
chapter 4 Holding your hand till my end

There was a huge break at stadium . Speaker took the mic and said , as you know 100m male competiton was completed and the winner is in your heart and proudly announce one more thing that he is a juniour to our national player and also breaks the national's record which was setted by our idol and i happily announce Mr. mahidhar vikram varma who is our mermaid king as a winner and cheer up him with a big round of applause ...as soon as speaker stopped her words. The whole stage is shaked with audience applauses

all people eyes were at mahi but his eyes were staying at a girl who is shy to see his beautiful face and covered her face with both hands seeing him through the spaces of hands and blushed into happiness.... the competetion was completed and it was for girls, mahi went to his room to change his clothes . when speaker announced girls team to get ready all girls were quickly on their swim suit . swathi asked kavya to stay her at room and she went off .

After swathi had gone kavya lead her walk towards mahi room . mahi's fellow mate went off and he remained there single. karthik asked him permission to see swathi's competetion and he went off. some boys were excited to see girls and they ran away after getting dressed . In room he was alone and staring towards door . He wishes to see kavya , while kavya came across with his room and saw his beautiful face and blushed again . Her cheeks are red as ripened fruit . Her body passed a current and she could not walk and stare him like that .

while mahi thinking about and feels as in dreams and says Holding your hand till my end and it drops by the floor . while he was in a deep sleep ,he found a familiar scent which attracted him much and opens his eyes and stares towards door. Suddenly his mind went off and shocked to see his door way and felt like he was dreaming was that she.....

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