
my dear princess i found you...........

with her sudden kiss mahi was amused and his face had become little glow and he rushed over to wash room and saw his blushed face ..... yes he bit her lips and their tounge is tangled and battle was done so hardly..... he enjoyed the kiss and its very sweet and he wanted it again but kavya was sleeping he thought that kavya gave this kiss in dream to him because she cleared him by making a sound in his ears .....he touched his ears and felt that ears turned in to red...

after 2 mins by controlling his emotions mahi came back to kavya bed and saw kavya was sitting in her bed ....

mahi was surprised and wanted to explain it to her but kavya take the lead and said in a humming way ....

kavya : mahidhar varma i miss you , now i understand that how much i love you .... i am sorry for our departure and i am small at that age and i am only 17 my mental stability was not so normal and i am afraid of my parents ...because i know they like you but i missed my fathers love since childhood ... a month back i got it from you... thanks for your care and love ..... i know you never left me..... in secret i also saw you ...my day begins and ends with you by seeing your photos and your actions made me to bound you more ...hubby ...form my heart i apologize you and i love you till my end ....love you mahi love you alot.....

by her sudden explaination mahi came close to her and covered his lips to her lips and rushed over to cover her ...his 3 years love had been buried in his heart and now some light was shown by kavya and now it was awake and felt like he was standing in the edge of mountain and kavya saved him like a wind from air and taken him in to the heavenly land ..... their kiss continued upto 10 minutes ....he was sucking her mouth as boy waiting to eat his favourite food .....their tongues were inter twinned and their face become red and both closed their eyes....and enjoying the melody of their love

..... ..... ....

on other side rishi and vidya were alone in that room and rishi started sharing his doubt....

rishi : ms. vidya ..

vidya : hey come on rishi why you are calling me like that , call me as vidya ...ok ....

rishi : ok vidya ..can i ask you some thing....?

vidya : sure why not...

rishi : can i know about your dollar ....?

vidya : why, do you know about this dollar ...?

rishi : not actually ..... please tell me about this dollar yar...

vidya: at my age of 8 years my friend gave to me and he made a present to me and left by giving his dollar to me...what, do you have any thing in your mind..

rishi : (in his mind) my dear princess i found you ...he exclaims with happiness and vidya stood there as a white paper

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