
Chapter 8

“Maybe not.” Crystal was looking thoughtful. “But if her spirit haunts this room, she may have seen who the real murderer was. We should have a séance to ask her about it.”

“Excellent idea,” Katie said, without a hint of irony in her voice. I stared at her in amazement, and she whispered in my ear, “Play along—it might achieve something useful. One of these women is a cold-blooded killer, and the more we watch people’s reactions, the more chance we have of spotting the right one.”

Crystal was busy rearranging the cushions. “We’ll have to sit in a much tighter circle than last night,” she explained. “And we need complete darkness, too.” She started to snuff out the candles.

“Wait a second!” Raven hurriedly located a box of matches and a fresh, unlit candle. “I’ll hold onto these so we can put the lights back on afterwards.”

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