
I'm a Superhero, duh

The next morning I get up fairly late mainly because I was studying runes all of last night. I managed to get through three of the books but still haven't found anything of much use. The only good part of waking up late is I get to eat breakfast with everyone, Hermione usually doesn't eat early unless I do.

After we eat breakfast we grab our stuff from the dorms before heading to the library. I pull out a book I marked on ancient Sumerian runes before going to sit down at a table in the restricted section. Hermione sits with me to do some homework while Ron and Harry start searching the restricted section for the vault entrance.

Not long after we get there Theo, Daphne, Luna, and Aria join us. Theo and Daphne start to look for the entrance as well while Aria and Luna sit with us at the table. I feel bad for the searchers, the restricted section is absolutely massive, just like the rest of the library. Also like the rest of the library as long as you are searching for something a new section seemingly appears out of nowhere.

After only an hour or so of reading, I look up from my book to see Aria sitting on Luna's lap as they read a children's book together. I roll my eyes seeing I'm no longer the favorite and turn to Hermione. She is staring at her book hard going through a muggle book by a man named Nikola Tesla.

My eyes narrow at her as I read through her paper so far, "Why are you going into such detail? You know Ms. Burbage doesn't know what ohms and watts are right? She might dock you points for talking about things she doesn't know about. She knows a lot about muggles but not a 'lot' about muggles; you know what I'm saying?"

Her eyes widen a bit as she turns to me, "You think she will take points off?"

With a shrug, I look away, "Are you going to take that chance?"

Hermione sighs as she puts her head down and begins finishing up her paper. Smiling I lean back and see a familiar face approaching us.

"Mind if I join you?"

Gesturing at the open chair I grin, "Of course not, Ginny."

Aria looks up with a happy face, "Ginny!" she says in a loud whisper eyeing Ms. Pince who is already glaring our way.

Ginny smiles taking Aria from Luna's lap, "Good Morning Aria, are you reading with Luna?"

Aria's big nod causes all of us to smile, "Good Morning Luna," Ginny says sitting down next to her in the open chair.

Luna gives a small smile as she slides the children's book over to Ginny, "Good morning."

Ginny gives a wry smile, "I didn't mean to steal her."

Luna shakes her head, "It's fine, I have homework to do anyway."

Hermione finally looks up from her paper with a long sigh, "Sorry, Hi Ginny, I was just finishing up my homework."

"Don't let me stop you," Ginny says with a small smile.

"No, I'm done," she closes her book in an exaggerated fashion.

Seemingly remembering something Ginny turns to me, "Where is my brother?"

I raise my brows with a sly smile, "Oh, it's your brother you're looking for?" I ask rhetorically as I feel a soft slap on my shoulder from Hermione.

Her face blushes a bit, "Y-yeah, mom wanted to know if he would be trying out for the quidditch team this year. He spent all of the summer home practicing."

I'm actually a bit surprised at her words, I saw him practice a few times when I went over but I didn't know it was that much.

"He is with Harry, Theo, and Daphne looking around the restricted section."

She looks a bit surprised, "Wait, the cursed vault thing wasn't a rumour?"

"Is there a rumor about us looking for the cursed vault?" I ask a bit annoyed it got out so fast.

She nods, "Yeah, my brothers have been asking around about them."

I sigh, "Of course they have."

"What's are the 'cursed vaults'?" Aria asks a bit scared.

Ginny's brows furrow, "They are bad places full of bad things that people shouldn't mess with."

Aria turns to me with concern in her eyes, "Brother Soren, are they dangerous? They sound scary."

With a small glare at Ginny, I give Aria a soft smile, "Remember bad people can't hurt me, I'm a superhero after all."

Again I feel a slap on my shoulder, "Don't fill her head with weird things," Hermione says with a scowl.

I hold my chest aghast, "Are you saying I'm not a superhero? Do you know who I am?"

Hermione and Ginny roll their eyes at my sarcastic words while Aria and Luna laugh.

Gesturing at the two I give Hermione a serious look, "See they understand," finally Hermione smiles and looks away trying to hide it.

With a satisfied nod, I look around at the girls, "Oh, since quidditch tryouts are next weekend, do you wanna go to Hogsmead while Ron and Harry are gone?" Seeing Aria get a bit sad I quickly add on, "Of course we'll ask Dumbledore for permission to bring Aria as well."

"That sounds quite fun," Luna replies first looking at Ginny and Aria.

Ginny and Hermione nod along with the overly enthusiastic Aria, "We're bringing Daphne and Theodore right?" Ginny asks opening the children's book.

I nod, "Of course,"

After a few more hours they still aren't able to find the vault so they give up for the day and head to dinner. Meeting eyes with Draco as I walk into the great hall I smile, Ron and Harry still don't know that he has a shop in the twin's place yet. I'll be happy to see their reactions whenever they get to see everyone.

Saturday the shop opens and Sunday we go to Hogsmead so it should be a fun weekend. As I go to sit down I feel both arms being pulled up.

Confused I look at who is currently pulling my arms, it's the twins, "What is going on?"

They both look at me while still bringing me out of the great hall, "We found a vault."

My jaw nearly drops as I stare at them baffled allowing myself to be dragged, "You what???"

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