
Chapter 75

Nathan gestured ahead toward the main doors. They had a clear shot to freedom.

“Wait!” Sasha called in a harsh whisper, grabbing Nathan by the shoulder to stop him. The incubus pulled Nathan and Jim down close to the side of the bar, hiding them from view to the door into the lounge.

“I can get your bag. Just make yourself comfortable,” came Alex’s voice. She sounded calm, sensible, but Nathan knew her well enough to catch a tinge of panic.

Gabriel was heading back into the bar.

“I’ll get it. Really,” Alex tried again, but by the sound of her voice growing closer, Gabriel wasn’t listening.

Sasha motioned for them to move around the bar, remaining crouched and attempting to hobble forward without upsetting any of the stools. Nathan could see what must be Gabriel’s forgotten bag on the floor only a few feet from them. He could also hear the persistent sound of footsteps heading their direction.

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