment, then stood up. He saw that she was unharmed, so he started walking towards Carmen, who was still shaken but grateful that her sister was okay.

"You should have taken that silver coin I gave you, and you could have asked for more if it wasn't enough. Look at what you caused your friend to go through because of your actions," Dean said, seemingly upset. Carmen looked at the ground, clearly ashamed, and began apologizing to him.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't mean for this to happen." Dean sighed after seeing how Carmen was looking. He grabbed five silver coins from his bag and handed them to her. Then, he put the bag back in his storage.

"Here, this is for you and your sister," Dean said, handing Carmen the five silver coins. Carmen looked at the coins, her eyes widening in surprise. She couldn't believe that Dean was giving her so much money. "It should be enough to buy food for a few weeks," he said. Carmen started to cry, overwhelmed by Dean's kindness.

"Thank you so much!" Carmen grabbed the coins and started thanking Dean over and over again. The children also started hugging him, grateful that he had helped their sister. Dean smiled, happy that he had been able to make a difference in their lives.

"What's your name, big brother?" one of the children asked. Dean smiled down at the child and ruffled their hair. "My name is Dean," he said.

He looked at the kids, who were all talking at once, calling his name. Carmen and Camellia were laughing, and Dean's heart warmed at the sight.

He played with the kids for hours, enjoying their company and their laughter. Carmen and Camellia went to get some food for everyone, so they could all eat together.

Everyone was enjoying themselves, but Dean was having the time of his life. He was sitting between Carmen and Camellia, eating a delicious meal and enjoying the beautiful scenery that surrounded him. He had a goofy smile on his face, and he couldn't have been happier.

While he was spending time with the children, he learned that they were orphans who had been taken in by Carmen and Camellia. The two sisters had found them on the streets, and they had decided to give them a home, knowing that they would understand what it was like to be without one.

Dean was having the time of his life, but then he remembered something that made him worry. He looked outside and saw that the sun had moved away from where it was before.

"Shit!" Dean said, remembering his friends who were waiting for him outside the village. He had been so caught up in enjoying his time with Carmen and Camellia that he had forgotten all about them. He stood up and started running.

"Where are you going?" Carmen asked, her voice cracking. She didn't want Dean to leave, and she didn't know how to tell him that.

"I have something important I forgot to do," Dean said, his eyes sad. He didn't want to leave, but he knew he had to. The children ran towards the door behind him, their faces filled with tears.

"Come play with us again big brother!" they said to Dean, who smiled as he ran while waving at them, his heart heavy. He had enjoyed his time with Carmen, Camellia, and the children, and he wished he could stay longer. But he knew he had to go, aHis freinds were waiting for him and he had wasted so much time already.

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